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It was a busy week and I loved it!

This week has been a whirlwind of creativity, learning, and incredible discoveries. I’ve been diving deeper into custom CSS, thanks to the amazing World Anvil community on Discord, who’ve been so helpful in guiding me through the process. Next, I want to invite you to explore some fresh content in my world of Kena'an, where I’ve been working on new lore and expanding the story. Your feedback is always welcome as I continue to build this universe.   I’m also thrilled to share that I’ve begun a new world called Chronicles of Blood. This setting is a tribute to Vampire: The Masquerade- my all time favorite TTRPG. You can meet the world’s narrator, a vampire journalist named Violette Jackson, who has a unique perspective on all the events that unfold. Here is her article:
Violette Jackson
Character | Sep 18, 2024
  Finally, since this platform helped so much get out of a chronic writer's block, I’ve started publishing a manuscript that I’m really excited to share with you all! It’s been a long time coming, and I can’t wait for you to read it and tell me what you think!

Of blood and Judgement

  Wow, that was a long post! I am sorry about that. Before I go, I want to shout out some beautiful articles I’ve read recently by talented creators:  
Generic article | Sep 15, 2024

The component of a person that is a part of the Dream.

by demongrey
Luminary Institute of Performing Arts
Organization | Sep 15, 2024

Learn to sing, dance, and make people believe you meant to fall down the stairs!

by Tillerz
Organization | Sep 17, 2024
by trollpete   Thank you all for your support, inspiration, and the incredible work you share every day! #worldbuilding #author #fantasy #spreadthelove

My entry for the Institutions of Learning challenge!

I just wanted to share my entry for the Institutions of Learning challenge. I have already submitted it, but I'm still trying some staff with CSS on it. This is the first time I' m taking part in an official challenge and it is truly exciting! Writing about the Lunar Spire was a lot of fun and it also gave me the opportunity to advance my homebrew race of the Eaglors a little bit more. I hope you' ll enjoy it!
The Lunar Spire
Organization | Sep 11, 2024
#fantasy #worldbuilding #bakctoschool

New art, and a pixel art gallery to showcase it :D

I've been making lots of pixel art in early preparation for WorldEmber this year! When I was on stream last weekend, Ademal suggested that a gallery page would be a great place for people to find and view art for my world - so I made one!
Art Gallery
Meta | Aug 26, 2024

A gallery page of pixel art from Journals of Yesteryear!

  I'd love to see your gallery page(s) if you have one too!
  #Art #PixelArt #WorldEmber #WorldEmberPrep

Question for formatting....

I'm trying to figure out why exactly my side panel is showing all the way at the bottom of my al-Kanneyeh article and it's driving me up a wall LOL
  Any ideas on what I need to fix because uh...idk how it got like that.
  #WorldAnvilCSS #CSS #ArticleFormatting #Struggle

See the artistic side of yours truly....

Hello fellow worldbuilders,
  I have a treat for many of you to see concerning something about me that I've mentioned in the past. I have stated that I'm an artist with a passion for illustration and comic-style artwork. Well, below is one of my drawings that I drew several years ago. Consider this a sneak peek into what kind of visual style to expect from me (which will be refined as I'm always making improvements). With that stand, feast your eyes on my original artwork below:
by James E. Debro

  Also consider this as a signal of my future plans here on #WorldAnvil regarding my #fantasy world. that's all I'll say for the time being

The worldbuilding I've made during #SummerCamp 2024

While I'm taking a break on doing worldbuilding to recharge, I want to share the articles I've created for this year's #SummerCamp. The list below is the links to the ones that I'm very proud of, some of them you'll find actually link up to articles I've created in the past #worldanvil events:   Collens:
Organization | Sep 10, 2024

The Collens are a semi-secret organization dedicated to preserving the harmony between civilizations, helping those less fortunate, and defending the innocent from the corrupt forces. The Collens have involved themselves in the events that have affect the

Material | Jul 23, 2024
  Spirit Lance:   Holistic Conclave:
Organization | Sep 15, 2024

The Holistic Conclave are a coalition of clerics, essence rangers, essence sages, holy knights, spirit warriors, and essence artificers who are dedicated to providing healing services to many people, including the restoration of the essence of the person

  Zetham Cities:
Settlement | Aug 6, 2024

The cities of Zetham are a large collection of cities that are controlled by the Zethamites, set apart for their usage from the very founding of the nation of Gershon.

  Paratek Exoarmor:
Technology / Science | Jul 27, 2024

Paratek Exoarmor are suits of armor that are worn by paramilitary forces, law enforcement, military forces, and non-military groups throughout the realms of Aretz. They are armor technology powered by paranormal phenomena

  Ankylos (one of the beast races of my world. Easy guess about what kind...):
Species | Aug 3, 2024

Ankylos are a tribe of saurids having the distinctive features of large bony shields covering their sides and back. Their skulls have the same bony shielding fused with the underlying bones.


Discover The North

Where runes glow, giants roam, and legends are forged in ice. Fresh from revolution, this land of endless winter and ancient magic calls to the brave. Will you answer? Your saga awaits in a realm where every blizzard tells a story. #TheNorth #WorldBuilding #Nordic #Viking  
The North
Organization | Jul 30, 2024

Whipped up a brand new world for Summer Camp!

So, it is not advised to make a brand new world and make a new CSS theme in the middle of Summer Camp, but I'm incredibly extra and I did exactly that. Welcome to Habita, a sci-fi world with a very small scope, all about a mysterious abandoned space station!

  I look forward to writing more in this world, but I can't promise I will write as much in it as I do my other worlds. It's more of a fun side-project to challenge myself. Hope you enjoy!
  #mochievements #WorldShare #SummerCamp

A Hundred Brave Explorers!

The Rosepetal just got it's 100th brave explorer!   It feels like it was just yesterday I sat here writing an announcement for the 50-milestone. It's way past midnight on a sleepness night, and I should probably wait to make this post until morning when I have a few more functional neurons capable of sorting my thoughts. But you know, to heck with it. I'm humbled, amazed, happy and a little overwhelmed, and just too impatient to not type something right now.   I had plans for another giveaway at the 100-milestone, but wow, it came quite a bit faster than expected so I haven't even gotten started on it yet. Since there's, by my current standards, a lot going already right now (check out my SC'24 pledge for more details!) I'll very likely have to postpone it until at least after summer. But rest assured that once it's finished, it'll be announced in a new journal post.  
It means a lot to me to see so many enjoy the Rosepetal. A big thank you to all of you for being such excellent destroyers of brain goblins.
  #RosepetalUpdates #WorldMilestones #SummerCamp

Getting ready for Summer Camp AND starting a new world, because I guess I like stress?

