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Happy #caturday New stuff coming! #art #wildzoo #fantasy #historicalfiction #challenge

Happy Caturday my fellow Animals! I have been thinking of creating products of my world to sell them to fund some investments in better equipment for my worldbuilding, however, I have no idea how to market products for a story that has not yet been written and published. I am basically trying to get people interested in the story I am working on. I have some general ideas on what I could offer, such as a " WildZoo: Bundle" ... but what would have to be in that bundle to attract potential readers?   I am an artist first than a writer, and im slow playing the writing as rushing has caused me to back peddle in some of the design of the characters. Keke, as you have noticed, changed a bit. The actual story demanded it... and when worldbuilding.... it matters.   So I will be showcasing a few designs of what I have already started for these "Wild bundles" I will showcase them over the next month, and if you have any suggestions please let me know!!! Also here is some new delicious stuff!  
by Vela

Now that im done crying.. here are some updates to some of the articles enjoy.. #art #wildzoo #characterdesign #fantasy #cat

You will notice some updates to the framing of the imagery. Giving some of main characters speech bubblers that will hint at their personalities.
by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

Caturday Reads #11

Happy Caturday!   So, we're marching into the last week of Summer Camp. How did you find the Decay-theme and its prompts?   I struggled with the homework related to it, but didn't have as man problems with the prompts as I thought I'd have - I think the gold prompts were harder for me to come up with relevant ideas for.   And here's this week's featured articles:  

Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Diamond Week!

Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

Happy #Caturday ! Here are some more auspicious changes to #keke. enjoy! #cat #wildzoo #scifi #fantasy #characterdesign

As the story unfolds in WildZoo, so does my interpre, tation of the characters. The more I write, the more that becomes revealed, especially about the design. For me it has to match the story
by Vela

  this one is not lore but still cannon lol


Caturday Reads #10

Happy Caturday!
  Since I've had a fairly good day today, and certainly a much better day compared to last Saturday, I got my reading done early. There was even more new authors and worlds I didn't recognize which was really exciting. :)
  And the reading helped making me feel inspired to write again so, after taking my daily walk, maybe I'll get a prompt or two done myself. I've had no problem coming up with fitting ideas for several prompts but in the past weeks felt too drained to get much of anything done without forcing it.
  Here's a selection of the entries responsible for reigniting the spark:

Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Gold Week!

  Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!
  That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!
  * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

Caturday Reads #9

Happy Sundog! ... And belated happy Caturday!   Since I was sick and bedridden most of yesterday, I'm releasing my planned reading journal today instead. It's been fun to see so many new names coming up during the silver week and it was actually a bit difficult to pick out this week's featured reads - after sorting out the worlds that got a feature last week, I ended up deciding by dice roll for near all prompts! But don't worry, the rest are going to my trusty reading list for later features. :)   So, without further ado:  
Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Silver Week!
  Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

Caturday Reads #8

Happy Caturday!   So, first week of Summer Camp has come and gone, and people have been prolific writers as expected. Myself been taking it slow, with just one copper wave prompt out and another one still in the works.   What do you think about the newly released silver prompts? How did you like the copper wave ones? Silver wave didn't hit quite hit home with me right away the same way the copper ones did, but maybe I'll warm up to them once I've mulled over them for a bit.   I did do a lot of reading, though. As has been a personal custom for me every Summer Camp, I've gone through all prompts released so far, sped read the ones that matched my criterias* and caught my interest, and saved the ones I liked a lot in my reading list for later.   And I though: Maybe I should incorporate this in my reading journal series? Well...  

Welcome to the Summer Jazz Special, Copper Wave!

  Below is one entry per prompt that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * I speed read articles that a) are written by authors I'm not very familiar with b) aren't text walls or bullet point lists c) I don't have to strain my eyes to read e) have the community features on so I can like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

Summercamp is fast approaching! (And I got a sheet or two for y'all)

Oh gosh, this is going to be my sixth summercamp! How time flies by! I've finished today my whole homework (included the meta I've been pouting about for the past month) and I wanted to share it with y'all!

