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It was a busy week and I loved it!

This week has been a whirlwind of creativity, learning, and incredible discoveries. I’ve been diving deeper into custom CSS, thanks to the amazing World Anvil community on Discord, who’ve been so helpful in guiding me through the process. Next, I want to invite you to explore some fresh content in my world of Kena'an, where I’ve been working on new lore and expanding the story. Your feedback is always welcome as I continue to build this universe.   I’m also thrilled to share that I’ve begun a new world called Chronicles of Blood. This setting is a tribute to Vampire: The Masquerade- my all time favorite TTRPG. You can meet the world’s narrator, a vampire journalist named Violette Jackson, who has a unique perspective on all the events that unfold. Here is her article:
Violette Jackson
Character | Sep 18, 2024
  Finally, since this platform helped so much get out of a chronic writer's block, I’ve started publishing a manuscript that I’m really excited to share with you all! It’s been a long time coming, and I can’t wait for you to read it and tell me what you think!

Of blood and Judgement

  Wow, that was a long post! I am sorry about that. Before I go, I want to shout out some beautiful articles I’ve read recently by talented creators:  
Generic article | Sep 15, 2024

The component of a person that is a part of the Dream.

by demongrey
Luminary Institute of Performing Arts
Organization | Sep 15, 2024

Learn to sing, dance, and make people believe you meant to fall down the stairs!

by Tillerz
Organization | Sep 17, 2024
by trollpete   Thank you all for your support, inspiration, and the incredible work you share every day! #worldbuilding #author #fantasy #spreadthelove

My entry for the Institutions of Learning challenge!

I just wanted to share my entry for the Institutions of Learning challenge. I have already submitted it, but I'm still trying some staff with CSS on it. This is the first time I' m taking part in an official challenge and it is truly exciting! Writing about the Lunar Spire was a lot of fun and it also gave me the opportunity to advance my homebrew race of the Eaglors a little bit more. I hope you' ll enjoy it!
The Lunar Spire
Organization | Sep 11, 2024
#fantasy #worldbuilding #bakctoschool

Discover The North

Where runes glow, giants roam, and legends are forged in ice. Fresh from revolution, this land of endless winter and ancient magic calls to the brave. Will you answer? Your saga awaits in a realm where every blizzard tells a story. #TheNorth #WorldBuilding #Nordic #Viking  
The North
Organization | Jul 30, 2024

I was nominated!

My article, Leylines, has been nominated for the Wondrous Nature Award! I would be so honored if you would spare a vote for me in this final round!   I may have only caught one nomination, but I did create graphics for every category that all nominees are welcome to save and share! Best of luck, and immense congratulations to everyone whose name got called for the nominee pool!
Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Nominee Gallery
Generic article | Apr 15, 2024

#WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #IWasNominated #TheOwlworks

#wip #sneakpeek #worldbuilding #art #wildzoo #fantasy #caturday #scifi #sky

I know you guys are gonna love it when I finish!
  Happy Caturday!

Can you guess this pokemon? #characterdesign #wildzoo #fantasy #worldbuilding


My Submissions to the WorldAnvil WorldBuilding Awards

Though I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, I decided to enter all the categories I was eligible for. Check them out in this brief summary article. #WAWA2024 #WorldBuildingAwards  
World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2023
Generic article | Jun 8, 2024

Voting is Now Open! Check Out the Submissions!


My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

I hope a few of these works and their bespoke art (done by yours truly) fit your fancy, and you consider voting for zany audio dramas, hacker kings & an AI holding the secrets of the world away from corporate overlords!  
  • Best Worldbuilding Article Wax Wing Season 1
  • Hearts & Minds Demyan Anastas
  • Rise of Nations Haveni
  • Myths & Legends Conglomerate Bio Machs
  • Pillars of Progress Crypt.AI
  • Wondrous Nature Amortality
  • Strength & Honour CGM Militia
  • #wawa2024 #worldbuildingawards2024