It's Summer Camp time again, and just like last year I confounded myself by spawning a new world at the last minute. I'm shooting for diamond plus--that is, an article for all prompts, including wildcards, because I hate seeing gaps on my competition page. More details are in my pledge here:
Diving Deep into Summer Camp
Generic article | Aug 7, 2024

In which I sidetrack myself for the second year in a row.

  I'd link to the world itself, but there's nothing in it yet. I am intrigued by this iceberg trend, however, which I think will do a better job of introducing the Deeps. It's too new to merit a real iceberg, so here's my version. (The vertical axis is "How long I have known this".)

The Deeps' Iceberg by The Big G

  So excited to get started! #SummerCamp #WorldIceberg

State of the Manifold - May 2024 (May-be Doing New Things Edition)

Howdy all!
  I don’t have anything quippy to open with this edition, but the toasty weather of June is fast approaching, and that means it’s just about time for the monthly update post per my New Year's Resolutions. Without further ado, let’s get into the updates!
  Even though there wasn’t a major challenge in May, I spent most of this month riding high after finishing the short story Derelict Over Sapfran and used that momentum to keep working on the world surrounding it. The story of the ESCI Revelation and her crew has been bouncing around in my brain for longer than the Manifold Sky has - really, for longer than I’ve been here on WorldAnvil - so it feels comfy to get back into the swing of worldbuilding for it for awhile. Most of these articles are for various bits of tech, but I did lay the groundwork for yet another card game that would be playable in the real world. Anyways, here’s a few examples of what I’ve been cooking on this front:
  None of this is to say that I haven’t been still working on the Manifold Sky setting in the background, of course. Most of my work in May centered around aspects of the Manifold’s religious communities. I’m looking forward to doing more with the Manifold Sky once Summer Camp 2024 rolls around; I find the prompts do a good job of getting the creative juices flowing where otherwise I’d be distracted by other projects. Here’s a few of the Manifold Sky articles I’ve been working on:
  Anyways, that’s all for today. Every time it gets warm, I get excited for the #SummerCamp Challenge more than almost any other event on WA except #WorldEmber. Are you planning to participate in SC24? Let me know what you think in the comments, and good luck on your worldbuilding efforts in June!
  Regards, BCGR_Wurth

Let's talk about the #WorldIceberg trend!

Greetings, friends! Lots of us have seen and participated in the recent #WorldIceberg trend, kicked off by Mochi, and my experience with it really stuck out to me! I'm currently in the process of scripting a Youtube video on the subject of this iceberg trend— my first video in years! Now, I'm seeking community perspectives to make it all come together!

Submit your content to be featured!

If you're interested in having your iceberg featured and/or to share some commentary of your own on the topic, please fill out this Google form before May 31st at 11:59pm EST! Thank you, and I can't wait to dive back into the world of Youtube again!
#TheOwlworks #WorldIceberg #AnviliteVideoCouncil


I finally made a version of this meme taking place in Moskova. There are many things more but I tried to keep it the most summarized and spoiler free, but some spoilers were unavoidable hehe #WorldIceberg

Iceberg ahead!

I know I'm late to the party, but I made one of them fancy iceberg thingamabobs for my world and I might as well share it.


...Do I have too much lore

I saw the icebergs several days ago and I might be too late to join in but I already made one, so...
  It's kind of a lot, honestly, and this isn't even everything. I did have a lot of fun making it though.

Yes, I also did one

  #WorldIceberg #OffendersNeighborhood

Behold!! Berg

I'm in love with the #WorldIceberg trend Mochi started!
  I decided to paint my own berg for uhh, some reason?? I'm not great at painting, especially digitally, but I like how it turned out and had fun making it.
  Topics are very high-level and arranged based on in-universe knowledge. The more information likely available on a topic, the higher it is. Lines and other markers connect related topics to make it part conspiracy board. The planet icons on the right indicate how much is generally known about each planet. They're not labeled, so if you (understandably) don't recognize the icons, head on over to talos' homepage :D
  I don't yet have the article content to support all my bergy claims, so you'll just have to trust me until I manage to write everything.

Fine... I'll bite... #worldiceberg

idk who started this, when, or anything.... but since I keep seeing it I wanted to join in. Ther ere things on there that even I don't know.... they belong in the depths of the sea, but I don't have a picture that large so...
  It has been fun seeing these ice bergs floating around, mostly because i'm not on a boat.

Guess I'll do it too! (Vreathe Iceberg)


Icebergs for everyone! Great idea Mochi...

by Ononomad, with Midjourney


Oh Yes

Fun little way to showoff some deep lore! Working on another project, its a mini book, a novella really, but here we go again while the brain worms worm away. Y'all ever just get an idea in your head and think to yourself. Well this is a bit bigger than I wanted, but I'm doing it anyway?  

Hark, an Iceberg!

Hello everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, not bringing an update from the wastes of Vasara just yet (I'm almost done collecting the information for my next article!). I have witnessed the rise of a certain bandwagon-y trend today and just had to join in! Not everything here is written about (yet), but it probably* will be eventually. Till the next one,  

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #WorldIceberg #Vasara

Jumping on the Iceberg train! Here's mine for the Chronicles of Hysal!

To be honest, i had a bit of a hard time to pick and choose what to put on and where/how deep it should go, but i had a lot of fun doing it anyways. Here goes!

The Rosepetal Iceberg

I decided to jump on Mochi's bandwagon and make a world iceberg for Rosepetal. :) Was a fun but somewhat difficult little exercise.

  #WorldIceberg #TheRosepetal

Yeia's Iceberg

Mochi and Catoblepon tempted me to do a Yeia's iceberg after I saw their amazing World Icebergs.
  I hope you can read and understand my letter and find it interesting. There are many obscure questions that need to be answered as you can see!.

  #WorldIceberg #Yeia

Shattered's iceberg - What's going on in Shattered?

The lovely Mochi did one of the iceberg memes for Yonderverse and then tempted me to do one for Shattered. And so I did! Do you wanna know which things I consider more "creepy" or "obscure"? Then look at my iceberg!
#catoramblings #WorldIceberg

The Malkora Iceberg!

Shoutout to Mochi for starting this idea! This was actually such a good way to put my world themes in writing! How deep does your world's iceberg go? :D  

Like my themes? Come follow Malkora!


Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

With much of its history lost to the calamitous discovery of magic, Malkora is a world in which humanity was, and continues to be, pushed to rebuild and evolve alongside an ever-changing world.

#Malkora #TheOwlworks #WorldIceberg

Yonderverse Iceberg of Madness

I made this silly little thing to represent the creepier, spookier, more mysterious side to my world, and the farther down, things get creepier, spookier, and even more mysterious. And in doing so, it made me realise that I need so much more of this! I'd also LOVE to see people make their own versions of this for their worlds!  
  #WorldIceberg #mochievements

I was nominated!