Summercamp 2024
Generic article | Jul 28, 2024

Here we go again, for the sixth time

[p[And, as you might be able to see in the article, I got a sheet for y'all! Han and I have worked together to bring you all a community spreadsheet! So feel free to grab a column and join us in the spreadsheet! (Any questions either drop a message here or search us in the WA discord)

And, if you rather a spreadsheet for only yourself, you can find one here!

#catoramblings #catochallenges #SummerCamp #summercamp #SC24 #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp2024

Caturday Reads #7

Happy Caturday! And happy Midsummer if you celebrate that!
  The weekly reading remains a bit of a challenge to keep up with as I try to juggle IRL commitments, self-care, caring for my older cat who's well... starting to get noticeably old with everything that comes with it, and getting stuff done for Rosepetal. Plus, Summer Camp is approaching fast.
  For that reason, this week's reading list entry will be on the shorter and sweeter end. I decided to go for a few settlement articles that really impressed me the first time I checked them out, and guess what? They're still really great, detailed reads.
Settlement | Jun 8, 2024

The largest city on Nisora is several cities in a trenchcoat, run by different gangs.

Settlement | Dec 22, 2022
Settlement | Dec 10, 2023

  Enjoy, and hope you have a lovely weekend!
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading

Happy #Caturday ! I forget to post alot of stuff so here is something from a few months ago #wildzoo #art #fantasy

by Vela

Iphars got 100 followers and a new face!

For the past two or so weeks, I've been hard at working with Iphars, preparing for summercamp (yes, I know I'm hella early). A few days ago, I got surprised with reaching a 100 followers in the world!

To whoever follows the world, I cannot thank you enough. I know the world is a bit on the sleepy side, since it mostly gets updated during summercamp, but this preparation I've been doing is not only for summercamp but for me to feel happier with the world and be able to work outside of events.

I've mentioned a new face! By that, I mean the hard work I've been doing in Iphars, which includes CSS changes and re-formatting. Three of the big changes are: new buttons on the bottom left of the screen, fully re-written and re-formatted introduction, and a shiny new homepage. If you wanna know all the changes so far, at the very end of this journal will be a list!

A travellers guide
Generic article | Jul 10, 2024

Learn about the basics of Iphars

Thank you again for your support! The following month (while also working on the summercamp homework) I will be working on the categories and creating a tag system for Iphars. With all this said, thank you for reading this little update and have a nice day!


A World Of Change And Recovery

A world of change and recovery. Magic and new people arrive after another world crashed into this one through portals. This is an era of adapting, surviving, and learning.

CSS changes
    • Re-work of the CSS theme.
    • Added a back to world button on the bottom left.
    • Customized the search bar and moved it to bottom left.
    • Created some social buttons: WA (which leads to World Anvil's dashboard), Skull (link to my website), Discord, and Ko-fi.
    • Customized the sidebar navigation and moved it bottom left (it's the button with an icon of a closed scroll).
    • Customized and moved the back to top button.
    • Customized the map blocks and the map page.
    • Customized the search page and the followers page.
World changes
    • Gave the world a homepage: small introduction of the world, link to introduction and world's map, recent articles, and a custom category grid.
    • Custom content on the sidebar navigation.
    • Re-wrote and re-formatted the introduction article, "A travellers guide".
    • Started a category re-work (not finished).
    • Created a new global cover.
    • Moved all old articles to a category called "Old articles" . They all need to either be written or rewritten and will slowly be moving their way (with updated content) to their correspondent category or parent article.
    • Created a Fan art article to showcase the amazing art gifts I've been lucky enough to get.
    • Created an index of the world's articles. Does not show the articles in "Old articles".
    • Wrote a global copyright footer.
    • World meta information: gave the world an excerpt, global cover, subheader, credits, description, and tags.