    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

    Hello everyone!!! I've elected to participate in the #WorldbuildingAwards2024, and posted the entries I selected below. I hope you enjoy the articles! #WAWA #WAWA2024
    My Worldbuilding Entries
    Generic article | Mar 21, 2024

    Hello, everyone!!!! With the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards in full swing, I've decided to put some of my work as entries for the Awards

    #WorldbuildingCon 's Keynote speaker has written 50 novels & sold over 17,000,000 books! Starts 12pm Eastern / 4pm UK TODAY!
    Who else is over-excited about #WorldbuildingCon this weekend?! :D
    I just had a phone call with R.A. Salvatore- he’s really nice! #WorldbuildingCon

    Learning about #worldbuilding & #WorldbuildingCon!

    With #WorldbuildingCon just around the corner this weekend - what are you most excited about learning and even more importantly...

    If you have a gap on your worldbuilding knowledge - what would that be? What is the thing you'd like to know more about?

    I'm making a new BWAH video for World Anvil in preparation for #WorldbuildingCon! SO MANY EXPLOSIONS!

    "MEoooww!?" Oh no looks like Keke has gotten herself into a bag of pickles. Will she escape the Atan raider? #happy #caturday

    by Vela

      Happy! #caturday #wildzoo #storytelling #worldbuilding

    Revisiting the Nominees from the Worldbuilding Awards 2022!

    With the release of the new #WorldbuildingAwards2024 event page, it's a good time to look back on past #WAWA nominees and their submissions, as we scramble to put together our own for this year!
      Last year, for the #WorldbuildingAwards2022, I made a collection of graphics for each of the awards and their respective nominees, and now I present the gallery of them all! It's a little silly that I didn't do this sooner, but there it is!
    Worldbuilding Awards 2022 Nominee Gallery
    Generic article | Apr 14, 2024
    Also, a note: gosh, so many people on this list became sages in the past year! I had to workshop so many URLs to dodge 404s from outdated slugs!
      Wishing all of my fellow worldbuilders luck with choosing your submissions this year! Just choosing what to submit is already a battle I'm not fully prepared for!
    #TheOwlworks #WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #WAWA2022

    A quick look at the Ages of a world!

    I'd like to share you a brief overview of the 5 Ages of Vitallia. Each age features a small body of text and an image. My campaigns take place in the 5th Age, and anything my players do is canon, and thus, are automatically added to World Anvil's Timelines! Check out the article here:
    The Ages of Vitallia
    Generic article | Nov 29, 2023
    Follow the world of Vitallia here:

    Created by Angelos Kyprianos

      #vitallia #worldbuilding #campaign2024 #meteortalesrpg

    The History of Language in Vitallia

    Hello everyone! Recently, I've been fascinated with language creation and analysis in the fantasy genre. I wrote an article with the history of language in my world, Vitallia! You can check out the link below if such things interest you!  
    The History of Language
    Generic article | Dec 21, 2023
      #worldbuilding #vitallia #worldanvil #language    

    Emotional Post coming up! Started my world Vitallia when I was 13 (now 38).

    Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great time forging stuff! I just wanted to share a few words and express a vast range of feelings.   I've been building my world Vitallia since the age of 13. I never stopped to be honest. I kept all my notes from every campaign, all the characters, the Gods, the monsters, the events. I used them all as canon for my books and my world. I've been adding everything to World Anvil for the past 3 years and i've JUST FINISHED!   Over 700 articles, characters, kingdoms, history, creatures, events. So much stuff that I wish to share with everyone. I really hope that people will start to use this world for their campaigns, it's like a dream of mine.   If you wish to take a look, I suggest that you click on the Chronicles of Vitallia first at the homepage to get an overview of the world's timeline. This will give you a hint about the world and how it functions.   Of course, the world is not 100% complete, there's still maps for certain regions to be added and I will always add new details. But still, this is a glorious day!   Please feel free to reach out for any questions, I'd love to talk with you all. Any feedback will of course be appreciated.   #worldember #worldbuilding #vitallia #meteortales #fullworld  

    #TuesdayFiction and Summer Camp

    It's #TuesdayFiction Time on Twitter

    I was behind last week and just barely got my tweet posted. I caught up a little this week, starting the Silver Summer Camp prompts...join in on Twitter if you can.