My article, Leylines, has been nominated for the Wondrous Nature Award! I would be so honored if you would spare a vote for me in this final round!   I may have only caught one nomination, but I did create graphics for every category that all nominees are welcome to save and share! Best of luck, and immense congratulations to everyone whose name got called for the nominee pool!
Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Nominee Gallery
Generic article | Apr 15, 2024

#WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #IWasNominated #TheOwlworks

#wip #sneakpeek #worldbuilding #art #wildzoo #fantasy #caturday #scifi #sky

I know you guys are gonna love it when I finish!
  Happy Caturday!

Can you guess this pokemon? #characterdesign #wildzoo #fantasy #worldbuilding


12 hours left in Magic March!

I'm writing this as I listen to Attack on Titan by Hiroyuki Sawano and the hype is getting me!

There are 12 hours left in this challenge y'all! Can you finish your entries by then? No worries if not! I'll have a special honorable mention/late entry category that will still get you featured on the article! Just comment on the article below, or ping me in the WA discord! (@sunnybirdboi | Tethered Realms)

Magic March 2024
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

Welcome to March, which is Unofficial Challenge Month!

I can't wait to judge all these entries (we're at 33 so far) and I'm sure gonna have my work cut out for me! I've glanced at articles so far, and I can't wait to give these the proper love and adoration they deserve. Keep an eye on your comments for badges on April 7th, and I'll see you all on the other side!

#worldanvil #unofficialchallenge #magicmarch #sharethelove #magicmarchunofficialchallenge

My Submissions to the WorldAnvil WorldBuilding Awards

Though I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, I decided to enter all the categories I was eligible for. Check them out in this brief summary article. #WAWA2024 #WorldBuildingAwards  
World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2023
Generic article | Jun 8, 2024

Voting is Now Open! Check Out the Submissions!


My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

I hope a few of these works and their bespoke art (done by yours truly) fit your fancy, and you consider voting for zany audio dramas, hacker kings & an AI holding the secrets of the world away from corporate overlords!  
  • Best Worldbuilding Article Wax Wing Season 1
  • Hearts & Minds Demyan Anastas
  • Rise of Nations Haveni
  • Myths & Legends Conglomerate Bio Machs
  • Pillars of Progress Crypt.AI
  • Wondrous Nature Amortality
  • Strength & Honour CGM Militia
  • #wawa2024 #worldbuildingawards2024

    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

    Hello everyone!!! I've elected to participate in the #WorldbuildingAwards2024, and posted the entries I selected below. I hope you enjoy the articles! #WAWA #WAWA2024
    My Worldbuilding Entries
    Generic article | Mar 21, 2024

    Hello, everyone!!!! With the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards in full swing, I've decided to put some of my work as entries for the Awards

    #WorldbuildingCon 's Keynote speaker has written 50 novels & sold over 17,000,000 books! Starts 12pm Eastern / 4pm UK TODAY!
    Who else is over-excited about #WorldbuildingCon this weekend?! :D
    I just had a phone call with R.A. Salvatore- he’s really nice! #WorldbuildingCon

    Learning about #worldbuilding & #WorldbuildingCon!

    With #WorldbuildingCon just around the corner this weekend - what are you most excited about learning and even more importantly...

    If you have a gap on your worldbuilding knowledge - what would that be? What is the thing you'd like to know more about?

    I'm making a new BWAH video for World Anvil in preparation for #WorldbuildingCon! SO MANY EXPLOSIONS!

    "MEoooww!?" Oh no looks like Keke has gotten herself into a bag of pickles. Will she escape the Atan raider? #happy #caturday

    by Vela

      Happy! #caturday #wildzoo #storytelling #worldbuilding

    Revisiting the Nominees from the Worldbuilding Awards 2022!

    With the release of the new #WorldbuildingAwards2024 event page, it's a good time to look back on past #WAWA nominees and their submissions, as we scramble to put together our own for this year!
      Last year, for the #WorldbuildingAwards2022, I made a collection of graphics for each of the awards and their respective nominees, and now I present the gallery of them all! It's a little silly that I didn't do this sooner, but there it is!
    Worldbuilding Awards 2022 Nominee Gallery
    Generic article | Apr 14, 2024
    Also, a note: gosh, so many people on this list became sages in the past year! I had to workshop so many URLs to dodge 404s from outdated slugs!
      Wishing all of my fellow worldbuilders luck with choosing your submissions this year! Just choosing what to submit is already a battle I'm not fully prepared for!
    #TheOwlworks #WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #WAWA2022

    A quick look at the Ages of a world!

    I'd like to share you a brief overview of the 5 Ages of Vitallia. Each age features a small body of text and an image. My campaigns take place in the 5th Age, and anything my players do is canon, and thus, are automatically added to World Anvil's Timelines! Check out the article here:
    The Ages of Vitallia
    Generic article | Nov 29, 2023
    Follow the world of Vitallia here:

    Created by Angelos Kyprianos

      #vitallia #worldbuilding #campaign2024 #meteortalesrpg

    *NEW* Yonderverse Cover! For the last time! Maybe!

    I swear to god I'm actually finished with this iteration of the Yonderverse cover. Can't say it won't get remade in a few years, but for now I'm done! I am in love with this. I don't like to pat myself on the back that much, but I am really proud of this and I think it came out wonderfully. This is a thank you for two hundred followers on my world and all the support I've received these past few years on World Anvil. I would not be here if it weren't for you guys. I am truly so honoured that I've been able to inspire people in this community, as you lot have done the same for me <3   Sorry for making this post twice! Forgot to add a header image, and that's the whole point of this journal post LOL - aaand it did not work, sorry to waste y'all's precious notifications! D:  

    A bright and bustling universe, made with love

    Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

      #mochievements #worldshare #ireallywantathirdhashtag

    WorldEmber's Best Body of Work!

    I am so beyond touched that Solaris was voted Best Body of Work for Worldember 2023! Thank you so much to everyone who voted!
      It's wild to think that Solaris is about to wrap up its second year. What started with a dream of a war against the sun, is now the biggest project I've ever worked on! I've never experienced so much love and excitement for something I'm working on, and to think it would be with one of the genres I've been most scared to write!
      Check out what Skye and I wrote for Worldember!
    Worldember 2023
    Event | Feb 1, 2024

    An overview of everything written by Annie and Sky for Worldember 2023.

      As for 2024, I'm hopeful this can be a year of new challenges and new horizons! I've set up a small hub for Solaris on Tumblr, and I want to continue being active on Bluesky. Come join me, and let's show the rest of the world what they've been missing out on!
    #Worldember2023 #nniews #milestone

    Today's dark & grim article - Introducing the Bone Wheels of Rose!