Caturday Reads #6

  Happy Caturday!
  Hope you're having a good weekend. Here it seems it spring got skipped over entirely and dropped us right into the hot summer, so I've been mostly hiding indoors to avoid melting - and to avoid an absolute explosion of pollen as every plant out there scrambles to catch up with the short season change.
  Finding the necessary concentration for reading, among other things, has been difficult these last two weeks. But I did manage to meet my goal for today at least and got three entries to share with you.
  First one is a shoutout to my fellow #Traveller CrazyEddie, for one of their recent articles. While they're always been good at writing compelling characters, this one stood out as perhaps the one I found having the most intriguing background and personality yet.
Character | May 24, 2024

  The next article is written by Darkseid, and is such fantastic presentation of their world and it's current state. Besides being a good read in itself, it's formatted well and the quotes are really evocative.
Aeteria the Broken
Geographic Location | Mar 25, 2024

A world torn apart in ancient times.

  The last one is written by MGatta for the Summer Camp '23 prompt "a seat of power (of any kind!)". I rarely get to see some cool and original ideas for elemental planes other than fire and shadow, but this one for the plane of air for sure was one of them.
Settlement | Jul 2, 2023

  And that was all I had for this time. Hope you all have a great week ahead of you.
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

Shattered's iceberg - What's going on in Shattered?

The lovely Mochi did one of the iceberg memes for Yonderverse and then tempted me to do one for Shattered. And so I did! Do you wanna know which things I consider more "creepy" or "obscure"? Then look at my iceberg!
#catoramblings #WorldIceberg

Caturday Reads #5

  Happy Caturday!
  Hope you all are doing fine and get to experience some nice spring weather. Here it's been pendulating between rain and sunshine, and the wind still carries a bit of that north to northwest bite. But I actually don't mind it so much. I'm enjoying the brighter days, and appreciate the cool temperatures lingering a little. I'm just not made for those toasty summers.
  Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get any reading done these last two weeks due to health issues, but had an idea for something I could share with you all. I've got quite a collection of fantastic guides written by fellow Anvilites here in my pockets.
  As it seems to become a habit, let's start with one from a #Traveller friend: Mochi. Want to expand on the natural world, it's ecosystems and the lifeforms that bind them all together? Mochimanoban released their first part of a planned series to help you do just that.
Worldbuilding Ecosystems Vol. 1
Generic article | May 16, 2024

Part 1 of a guide on worldbuilding ecosystems.

  I don't know how many times I have linked this on the discord, but, it deserves to be mentioned again. Rachel Bentz's guide on writing settlements is truly in-depth and the three parts are really well paced, starting with the big questions and then diving into increasing detail in part two and three.
Settling the Issue of Settlements
Generic article | Jun 12, 2024

The First of Three Parts of a series discussing the building of believable and Grounded Settlements in a World.

  In a similar vein, Qurilion wrote an excellent article on caste systems, that explains the concepts, provides examples, and what its place could be within worldbuilding.
Caste Systems in Worldbuilding: Crafting Compelling Social Structures
Generic article | Mar 13, 2024

What are Castes Systems and how can they enhance our worldbuilding?

  And for the last entry for this time, Morgan Biscup offers some excellent insights and tips on how to write technology that feels believeable from the lens of your world's inhabitants.
How I Write Believable Technology
Generic article | Mar 23, 2023

Thoughts on integrating technology for deeper worldbuilding, based upon my own methods.

  Enjoy, and see you all next time!
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

Keke has the worst luck when it comes to landing on her feet. #happy #caturday #wildzoo #art #fantasy #Animals #cat #meow

by Vela

Caturday Reads #4

  Happy Caturday!
  It's been a while since the last entry, but I just didn't have enough energy to do both reading and writing - so I prioritized getting my latest article about stinky babies done. Been doing a bit better the latter half of this week, so I got both my planned reading done, half an article written, and a bit of painting underway.
  As for the actual reading part of this Caturday Reads blog, I got four great articles for you this week.
  The first one is a #Traveller shoutout, from our own amazing chapter leader AwsmChimera. Their character articles always paint such vivid images of the people they're about, with how they weave text, quotes, little story snippets, art, and even morif-music together.
Calenvo: Lord of Remembrance
Character | Mar 21, 2024