    My Tweet: The ground bowed and rippled by the Friendship Gate. A sense of high alert gripped the Eastern entrance to the resplendent city of Eylium. Loose rubble fell from stones in the wall... #tuesdayfiction #WASummerCamp Leadership #worldbuilding #flashfiction Eylium

    Settlement | Sep 10, 2023

    The entire city is an exquisitely designed garden. Trees and buildings placed in a perfect balance. Fountains and statues erected at every intersection. Markets and libraries filled with anything you could ever need.


    Worldbuilders and Writers get your stories out!

    It's time for #TuesdayFiction on Twitter. Last week I tweeted about my #AdventureApril One-Shot. This week was about Daisy a chipmunk that thinks in Haiku (that's a thing right?). You could tweet about your River challenge entry or another story you have tackled! Use the #TuesdayFiction hashtag, any challenge hashtags, mention World Anvil, and wave to Daisy!

    It's #TuesdayFiction! Chipmunks think in #haiku, yes?

    Over the wet rock,
    up the tree, out on a branch
    I Jumped! Into leaves.

    Read more #flashfiction and #worldbuilding about Daisy at Separate Beginning


    #TuesdayFiction on Twitter

    This is a hashtag we flood each Tuesday with articles, stories, art related to our worldbuilding on World Anvil. It helps us promote ourselves and gets World Anvil visibility.
      To join just take an article link, add an intro in a tweet, put in the #TuesdayFiction hashtag, mention WorldAnvil or other hashtags that relate to your content, and post! We'll try to boost you too.
      Sample Tweet: Wil knocked. Airy opened, stepped out, and closed the door. The realm behind it didn't exist for now. Her foster parents would comment. Dinner was brutal - Oh Wil? So nice, etc... "Ready to go." She smiled. #tuesdayfiction WorldAnvil #worldbuilding #vs365 Mood Change


    That means #TuesdayFiction on Twitter. This is a hashtag we flood each Tuesday with articles, stories, art related to our worldbuilding on World Anvil. It helps us promote ourselves and gets World Anvil visibility. To join just take an article link, add an intro in a tweet, put in the #TuesdayFiction hashtag, mention WorldAnvil or other hashtags that relate to your content, and post! We'll try to boost you too.
      Sample Tweet: My dark glasses and rainbow sparkle notebook had everyone looking as I sat. "They help me calibrate" I told the archer. "You take your best gear on a mission" I pointed out to the mage #tuesdayfiction #worldbuilding #fantasy #anhult WorldAnvil CW:violence Noting Color


    I have to start my #bardchallenge character soon but I'm finishing up the January Very Short Story (VSS) Twitter Challenge with ShyRedFox first. There are more VSS challenges coming up. Speaking of twitter - It's Tuesday...share an article on Twitter, like and retweet other #tuesdayfiction posts!
      My Tweet: It is the best chaos to play #dnd with children. One chooses to be a sorcerer while the other wants to be a pet, you need the biggest fighter you can imagine. I expanded on that character for #worldember @worldanvil #tuesdayfiction #worldbuilding #anhult Gorn

    Need that social media practice recommended by Janet?

    It is time for #tuesdayfiction on Twitter! You can join in too just paste an article link in a tweet. Type up some words. Add the hashtag #TuesdayFiction. Click Tweet. Repeat each Tuesday.
      My Tweet: "Etonia takes a fee, product or coin, on stands at the market then uses that to acquire imports," the scribe reported "5% Fee, what are they thinking! We would charge 50%," the guildmaster was flabbergasted. #TuesdayFiction #Anhult #Worldbuilding @WorldAnvil Northern Plenty Free Marketplace
      I have been doing the VSSCollab challenge every day this month. I feel like my article tease has leveled up because of that. Check out what a VSS is and what is happening after the end of January.