    The Bone Wheels of Rose serve both as a spectacle and as a means of public execution. Read more here:
    The Bone Wheels Of Rose
    Tradition / Ritual | Dec 23, 2023

      Also don't forget to follow the world of Vitallia here:
      #worldember2023 #WorldEmber2023 #WorldEmber #worldember #fantasy #whatIamReading #Fantasy #anvilspace #holiday


    As #WorldEmber2023 reaches its close, it's time for to choose our favorites, and I can't just let that go by without shouting about a few of the articles I'm proud of.   This year I fleshed out the corners of Ethnis dedicated to body modding, especially regarding how furries and other anthro-identifying people exist in a transhumanist society. It's one thing to buy some new traits and organs, it's another to use those traits to not just extend who you are, but to self-actualize the creature which has always lurked in your mind and beneath your flesh.   These are the articles related to this topic.  
    • Anthros are what you call Transmogs with high aspirations towards becoming beastly
    • Wetware is all the squishy fun of sculpting your anatomy into something new
    • Wetware Drivers will make your neck itch
    • Soluma is a story about a very good dog
    • Psioware Drivers are the combination of Wetware and Soluma to create souls that work as wetware drivers
    Articles marked with a ★ are especially good, in my humble opinion. Worth a like, or even a 'Best Of' recommendation, perhaps?
    If nothing else, I hope you enjoy reading. I look forward to seeing what characters you make ♥   — Jacklyn  
    Canine Soluma by MidJourney

    When life gives you potatoes...

    I've come to the realization that I am probably not going to have the time this month to write a lot, which means that a New Year's resolution article is seeming unlikely at this point.
      However, to make up for that, I'm going to like and comment on as many articles as I can, especially because everyone put out so much quality writing during WorldEmber that NEEDS to be acknowledged.
      And in case I haven't said it already, a wonderful new year for one and all. May 2024 be even more productive for you than 2023 was!

    December Update + WorldEmber 2023: Wrap-Up!

    I know, I know, I've been telling this not long ago. I was so excited when only the time I needed to publish and notify my last work, was seconds before midnight. So, once again, Happy New Year!

    WorldEmber Wrapped Up

    As you know, #worldember2023 is over, and I hope everyone have finish the goal! This year I managed to publish 14 articles with a total of, according to the main page, 11,939 words. Compare to 7,203 words last year with 11 entries, I'd say this year is a total success.

    Due to my strategies, I have another 13 unfinished articles that I intended to finish according to my pledge back in November, but didn't make it on time. Meaning that I've written 24 articles, but over half was unused. I think I've to redo my workflow next time.

    On the bright side, I've finished 2 plots - Quest for the Power Stone and Might of the Power Stone!. I was satisfied by these two plots, despite how rushed the latter was, since them and the Wrath of the Power Stone I did last WorldEmber, are the main world storyline of Terraloga during 2019-20. I finally completed the world's biggest goal, and I'm feeling better than ever!

    You can find my full list of all finished articles on my main page, when I crossed the threshold of WorldEmber 2023!.

    2023 Update

    To be honest, it's one of the most chaotic years ever. I lost my friend, I lost my jobs twice, and I was about to lose my house to the bank within months. I'm completely lost, and if I don't do everything within the next months from now, I'll lose everything.

    Nevertheless, there's a good side to the story. I've been through art communities, and I've been very happy. They were very supportive, I got new friends, and most of all I was able to do art commissions for them. I've found the way to make money, and if I continue to focus on those, I would solve this crisis in no time.

    Have you face any crisis and how you solved them? If you're okay to tell, I'll listen.

    January Plan

    And with that folk, another success goal in my last year resolution. My mission to post monthly update for a whole 2023, has come to an end! I don't want to make it for another year no more. I've ruined my posting schedule every month, and I wish I'd never do it again. It's over....
    Or has it?

    • Stub Out by Catoblepon
    • Growing as an artist
    • Making Youtube channel

    I will show 2024's goals on my resolution article, along with a review of my last year to see what I've accomplished. Stay tuned!



    Happy New Year and Worldember everyone!

    I had a fun Worldember this year. I hit many but not all of my goals, but there is nothing to stop me from going to back to the unwritten topics later.
      I am happy that I came in 9th place by word count. Last year I don't think I made the top ten and Nine is a lucky number in Scarterra.

    World Ember 2023 Wrap-Up

    A Fire Dragon
    A Fire Dragon by Midjourney

    #WorldEmber Success!

      Despite massive holiday overtime, a crazy commute, and a few weeks of Covid, I was able to complete my World Ember goals. I do wish I had more time to add additional details to the plot outline for my novel. I also wanted to do more Comment Carolling than I was able to achieve, but overall I am happy that I was able to participate in this event.  

    Completed Articles For The Dragonstar Sagas

    Heart of The Half-Dragon Plot Outline
    Arcaic Spellcasting
    The Syntax War
    Captain Claw and The Marauders
    Arastoo, The Eternal Archivist
    The Power of Ten
    The Escapist's Fantasy
    Voluntary Shutdown Syndrome

    Completed Articles For The Drow Agenda

    The Flame of Sword of Lloth
    The Demon Queen's Gate
    Download The Data
    Vhaeraun's Offer
      Here's the final version of my World Ember 2023 Pledge Article, including article blocks for the articles that I wrote and the Inspiring Articles that I was able to Comment Carol for.

    WE Summary

    Happy new year everyone!   I hope you all had fun with #WorldEmber2023 whether or not you were successful in writing as much as you wanted!   This month I managed:
  • to get the 25k words badge
  • to write an article for all templates apart from language, prose, and plot
  • to do a lot of art (even if the pen of my graphic tablet broke on the last day D: )
  •   My favourite articles I wrote this month this month were:
  • Mineral vs organic magitech, an article that set the basis of my solarpunk magic/technology in this world, which then allowed me to write a lot of cool technologies like a variation of internet anchored in the mycelium of a fungi
  • A wall painting competition that you participate in with your neighbours and all the fierce rivalries around it!
  • A flyer from the city council trying to convince people to be nice with the local asshole bird!
  • A little kitten menace that has somehow found its way to the Dark Lord's manor.
  • A kidnapping announcement written by enemies to taunt my empire
  • Globally, I'm very satisfied with how far I've managed to advance my new world, with writing a lot about their solarpunk magitech and their culture :D   You can find the full list of the articles I wrote and a few words of presentation for each here: WorldEmber 2023.   Some of my new art:
    Map of the Empire of Arboise by AmélieIS
    Golden pricker by AmélieIS
    Quanahr by AméileIS

    WorldEmber 2023 Wrap-Up

    Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed their goals for #WorldEmber2023 and congratulations also go out to everyone who got any words at all written. You have more than you started December with!   I successfully earned my 25K badge and I'm very happy with the worldbuilding that I got done. I intentionally focused on stomping out stubs and intentionally avoided picking up a Dimi Mission. I have a lot of background characters and foundational information to get written down, and WorldEmber is definitely the perfect time and place for it.   I'm super proud of the articles that I wrote at the beginning of WE for the Can Opener and at the end for Sgt. Yahn Sunder. The Can Opener has been a villain in my campaigns for the past year, a herald of a much larger threat. Sgt. Yahn Sunder has been taking up more and more space in my head as a new POV character and I'm enjoying fleshing him out.   I'm going to start going through the articles I'm judging in the Ethnicity Special Category. As of now, there are only 98 entries! I'm looking forward to the lighter work load this time!   I'm gong to write my NYR article shortly and I'm looking for articles to read outside of my challenge category. What are your favorite articles that you've done this World Ember? Share them, I'd love to read them!   #WoWP #WorldEmber

    WorldEmber wrap-up, a secret and a Happy New Year!


    Finishing WorldEmber went almost smoothly, with almost meaning that obviously the entire website will be deleted and rolled back two days before the deadline. Or that things will start breaking. The universe has spoken!

    That being said, I finished the competition with a large scale military conflict started by a boy now erased from history, and a short (3.6k+) WIP article about Breadmaking. All three will be given more love in the coming weeks, the breadmaking article in particular if I remember to make some good quality photos.


    Final thoughts

    Planning is definitely essential for me and with all the unexpected and attention-demanding stuff popping out throught the month I understand, more than ever the needs for it. It will be rough, but I'm hoping to introduce even more planning into my writing/life schedule. This week I'll be gathering my strenghts and resting and somewhere in the next week will be posting my plans for the January, traditionally including the Reading Challenge.

    There is just one more shameful secret I have to share, but that will come after Worldember. It may be one of the reasons I struggled a bit with finding time for writing.
    — Angantyr

    The little secret

    And that was starting Duolingo a week before WorldEmber. With all fairness I did not think it anticipate it would stick so well. The plan was to learn Scottish Gaelic since the this WorldEmber was centered round a Celtic-like culture and Scottish Gaelic is my placenamer language of choice. After a month, though, after successfully finishing #worldember2023 and advancing to the Amethyst League I can sum it up the efforts to: Obh obh... Chan eil i cho dona ach mi gu math sgìth.


    Happy New Year, everyone!

    A new month, a new year, and a fresh reminder to back up all of your worldbuilding progress from WorldEmber! :D

    Good morning friends, it is a new month, a new year, and a new opportunity to get in some great habits!
      This is your reminder to back up your worldbuilding!
  • go to your API keys
  • create and copy a key to your clipboard (or reuse the one you've already been using for backups) have been backing up, right?
  • go to your world config, click Open tools & advanced actions
  • open the export world panel and click Export world
  • which will take you to here:
  • fill out the form and paste your key, then click Start
  • it might take a little while, so leave the tab open while it does its thing (mine took 15-20 mins) - the page will update with a notice when it's done!
  • check your email, congrats! that .zip is now in your Google Drive!
  • download the .zip and back it up in a secondary location (like Dropbox or something)
  • bonus step: set a recurring reminder for next month!

  •   #WorldAnvilTips #TJsTopTips

    WorldEmber 2023 - 25k reached!

    At the beginning of WorldEmber, I decided to shoot for 10k words - I've had a daily goal of 300 words, and by upping that to 325 I was pretty sure I could make that happen. I'm happy to say that I made my goal early, and then continued on to reach a final total of 27,191 words across 108 articles. I also joined the new #ArticlesAnonymous chapter, and I am very thankful for all their support during this challenge and looking forward to our future endeavors as a chapter. Happy New Year to all!

    Slid in to over 10k just before the lock.

    Despite everything that has been going on this month for me, and the cherry on top, getting and still dealing the flu 2 days before the deadline, I made it.   Completely rewrote and expanded. The Leodora Exploration Society.
    The Leodora Exploration Society
    Organization | Jan 2, 2024
    Two stupid impractical weapons.
    Hadean War Scythe
    Item | Dec 26, 2023
    Polyp Gun
    Item | Dec 31, 2023
    And finally, this wall of text, that still needs a ton of work to make it readable and interesting. but by God, I was hitting that goal.
    Deadlight Survival Guide
    Document | Jan 2, 2024
      Okay, time to go back into a NyQuil coma, and see everyone in 2024.   #WorldEmber #sciencefantasy

    I wrote 32K Words in one month!

    I honestly did not think i was going to write this much, as i had even hesitated to put my objective at 25K, worried i wouldn't be able to reach it. Well, it seems i blew past it. What a nice way to finish off the year!
      Speaking of which: Happy new years 2024! May it be filled with inspiration and lots and lots of nice worldbuilding words.
    I cannot believe how many words I managed to write this #WorldEmber2023. Thank you to everyone how made it a memorable one!

    #WorldEmber finale

    I just finished with 25,500 words! I didn't expect to make 25K, just 10K, so wow!   You can see my finished article list here.   I wrote on Greenglimmer, the new location for my Evenacht serial. All articles are relevant to the book, and my goal was to make certain they were polished.   Looking to the future and a wonderful 2024!   #DarkFantasy  
    umbrareign copy2.jpg
      ****   Have a wonderful New Year!   Kwyn

    Well, I *did* think I was done.

    I really did think I was finished, and then I wrote a pretty big article fleshing out the religion for one of the peoples/communities I hadn't done yet. D: But I started and it just was flowing, so, 2,000 words or so later.... here it is! And of course now I'm cranking out the details and deities themselves. :D The gap between 25k and 50k words feels insurmountable, but I definitely passed 25k far on accident ;). Keep writing everyone!
    Aethertide Pantheon
    Organization | Jan 29, 2024

    The primary religion of the Ryold and the Marches.

      #worldember #worldember23 #religion #pantheon #worldofsevenseas
    I reached 10k goal seconds before 2024, and I felt incredibly great! Happy New Year! #WorldEmber #WorldEmber2023

    WorldEmber and Dimi Mission Complete

    I've just posted the final settlement I wrote for my #DimiMission and my final article for #WorldEmber2023 in general. The latter is a prose piece I was challenged to write by SecondhandSamurai, CassieStoryweaver, and Janet Forbes after I noted a particularly catchy phrase during the October 7, 2023 World Anvil Twitch Stream. #worldember2023
    WorldEmber 2023: Dimi Mission
    Generic article | Feb 4, 2024

    In which Dr. Anvil challenges E. Christopher Clark to write about the cities of Eden during WorldEmber 2023.

    Something Between a Conversation and Death
    Prose | Dec 31, 2023

    "What is life?" a Bekiskapan philosopher once asked. This story is his answer.


    2023 Wrap-Up

    Well, everyone. World Ember is drawing to a close as is 2023. Another year has gone by already. I don't know what the next year holds, but I'm sure it'll be full of as many ups and downs as this year.   I had a several goals for 2023, I'm not sure if I was able to accomplish any of them. (I forgot about them when February rolled around.) But there's always next year!   I had a blast this year being able to take part in the official and unofficial challenges. A special thanks to those who were willing to have unofficial challenges. (Maybe that's something I'll do this next year.)   Summer Camp and World Ember have been some of the most fun writing challenges I've done. I was able to expand a couple of my collaborative worlds during SC, and I started a new one! WE went very well. I accomplished my goal of 10K and I expanded my new world by a fair bit. There's still a lot that I need to work on, but I think I have a pretty solid foundation for it.   I'm still not 100% sure where to go next this new year, but I have a few ideas. (I hope you all look forward to them) Soon I'm hoping to expand each of my worlds and maybe publish my first manuscript! I don't know when, but it's somewhere in my schedule.   Before I go, I would like to say congratulations to all those who were able to accomplish their goals! And even those who didn't, I'm so happy and proud of you anyways! I hope this next year, brings so many more great writing memories!   Thanks to all who likes or reads or follows my work. Thank you so much! It means the world to me. Of course, a huge thanks to my collaborators, without their encouragement and advice I don't know where I'd be.   And thank you, to everyone who read this rather long and rambling post. Have a Happy New Year and Best Wishes to You in World Building!   #worldember2023

    Monster Hunting!

    I think I can finally say this article is complete! Monster Hunting was the first article I submitted to WorldEmber, so I have spent some extra time making it all shiny and awesome. I hope you enjoy reading this, it was super fun to make! <3 Can't wait to check out other worlds in the New Year's Resolution's Challenge, a great portion of my entry will go towards showing off worlds that inspired me this WE!  
    Monster Hunting
    Tradition / Ritual | Apr 14, 2024

    The rich folk of Daglaci are melting the ice that holds up each and every city on the planet. The poor are forced to clean up their mess, when monsters from below emerge to slaughter the entire planet's population.

      #worldember2023 #worldember #articleshare #mochievements   (sorry for making two global posts and two notifications! My WiFi sabotaged me >:(

    WorldEmber and the Stubocalypse

    With 26k words and 118 enhanced stubs written, I am declaring my WorldEmber finished. I have had an absolutely amazing time this WE, and it more than makes up for the failures of the previous two years. XD
      I am about three quarters of the way through the Atlas category and looking forward to continuing to work on it. It's been so lovely having my creativity and excitement back.
      I haven't been notifying this WE, but if you are interested in what I have been working on, they are all linked at the bottom of this article:
    WorldEmber 2023
    Generic article | Dec 30, 2023

    A pledge and preparation for WorldEmber 2023.

      Thank you all for all the amazing reads this WorldEmber too! It has been a delight! :)
      #WorldEmber #stubocalypse

    #worldember2023 The Calri High Command organization is here.

    The Calri High Command


    Wooo! Just finished all my text for WE and published the last article! I was supposed to draw a lot this month as well....but.....I started playing Baldur's Gate 3. So I didn't get my drawings done. XD I'll draw them later instead. :3...did some character designs for Dana at least. This image won't be in their article. XD; Those have to match, and this one doesn't match my other character article images. XD;;   Anyway, how is your WorldEmber going?  
    Character | Apr 12, 2024
          #worldember2023 #rekiorbitalspacestation

    #worldember2023 Item category complete! The Ga'Tharai Ring is ready to protect the Emperor's servants.

    Ga'Tharai Ring

    #WorldEmber2023: A Lesson In Adaptability

    They Don't Ask How, They Ask How Many!

    As I am forever reminding my loyal viewers, self care is urgent care. As the sun has faded, I have found myself reacting like the trees and shedding the small things to ensure I have the strength and energy to deal with the big things. I finally achieved the minimum 10,000 words necessary to conquer the WorldEmber challenge, even though I did not reach my start-of-event goal of 50K. To be honest, I let go of that pretty early in the month when it was clear that work pressure coupled with my seasonal depression would make such a goal just too much added strain.

    Still, I believe in the old adage, "Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." And so, even though I knew I probably wouldn't achieve 50K, I still set myself the goal so that 'only' achieving 10K would feel like landing among the stars. I did this with the hope that any achievement would feel good at this point in the season.

    I was right, this feels amazing!

    I spent my efforts mostly in generic articles, exploring some of the people and events that I've been ignoring for a while, but that are proving to be absolutely critical to the functional plot of my novel. Just the rambling sorts of detail dumps that precede proper character developments. Here are all these random facts that I know, so that I can dig into the why behind them at a later time.

    I also filled in the largest portion of an article I call "Shit Everyone Across Argentii Knows," so that I have a reference for this general hazy timeline of ages and ages of history. It's less relevant for the novel, but critical for organizing my thoughts and will become the outline for the primer that I'll be working on in the coming weeks.

    Which brings me to a quick glance at the question...

    What's Next?!

    Well, in addition to continuing to prep for my new Worldbuilding Through the Tarot class that I'll be teaching at GenCon, I'm going to be spending some time revamping both my WA home page and my Patreon offerings. The former needs to be friendlier and more informative for new visitors, and the latter needs to be rewritten to incorporate the new content that I have planned for 2024.

    I'm also planning to dig into my CSS and also explore some of the Grandmaster features I've yet to play with.



    So I was going to try and finish #WorldEmber2023, however I have been having pretty bad mental health issues this month, so I have not been able to really work on articles as much as I wanted to. But I have been trying to take care of myself so that's the most important part. <3 I'm proud of what I did get down tho.

    New art for Malkora!

    I don't think I've ever been able to say this during WorldEmber before, but Malkora has new art! Some excellent little sketches cooked up during this week's streams — our final final push stream is tomorrow at 11AM EST!
    by Strixxline
    by Strixxline
    See them in action over in Malkora's brand new world primer, which I'm now declaring complete!! At least.. until after WE where I find things to change bahahaha!
    Savelan Geography Lesson
    Generic article | Sep 14, 2024

    An introduction to the world of Malkora, from a Savelan perspective.

    #WorldEmber2023 #TheOwlworks #Malkora #WorldEmber #Art #WorldPrimer #AnviliteStreams

    Last W.E. entry for me

    Made the last World Ember entry from myself.
      "Let's go fishing for a big one"

    I finally hit 10k words for #WorldEmber2023

    As I properly started it just after Christmas, I didn't think I would manage it, to be honest. I've needed to do these articles for ages, because they relate to my ongoing #Fantasy manuscript Skirmishes and Schisms.
      It's oddly Winter-themed, but not out of choice as such! It just happens to be that S&S is during Winter. Anyway, head to My WorldEmber Page if you want to find out more.
      Hope you all have a good new year and all the best for those still finishing off #WorldEmber.
  • FJ Brodie

  •   #ChroniclesOfQalath #fantasy #worldember2023

    #worldember2023 Tradition complete! The Iljrain Reflection. Looking forward to completing the item: Ga'Tharai Ring.

    @The Iljrain Reflection

    #worldember2023 profession category complete! The Iljrain will guide the Calri.


    Reached 25k words for WorldEmber!

    I had as objective to reach 10k words, as usual, but this year I've managed to reach 25k words!

    And more importantly, I'm pretty happy with what I've written! They are more longer articles than I tend to write, having an average of 1,9k between all my 13 articles. And other than worldbuilding, I've even managed to write prose and do a bit of art! So, I think it's been a pretty fulfilling month!

    These are the articles I've written this month:

    Belanor Heleris
    Character | Dec 29, 2023

    A human researched whom was pursued by nightmares after he rediscovered an old Thraksar.

      #catoramblings #catonditions #worldember #WorldEmber #embercottage #worldember2023 #WorldEmber2023 #cookiecottage

    It's the final countdown! Too roo roo roo!

    As we approach the 48 hours mark until the end of #worldember2023 I would like to wish everyone on the last leg of their quest the best of luck - Stay consistent, stay hydrated and ask for help if you need any.

    Worldember 2023 - Success!

    Got it done!
    Well, I met and exceeded my goal for my first "real" Worldember. Last year I vaguely knew it was a thing but didn't really engage or make much progress, so my goal for 2023 was to actually make it to 10k words. Since I've gotten over 27k with two or three days left to play around, I'm feeling pretty great! And I love seeing all of the community stuff going on. I haven't had time to delve deeply into other people's worlds or I wouldn't be making any progress on my own, but I'm so looking forward to reading some of the stuff everyone has come up with in weeks and months to come.   My Goals
    I'm also excited to say that participating in Worldember prep in November and setting goals gave me the push and motivating I needed to flesh out some parts of my world history I had been procrastinating on. There's still a lot to do, but I was able to go in and put names and dates to some things that previously hadn't had them, and jot down real notes for things to work on in the future. I may have realized that I prefer people and character-focused worldbuilding to conflict and history heavy, but that just means I'll have to find a way to write those things through the lens of people to make it happen!   My Favorite Article
    The Dreaming
    Tradition / Ritual | Dec 6, 2023

    The ritual undergone by followers of the Senary before they take full vows to the Clergyhood.

      The Most Goal-Focused Thing I Wrote
    A History of Delryn
    Generic article | Dec 22, 2023
    A History of Ostar and the Empire
    Generic article | Dec 27, 2023
      Short and Sweet
    Great Library
    Building / Landmark | Dec 7, 2023
    Eron Otter
    Species | Jan 8, 2024

    The darlings of Eron Lake,

      #worldember #worldember23 #worldember2023

    Inspiring Worlds This WorldEmber, Vol. 3

    Back for the last time, bringing some more worlds that have particularly inspired me, or that I've particularly enjoyed this WorldEmber.   Is it really a list of mine if I don't include Ethnis? Christ, I don't have the words to describe how excited Ethnis makes me feel. Even if the article in particular is gloomy and dark. Ethnis makes me want to write, it gets me excited to work on my own world even if I'm ass-deep in a period of burnout. Barron in particular has written some amazing things this WE. I've particularly enjoyed the Rutas Surge.

    Ethnis sprawls 1800 years into the future, beyond holocene extinction, alien occupation, and the discovery of magic. It's a canvas for roleplay, stories, and a card-based TTRPG ruleset. Come get lost in our dreams and nightmares.

      Leashea has not only inspired a wave of Scavenger Hunts in various worlds, but she has also been creating a tsunami of plant articles. You see plants way less than you do animals on World Anvil, so it's lovely to see somebody creating so many, with art!
    Lorecast Library
      Wow, oh wow! Sh4d0wPh03n1x completed WorldEmber in ONE article! One of the most in-depth articles I've ever seen, you can learn all about the History of Processors in Shadow's article. And of course that's not all she's written. Check out Byte, one of the main characters of Computer Adventures!
    Computer Adventures

    with Bit, Byte, and Bug

    Explore the world of computers with the brothers Bit, Byte and Bug! Bit will gladly teach you more about hardware, while Byte and Bug dive deeper into software.

      Polina "Line" Arteev has been focusing on Magic and the core articles of Malkora this WorldEmber. While I've not announced it anywhere (but talked about it excessively), magic will be the big focus in my world in 2024, so seeing Strixxline's articles have been incredibly motivating for me. As well, Malkora is so close to 200 followers!! If you're not following, you definitely should!

    Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

    With much of its history lost to the calamitous discovery of magic, Malkora is a world in which humanity was, and continues to be, pushed to rebuild and evolve alongside an ever-changing world.

      #worldember #worldember2023

    PROGRESS UPDATE 12/28 To Regulate and protect

    Hello All! it's been a good few months(AKA, over a year), since I did one of these hasn't it? With WE wrapping up and to celebrate the release of the 3rd installment in the Regulator Entry series, we figured it was about time we do long overdue progress update. When it comes to characters, since our last progress update, there have been a lot of releases that have occurred since back in June of 2022, The most recent releases have to do with the regulator series, with 3 out of 26 officially released as of the 22nd. These entries can be found below:
    Character | Dec 24, 2023

    The Celestial of Creation Ad infinitum, the Regulator of Creation, Creation's Authority. These and many others are all names held by the one known as Thesis, who embodies the Concept of Creation.

    Character | Dec 15, 2023

    The Celestial of Destruction ex terminabilis, the Regulator of Destruction, Destruction's Authority. These and many others are all names held by the one known as Perses, who embodies the Concept of Destruction.

    Character | Dec 24, 2023

    The Celestial of Tempus Perpetuum and the Regulator of Time itself. He embodies the very laws that govern the Stream itself.

      There have also been some entries on the 5th race such as this entry on the Librarian at the Institute:
    Libitina Salvino
    Character | Sep 5, 2024

    The history of the 5th race, of what one would call Humanity, is no Fairy Tale, Nobody knows this better than Libitina Salvino.

    And ofc, these entries on the Prime Celestials Sephiron and Cryphone warrant a mention as they were released a while back:
    Sephiron Delacruz
    Character | Sep 2, 2024

    The Humanoid Embodiment of Imagination herself. Sephiron Delacruz is known by many names: The Prime Regulator, Mother of All, and Mother of Imagination being just a few examples.

    Character | Oct 29, 2023

    The Darkest Shadow to Sephiron's Infinite Light, the Origin of Calamity and the Dark Mother herself.

    This is just a small sampling of the character entries released in the past year or so Switching Gears from People(or should I call them entities, as can you really call conceptual embodiments people?) We released an entry on one of the two well known GK blades:
    Abaddon's Blade
    Item | May 23, 2024

    An Ancient Blade, rumored to be capable of killing Gods. It was the highest tier GK blade known to the general public before the rediscovery of Excalibur and Kampeon's Blade.

    And an entry on the AA battery of the K4 class world:
    Creationite Energy Core
    Item | May 27, 2023

    For those who have reached Type 4 Development and above, there is only one energy source that could hope to provide the necessary output: A Creationite Energy Core.

    We also released an entry on one of the more exotic primordial elements, Imaginarium:
    Material | Jun 8, 2023

    The most Exotic of the Primordial Elements, said to be born from the very power of Imagination herself.

    Later on in the year, we released Book 2 of the Player Handbook:
    Player's Handbook Book 2: On Scores and Measures
    Generic article | Oct 31, 2023

    Book 2 of our Player Handbook, Written by Yours Truly!

    And have begun work on Book 3, hopefully slated for release later next year We have also completely overhauled our Eternal Codex to try and make browsing far easier. Feel free to check it out on our homepage, or from here:
    The Eternal Codex
    Generic article | Apr 3, 2024

    The Eternal Codex holds a comprehensive knowledge base of all that exists within the Nexus and beyond.

    That should be it for today's progress update(Should I have just called this a Year in Review at this point?). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me either on Discord, or on our official PAC(Primary Access Connection) located in Guilded, as well as at our new Twitter/X @SandraMrpn! See ya around! #botf #MetaverseRPN #FromtheforgesofImagination #worldember2023

    #worldember2023 Finished the document special. This metal document helped the Calri take power.

    The Calri Ascendancy
    #worldember2023 A gift from Haloric Galria: Ta'Falia Form 3 Amplification. This is a repost without bbcode thanks for correction

    150k accomplished! #WorldEmber2023

    I don't think I'll manage 200k this month, unfortunately - unless I can somehow manage 12k words for the next four days, which is unlikely. I had a few break days too many for that wordcount - not that I'll penalise myself for that, everyone needs breaks. And still, my goal going into the month is now complete! Regardless of how much more I end up writing for the remaining few days, I know that this is a goal that I can be proud of.

    The Order of the Blade Guardians - World of Vitallia

    The Order of the Blade Guardians was founded to protect the realm against threats, outside of the influence of kings and queens. The first seven Blade Guardians were immortals, or beings with extraordinary abilities. Their deeds inspired acolytes! Read all about the Order in the article below!
    The Blade Guardians
    Organization | Dec 8, 2023

      #worldember2023 #WorldEmber2023 #worldember #WorldEmber #fantasy #Fantasy #holiday #botf #whatIamReading #announcement

    I'm so excited just finished the Phoenix and they put me at 25255 I pulled it off I got over 25,000 words

    I hope everyone had a great holiday and an amazing World Ember. I am still way too excited I got what I calling LV2 change of World Ember done. #worldember2023
    #worldember2023 a work in progress @Tirinid is here. This species had better watch out for the Calri.
    #worldember2023 A gift from Haloric Galria: @[Ta'Falia Form 3 Amplification](spell:f1619c5f-125e-4da2-b717-48ab9e7afbc0)

    Decided to do one more W E entry

    Ok decided to do one more World Ember entry after all. Here goes:   "What juicy looking mushrooms"   #worldanvil2023



    Christmas is but a memory but the smell of gingerbread, oranges and cloves will remain for a few more days if not weeks. :) It was a time of intense preparations and many many visits. I wrote some but published nothing yet, so...

    I've decided to finish #worldember2023 with a blast and the final 6.4k worth of words will be divided into 3-4 articles. Is it doable? Looks at two articles 2.5k+ long Absolutely! It's quality over quantity now and it makes me super excited.

      There is just one more shameful secret I have to share, but that will come after Worldember. It may be one of the reasons I struggled a bit with finding time for writing.  

    December schedule:
      — to be used
    — rest time/unavailable
    — WorldEmber wrap-up
      It's the final stretch, everyone! Good luck! You've got this!
    #worldember2023 Check out: @[Calri Loyalty Staff](technology:58db5a5d-382a-46e4-a712-96d7ac91188b)
    I finally hit the 10k words for #WorldEmber2023! A third of all the writing for After Silence is now from just this month alone!

    Finished my #WorldEmber2023 goal!

    It might've just been two articles, but there's more than 10k posts between them. I want to get out one more, the last of the Barons, and finish up the article on one I started before Worldember, but I feel accomplished regardless. Check out the second article that got me over my goal, and look forward to more!
    Oenone Cortez
    Character | Dec 27, 2023

    The youthful and passionate Baron of Spanaway and Parkland

      This year, i'm really feeling like something's new and better with me, so i'm hoping for more and more progress to come.
    #worldember2023 The Calri are here.

    My Fave WorldEmber Articles!

    Jeez I'm not really that close to done yet but I wanted to at least link my favorite articles that I've written. I don't think I will write anymore but instead continue to expand on these as I keep writing them!   In order of faves:   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It's oddly fitting my top 3 are characters lmaoooo   #WorldEmber #WorldEmber2023 #worldember2023 #worldember #fantasy #Fantasy #urbanfantasy #UrbanFantasy
    Finished my #worldember2023 condtition: Falrinitic Bonding which will be featured in my future novel. @[Falrinitic Bonding](cond

    WE entry and possible last one

    Done a W E entry here but may call it quits after this. Partly a bit of burn-out and a few little niggles. That's life though. Anyway, back to the article in question, a giant tree stump:
      "What a strange decrepit tree, here in the desert"

    WE WEEK 3

    Hi everyone,   I hope you're all having fun with #WorldEmber2023 ! Here are the new articles I wrote this week:
  • A little kitten terror that has somehow found its way to the Dark Lord's manor.
  • The lost Snowflake kitten
    Character | Feb 28, 2024

    A tiny white terror that somehow found his way in the Dark Lord's manor and who runs around biting everyone he comes across! All bets are opened on how the Dark Lord is going to react when he will notice him...

  • Solarpunk magic: 1) Lime wood and its use in magic, 2) herbonumenology which is the use of magic-anchoring plants in healing.
  • Culture: 1) an example of legal curses cast on criminals, 2) a presentation of the ethnicity and culture of my empire, 3) an overview of some interesting professions available in my futuristic society and how they're perceived socially.
  • Character: Old Malik who is very competitive about the neighbouring wall painting competition.
  • The imperial curse—the ultimate judgment on traitors
    Condition | Feb 28, 2024

    A legal curse worst than all others, proportionate to the height of the worst crime possible: a betrayal of the emperor. Criminals are cursed by the emperor himself to suffer disabling pain, relieve their mistake through their nightmares, and to never lie


    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

    Suggest an article to be featured