  Next one is a fascinating phenomena described by PrippyMontyPoppyCock. These were one the WE'22 entries that really stood out to me, and not just for the eye-catching title. It's fun and odd and quirky on the surface, but has a such an interesting and deep explanation.
The Troll on Porridge Island
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 12, 2022

  The below articles by Kriltch have been sitting in my reading list a long time now, and I've read them before but really wanted to showcase them. They're probably among my favorites when it comes to weaving together knowledge of the laws of nature in a wholly in-universe manner.
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 13, 2023

What everything is made of

Ghoa - Magic
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 18, 2024

Control of the world

  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

#wip #sneakpeek #worldbuilding #art #wildzoo #fantasy #caturday #scifi #sky

I know you guys are gonna love it when I finish!
  Happy Caturday!

Serving a hot sweet portion of Keke personality today. Giving readers some tasty reference. #characterdesign #wildzoo #catgirl

by Vela

Caturday Reads #3

  Happy Caturday!
  How's your week been? Mine's been less than great but trying to scrape by as well as I can. Had to skip last saturday because I've just been way too sick. For the same reason, I kept this week's reading light. Let's get straight to it:
  I want to showcase another favorite from a fellow #Traveller, Elizabeth Trkova. One of their SC'23 entries about a condition that, while bad, may be a blessing in disguise protecting them from something worse.
Ina Sakhu
Condition | Jul 31, 2023

  Next up is from last World Ember, written by Catoblepon. I'm cheating a little here as I didn't exactly need to re-read it, but I really like their stuff for Daeliha.
Species | Dec 19, 2023

A dryad is a magical representation of the forest they live in, whom life is tied to the tree used in their summoning.

  Last one is by Jason Milliken, a really nice read and I liked a lot how the different paths were presented so succintly.
Profession | Mar 23, 2023

  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

WAWA submissions to consider!

WAWA voting time is upon us once more and I've submitted four things to it that I would appreciate if you took a moment to read them and maybe consider them for your vote if you liked it! I took the WAWA as an opportunity to finish and edit some of my work, and share Shattered around, to some new faces! The following links are my submissions.

While I hadn't time to edit either Meeraz or The Creator (doesn't mean I'm less proud of them!), I loved editing Manta Ray as I was a bit unhappy with its previous version; I love how it ended up though! As for the Events of the Shattered, I had it originally only half done and on private. I created a new timeline so I could properly update it to the new timelines and I loved to know more about my world's history as I was filling the gaps!

I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I loved doing them! And thank you if you consider them for the awards.

#catoramblings #WAWA2024

Caturday Reads #2

  Happy Timezones!
  This week was all hectic days and exhausted evenings, but I'm glad I managed to get my reading done and some painting too despite that.
  How was your week? Any signs of spring yet? Here we had the weather throw us for a loop with some nice sunny weather during the week, pour snow over us yesterday and letting it all melt today, so we got a nice, wet mix of slurry and mud to greet us outside. On a more positive note, I do notice actually waking up to a bright morning has improved my mood a lot.
  Today, I thought I'd showcase a favorite from a fellow #Traveller, Sh4d0wPh03n1x. A must-read if you're thinking of getting your own sustainable, flying heat source.
How Not To Get Eaten by Various Phoenixes
Item | Dec 10, 2022

A little handbook written by an anonymous Phoenix Master to help adventurers find all the phoenixes and earn their trust. Includes tips, tricks, useful and important useless information, and a good sense of humour.

  I also ended up re-reading the first three scenes of Rin Garnett' urban fantasy story The Demon of Starr Island. Words are failing me a little, but shortly said I love it and can't wait for the next part to drop.
B1.S1. Good Morning
Generic article | Nov 15, 2023

(Monstrous) (Prose) Naoise is served a crisis with his morning coffee.

  Last one is a Summer Camp '23 submission, by Tanai Cuinsear. It's a really good example of how a bit of origin and history can give something that at first sight might seem quite simple and light a lot of character.
Doorway pause
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 21, 2024

An old tradition of announcing oneself before entering a room



I'm still a bit too mentally tired to word a lot and word well, so writing is still very slow. Painting is going better though, at this rate I'll have at least one colored piece for each of my planned (and already written) species from Biegjun.