    Twitter Is Everywhere for January

    I am doing two Twitter projects this month.   The first is my usual #TuesdayFiction posts. But now with new World Ember content! You can join in too just paste an article link in a tweet. Type up some words. Add the hashtag #TuesdayFiction. Click Tweet. Repeat each Tuesday.   My Tweet: Quaint general store in a rural port town up North. The owners run a tight operation. They're refugees from the South with great connections, it's the place to get something imported! #tuesdayfiction #anhult #worldbuilding #worldember @WorldAnvil #fantasy Bard's Lute General Store   The second is Very Short Story (VSS) posts as part of the VSSCollab by ShyRedFox. It has been a fun process. You can find my tweets online or check out my summary article for the challenge --> VSS Anhult

    End of World Ember and #TuesdayFiction

    I have to finish one more article to get to 10k! I have my idea, writing it next. However, first I posted some articles to Twitter with the #TuesdayFiction hashtag! It is easy to do and helps practice marketing - marketing gets easier if you have a routine. Even if you are just writing for yourself or running a game help us promote World Anvil.
      Sample Tweet: Great #worldbuilding article by one of my favorite authors. Gege16 is putting it all together in a book about an epic adventure. #tuesdayfiction is a chance to get a sneak peek. #worldember #WorldAnvil Ulan Shan Kov's Kremlin

    It's Tuesday!

    I didn't miss it, whew. It is time for #tuesdayfiction. Share your World Ember articles on Twitter! I am busy wrapping up a work project but have gotten 7500 words out for World Ember. Will be at 10k soon!
      Today though I shared some of my related worldbuilding articles on a thread on Twitter! Would you join me? post your articles? like? retweet? etc...
      Sample Tweet: When the forest villages around Etonia are threatened, it's time to send an Expeditionary Force. If playing #dnd could just have a couple of heroes take out every hostile in the forest but no #murderhobo here just #tuesdayfiction #fantasy #worldbuilding #worldember 3rd Expeditionary Force


    There is so much writing happening right now. I just saw 2500 word articles being shared in the discord channel! I got 550 done. But! I'm here to remind you it is Tuesday. Time to share your new articles on social media for #Tuesdayfiction. Take the hashtags, your article link, and share with the world. Promote World Anvil, promote yourself, and promote the community.
      My Tweet: First 2021 #WorldEmber article is written. I started with a character who has 4 poems and 4 short stories written about her but had no central page to connect it all! Signal #WorldAnvil #worldbuilding #fantasy #tuesdayfiction #amwriting

    #tuesdayfiction and #worldember

    There is so much writing going on - I saw 2500 word articles already being completed and shared in the discord channel. I got 550 done. But! I am hear to remind you it is also Tuesday. The perfect day to share your new work out on social media. Promote World Anvil, promote yourself, and promote the community! Just type up a tweet, use the hashtags and add your article link.
      My Tweet: First 2021 #WorldEmber article is written. I started with a character who has 4 poems and 4 short stories written about her but had no central page to connect it all! Signal #WorldAnvil #worldbuilding #fantasy #tuesdayfiction #amwriting


    Showcase your articles on Twitter with us to practice promoting your work and also to build the audience for all of us!
      My Tweet: Signal was sent by the council to find out what happened in a forest village - to find the source of changes occurring in the forest. Here is a #flashfiction size story about a barmaid she met. CW:kidnapping Barmaid's Story #TuesdayFiction #worldbuilding @WorldAnvil

    Practice showcasing your work with #TuesdayFiction

    Time to share your creations with the world via Twitter. We are building traffic to the hashtag to help World Anvil writers and game designers have a place to promote their work. Join us by making a tweet with the hashtag and then like and share some of the other #TuesdayFiction tweets!
      Sample: Some background and a story about The Grove for #TuesdayFiction. Fungi can be your friends too. Sprouting a Solution #worldbuilding #worldanvil #WASummerCamp #fungi #fantasy #amwriting

    Do you know what day it is?

    It's #TuesdayFiction! Time to share your creations with the world via Twitter. We are building traffic to the hashtag to help World Anvil writers and game designers have a place to promote their work. Join us by making a tweet with the hashtag and then like and share some of the other #TuesdayFiction tweets!
      Sample: A short fiction piece from the summer describing "The Grove" a behemoth mushroom entity in the Anhult Wildlands. The Grove #tuesdayfiction #mushrooms #fantasy #worldbuilding #WASummerCamp

    Who is joining me for #TuesdayFiction?

    I am going to make it to World Ember with a weekly Tweet using #tuesdayfiction. Share your Summer Camp, Spooktober, or other articles on Tuesdays on Twitter with me. Like and share everyone's tweets!
      Sample Tweet - Learning magic takes a bit of effort. The newest apprentices discover that quickly. Now Wil and Airy have their first real-world project, how will they do? Finally a Real Project #tuesdayfiction #fantasy #amwriting #worldbuilding #WorldAnvil #WASummerCamp

    What am I up to? #TuesdayFiction

    Join me in sharing Summer Camp, Spooktober, or other articles on Tuesdays on Twitter. Use the hashtag #TuesdayFiction, and put one of the World Anvil hashtags in there somewhere too. Like and share everyone's tweets!
      Sample Tweet: Yelsin - shop owner, role model, town council member, and paramour. Yelsin #tuesdayfiction #fantasy #writing #worldbuilding #WorldAnvil #polyamorous

    ATTENTION University of Saebia Freshmen!

    The attached article is REQUIRED READING for ALL incoming freshmen. Brought to you by the Archives and Special Collections Online Database in the College of Sugran Studies at the University of Saebia.
      #TuesdayFiction #worldbuilding #scifi #worldanvil
      Crescent of Finality

    It's Tuesday Somewhere!

    Join me in sharing Summer Camp or other articles on Tuesdays on Twitter. Use the hashtag #TuesdayFiction, and put one of the World Anvil hashtags in there somewhere too.
      Sample Tweet: Do you believe in the Number One Goblin? Can a Goblin learn to share? #flashfiction from @WorldAnvil's #WASummerCamp in July Getting Your Stick #tuesdayfiction #worldbuilding #Goblin


    Join me in sharing Summer Camp or other articles on Tuesdays on Twitter! Use the hashtag #TuesdayFiction, and put one of the World Anvil hashtags in there somewhere too! #WorldAnvil, #WASummerCamp, or one of the challenges if that is where your article is from!
      There is a special place in the Anhult Woodlands. Some describe it as the source. Tree on a Hill #TuesdayFiction #Fantasy #Worldbuilding #Nature #WASummerCamp

    It is #TuesdayFiction Time!

    I do have other updates but I'm just getting to the #TuesdayFiction reminders right now, whew. So, it is Tuesday in most of the world. Open up your Twitter tab and post an article for #TuesdayFiction! Then like them all (well, if you want) and retweet 3 others too.
      Here is my sample: Even a powerful nature spirit like Lavani needs backup sometimes. Lavani's Champions saved A'trea, now she is giving back by training the Knights of the Oak #TuesdayFiction #WASummerCamp #Fantasy #worldbuilding


    Amazing news there were 19 tweets on #TuesdayFiction last week. It is getting enough visibility that other people out in the world are using the hashtag in their tweets now! 15 of the tweets were World Anvil articles, go us!
      Some of the people that posted tweets with us had over 20,000 followers. The potential impressions went from 6400 the previous week to 800000 last week - I'm using to get an estimate. To get a bigger share of those potential impressions be sure to like World Anvil posts and retweet (recommend retweeting 3 based on what I have heard about the algorithm, do more if you want of course!)
      There are already a couple of tweets up today but let's get to it! and Thanks!
      My Tweet: More #TuesdayFiction delivered to you from the Anhult Wildlands. They say Ardelis' Arrows never miss. This group of hunters and farmers took on the job of protecting the forest. Would you be an Arrow? #WASummerCamp #dnd #dnd5e #ttrpg
      (My article has a dnd pitch so use hashtags that work for you. #worldbuilding, #worldanvil, #writing are other good hashtags)

    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

    Suggest an article to be featured