Mursamuul Cub by Nimin N.

  Have a lovely weekend, and see you next week!
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

Caturday Reads #1


Good timezones everyone!

  Welcome to the beginning of my personal reading challenge: Caturday Reads.   The plan is simple: pick a number of articles, read them through the week, and then share them in a journal entry every saturday. The last step is both for the sake of personal accountability, and because wanted to show my appreciation for all these great pieces, written by so many fantastic people, by sharing them here with you.   To keep this activity stress-free and engaging long-term, I've jotted down a few guidelines for myself:   1. I will not feel obligated to comment on articles.
2. It's okay to skip a week if I'm not okay; there's always next week.
3. I should aim to read 2-4 from my reading list every week.
4. Reading articles from new authors found on the discover tab is an optional bonus.   Let's see how it goes. And like, immediately disregard one of my guidelines by posting five entries. :-)   I'll start with two from the very bottom of my list - the 'Oldies but Goldies' - that's been sitting there from before my long hiatus between 2020-2022. (Both which I now noticed I had, oops, appeared to accidentally double-click the like buttons of - time to finally remedy that)
Condition | Aug 10, 2024

A disease and possession, the self dissolves and dark spirits fill the void.

Condition | Apr 29, 2023

How are mermaids made? And what about mermen or nonbinary merfolk? Find out here!

  Summer Camp and World Ember have always been fantastic events to easily discover new authors and worlds.
Ethnicity | Jul 31, 2023

"From the shackles of the past, we will rise."

Geographic Location | Dec 2, 2022
  I even found someone that writes in my native language! And their worldbuilding is great:
Species | Jul 9, 2023
  Hope you enjoy these as much as I did, and see you next week!  
  Please excuse the banner being added as a normal embed for the time being, a smol (already reported) bug prevents me from properly setting a header.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

"MEoooww!?" Oh no looks like Keke has gotten herself into a bag of pickles. Will she escape the Atan raider? #happy #caturday

by Vela

  Happy! #caturday #wildzoo #storytelling #worldbuilding

Reached 25k words for WorldEmber!

I had as objective to reach 10k words, as usual, but this year I've managed to reach 25k words!

And more importantly, I'm pretty happy with what I've written! They are more longer articles than I tend to write, having an average of 1,9k between all my 13 articles. And other than worldbuilding, I've even managed to write prose and do a bit of art! So, I think it's been a pretty fulfilling month!

These are the articles I've written this month:

Belanor Heleris
Character | Dec 29, 2023

A human researched whom was pursued by nightmares after he rediscovered an old Thraksar.

  #catoramblings #catonditions #worldember #WorldEmber #embercottage #worldember2023 #WorldEmber2023 #cookiecottage

WorldEmber is coming!

TJ does it better, yada yada, doesn't change the fact that it is truth, thus this month is WE prep time! And, boy oh boy, have a bunch of stuff already done!

First of all! We have the beloved homework made by WA. So far we only have the first (out of four) given but mine is ready!

Worldember 2023
Generic article | Nov 30, 2023

Worldember is coming and thus, the prep is sparking

SECOND! I'm making an unofficial challenge for this WorldEmber! But I need YOUR attention on the article that explains how it works cuz I don't get to pick the symptoms (of course its a condition challenge xD), but YOU, the reader, get to pick one of them!

Unofficial event - Mixing symptoms 2
Generic article | Apr 30, 2024

Using same symptoms, each shall write their own conditions... How much will they differ? (Part 2!) [CLOSE]

And last but not least, do you know the camps that appear on summercamp? Such as camp feral, camp dewy diamonds, camp bronze buddies, etc? Well, a bunch of anvilites were talking in the WA discord and have came up with cottages! The cottages are the equivalent of the camps but for WorldEmber and I've got one going on! Check it!

Ember cottage
Generic article | Nov 3, 2023

A cottage for WorldEmber, to share hype and love around.

  #catoramblings #catonditions #catochallenges #worldember #WorldEmber #embercottage #worldember2023

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured