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Tales from Aran'sha - May 2024

Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! This has been one crazy month for #Aransha and there’s a lot to unpack. So...whats happened?  

Best of Worldanvil nominee #WAWA2024

  Aran’sha was nominated for best newcomer - meeting all the other nominees, swapping stories and the award ceremony was a real treat. And while Aran’sha did not win first place in the end, I want to thank everyone who voted for me (and the whole community) from the bottom of my heart.
It was a blast to meet all those other talented people and if you have not already - check out every single one of the nominees!


Look into the stars - #Astralis!:

  Aran’sha WON an unofficial challenge! The celestial circle won first prize in the wonderful challenge
Look into the Stars - #Astralis with a personal rating from the host Blue Fairy 74 for “Wonderful reading pleasure”. (Also, check out Blue Fairy's worlds, they're gorgeous)
    I also recommend to read all about the other winners, as there were a lot of really fantastic articles: Star-sparkling Winners
  Lastly I want to add an honorable mention here for "Stars" by SpyglassRealm - while it was finished too late for the challenge, its an awesome article and deserves a read. Check it out here: STARS


Even more challenges - #FashionMayhem2024 and #Glorious Food !

  Since those two were too good to pass up, I entered two more challenges this month:   Fashion MAYhem by Tillerz with “Kaharan Silk” (check out its sister article Silk Hunters too)
  Food, glorious Food with “Ria'm” - For this I returned to one of my first articles and gave it a complete rewrite!


Whats next?

I’m excited for my first summercamp, TuneJUNE and “the show your colors” challenge. And lets not forget the newest addition, the botany challenge and a bunch of CSS changes to Aran'sha, including a new banner!   See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have feedback/suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment.    

Celebrating a Milestone: Best Timeline Award at WAWA 2024

Hello everyone,
  I am truly overjoyed and still a bit overwhelmed as I write this. Earlier today, during the livestream of the World Anvil's Worldbuilding Awards 2024, I had the immense honor of receiving the Best Timeline Award. To say I was amazed when my name was announced would be an understatement—I was absolutely stunned!
  When I first received the notification, I was genuinely amazed. To be recognized among such talented creators is both humbling and overwhelming. The journey to this point has been one of passion and perseverance, and seeing my work acknowledged in such way is truly a high point in my worldbuilding journey.
  I am deeply grateful for the support from each of you in this community and all the folks at home. Your encouragement and feedback have not only propelled my creativity but have also refined the stories I create. This award is as much yours as it is mine.
  I also want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the other participants and winners of various categories. Your incredible work continues to inspire and push the boundaries of creativity and storytelling.
  Thank you once again for your unwavering support and for celebrating this journey with me. Let's keep creating worlds that captivate and stories that endure!


I genuinely just stared and cried when I heard my name. I cannot believe the Yonderverse has been crowned Best World. I've been on World Anvil for three or so years now, and before I had *zero* skills or experience writing anything. My world has grown so much, I've grown so much, and I've gained so many beloved friends that I talk to on a daily basis, that I can't imagine being without.
  I distinctly remember, around when I first joined WA, seeing people win accolades, Summer Camp prompts, and other events, and me not even thinking that I could possibly win them. As time went on, I improved (even winning Most Improved Worldbuilder in SC23), and yet winning anything in the Worldbuilding Awards seemed so far out of reach. This truly would not have happened if it wasn't for the incredible community around this website, with talents from across the world, all kinds of backgrounds. I've learnt how to express myself through writing and that's something I'll always be grateful for.
  I am also so sorry I couldn't attend the livestream! I had urgent family business to tend to, but I still made enough time to scream my sincerest congratulations to all of the winners. So this counts as my "acceptance speech" of sorts. I don't know if this little journal post is just a complete emotional mess of words, but I wanted to write something xD
  Love you all, huge congrats to the other winners, and I hope everyone has a great day!

A bright and bustling universe, made with love

Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

  #mochievements #WAWA2024

Book Progress Update #3 (and some other updates)

Hello everyone,
  First off, I just want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted for me in the #WAWA2024. I'm genuinely touched to have been included on the shortlists. Honestly, writing is something I do in my spare time, and I entered the competition just for a bit of fun. To discover that people genuinely appreciate my work is both exhilarating and a bit surreal. I'm overjoyed and deeply grateful, especially to be recognized alongside such incredibly talented creators. Thank you all so much! :)
  Now, onto the book updates. The last few weeks have been particularly hectic at work, which has meant slower progress on the book front—I've reached about 125 pages. It's not as much as I hoped, but I've also taken some time to revisit earlier chapters. I've been tweaking the pacing, correcting errors, and refining parts of the narrative to ensure it flows better.
  Looking ahead, things should be a bit quieter at work this week, which means I can dedicate more time to the book and further develop the world of Nexarium Arcanis (that title is still a work in progress). I've brainstormed several new concepts that I'm excited to explore within our cosy little Grimdark Galaxy.
  Thank you once again for all the support and positivity you've sent my way. I hope you all have a wonderful week. Looking forward to sharing more soon!
  Warm wishes,

Stormwatch Forecast: WAWA Finalists, Last hours for Voting, off to Europe!

As the title of this post hints towards, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind for me, trying to get ready for my study abroad in Barcelona; I didn't even realize that it was already the last day for WAWA voting!
  If you haven't yet cast those fabulous votes, then I'd love to invite you to check out the three finalists I have in the running, and also just serve as one more reminder to check out all the amazing entries and vote accordingly!
WAWA 2024 Finalists
Generic article | Apr 25, 2024

The 6 articles I have submitted for the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards -- if you think they are deserving, please give them a vote!

  As for me, this update post will probably be pretty short and sweet. I'm still packing and getting ready and dealing with life stuff of things like my partner's car dying and trying to figure out how to help with that before I leave in a couple days xD I am very excited for my trip though, it's going to be a nice vacation from crazy hard semesters and an opportunity to see parts of the world that I've never been to! I am going to take so many pictures and look at so much architecture :D Most of my time will be spent in Barcelona where my schoolwork and accommodations are, but I plan on making some trips out of the city here and there too -- I have the opportunity, I wanna do it! Any fun recommendations? :D
  And with that, that's that! Looking forward to travels, looking forward to summer camp, and looking forward to rest. What is it you're looking forward to as we get into the summer months here? Any fun plans? :D Let me know!
  #stormwatch #WAWA2024

Sharing the love for the (now-ending!) Worldbuilding Awards! Go vote if you havent yet!

Hey there!   You may remember me threatening to showcase some of my favourite stuff from the Worldbuilding Awards shortlist... Well time got away from me, so I will have to do this briefly.   If youre reading this because you already follow me, you may know that I was absolutely blown away by the nominations I received for a few of the categories. If youre new here, hello new person, nice to meet you!   In any case I wanted to take this opportunity to briefly thank all of you for this amazing support. It already is the highest honor for me to be considered a part of the few who made it onto the shortlists. There are so many amazing creators out there and to count myself among them is honestly still very surreal to me.   Speaking of: I would like to take this time to highlight just a few of the amazing people who also can be voted for. These are not necessarily the exact ones I voted for myself, but they all would have deserved the votes nonetheless!   So in no particular order, please do check out these amazing beans and their great work!   Finally, this brings me to my request for anyone still reading! Go vote!! Do it here! Give your vote to anyone on the list who seems to deserve it. If some of you decide to vote for me, thank you so much, but ultimately, thank you already for getting me to this point :)   #WAWA2024 #SharetheLove #GoVoteAlready

A showcase of our most beautiful work for #WAWA2024

As with all of World Anvil's beautiful worlds, there isn't just one article which encapsulates the care we've put our layouts, the CSS, the BBCode trickery, the writing, and the illustration. Barron, Hiive, and myself have worked together to make articles that POP — sometimes for their simplicity, sometimes for their grandeur, and sometimes for their quirks. Generative imagery has certainly extended the possibilities, but there's nothing great that effort and expertise can't make even better.   We've got dozens of widgets, 12 unique article-level styles, and the work of several artists on display.   Below are some of the showcase articles we've put a lot of love into.  

Shoutout to Strixxline for making these summaries!

  I recommend starting with the Intro to Technology — a short and sweet overview of the three different technology families of Ethnis — Mechanic, Organic, and Psionic.   For articles centered around Lorsynth's illustrations:
  1. Grimoire
  2. SulaRutas
  3. Jhoutai Atlas
  4. Geode Coral
  5. Sazashi
  Species and Characters
  1. Aen
  2. Parisan
  3. Lusanti Marchois
  4. Johnny Durange
  Player Supplements
  1. The Dragonback Cantina
  2. Arcology, Episode 1: Pilot
  1. Pure of Heart
  2. Bonding Band
  Layout Magic
  1. Noasoani Haute Water
  2. The Recurring Nightmare
  3. Ecology of the Kajh-Tai Region - MAP
  4. Jhoutai Atlas
  5. Old Homes
  6. Kajh Pepper Pickling
  7. The Survivalist's Guild
  8. Anthro

You have only 5 days left... put in your votes for #WAWA2024 . Go vote!
  I also have two small entries that made it into the shortlist. Please have a look. Thank you so much.
  • Cartography Award 2024: Bridgeport City
  • Most Beautiful World 2024: Alana


    TTRPG world with Steampunk, Dragons, and Top Hats (and Gnomes!)

      ... and 10 more days to enter #MAPril2024 - it's still ongoing:
    MAPril 2024
    Generic article | May 1, 2024

    Mapping it out!

    Thinkin' about being the most beautiful world in #WAWA2024. Make sure you go an get out the vote!

    I've been nominated for the Best Timeline!

      I can't believe I've done this. I don't have much to say but being nominated for the Best Timeline in the World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards is by far the most excited thing I've been, and it's the best entry I'm proud of.   I'd like to thank everyone for all the votes and supports. It's been pleasured and I appreciate them all! Now go back to work on my CYOA...   In case you haven't look it out yet, or wanna do it again, I'll put a link to my timeline below. I hope you enjoy :)  

    Valonia: Kingdom at the River's End


    A thank you from Aran'sha.

    Aran'sha Main Page Cover.png
    Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends!   Well, it's my first journal entry ever, but when to start if not now? Aran'sha has been nominated for "Best Newcomer". And I simply can't let that stand without thanking everyone in the community for the outstanding support you have given me (be it votes, encouragement, CSS help or simple chatting).   I highly recommend you check out all the nominated worlds below, all of those are fantastic reads and I feel humbled you picked Aran'sha to be among them - and if you decide on Aran'sha as your favorite out of them I'd be happy if you cast a vote for it here .   And to add a a little sneak peak - the Image above will be the new cover picture for Aran'sha once the competition is over!  
      Thanks to Polina "Line" Arteev for making this awesome graphic.     #WAWA2024 #Aransha

    I was nominated!

    My article, Leylines, has been nominated for the Wondrous Nature Award! I would be so honored if you would spare a vote for me in this final round!   I may have only caught one nomination, but I did create graphics for every category that all nominees are welcome to save and share! Best of luck, and immense congratulations to everyone whose name got called for the nominee pool!
    Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Nominee Gallery
    Generic article | Apr 15, 2024

    #WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #IWasNominated #TheOwlworks


    HOLY CRAP GUYS!! I made three shortlists in the Worldbuilding Awards! I can't thank the community enough for the support, the votes, the love, everything. I am a nominee for the History Award, the Cartography Award, and the god-damn BEST WORLD Award. I can't believe it.   You can cast your votes using the link here, it is a google form :) I would love it if you guys considered voting for me, I'm absolutely flattered that I made it for not one, but three shortlists already. Love the World Anvil Community <3  
      Thank you Polina "Line" Arteev for making these graphics!   #mochievements #WAWA2024

    Congratulations to ALL the Nominees of the ΅Worldbuilding Awards!

    Don't forget to vote for your winners !

    March Update

    Howdy again. #monthlyUpdate

    What I've been

    Well, things stat to complicate, like an endless stream of crisis, meaning I didn't have much time to focus on writing. There's no unofficial challenges I succeeded, and so all my writing goals from last month's plan.

    To be fair, I didn't publish anything except My Worldbuilding Awards 2024's Entries and the additional update on my lovely timeline for such.

    Speaking of awards, thank you so much for all the loves and follows you gave me! it mean a lot. If you love my works, consider support me on my tip jar at Ko-fi.

    April Plan

    April is consider the hot month in my place. Thankfully, lots of water splashing festival, you know what I mean, may cool the weather down for a bit. As I want to be chilled and relax during this time, writing will be a bit less stressful and more focused.

  • Adventure April!
  • Do something with my Ko-fi page
  • More drawings on my Twitter/X
  • I hope everyone have a great, chilling month, and don't forget to keep yourself cool - the sun is a deadly laser.


    P.S. The first voting phase is over. We'll see who will be on the shortlist during the second phase which started on 13th! #wawa2024


    Stormwatch Forecast: Marchitecture closing!

    WOW 30 ENTRIES   That's honestly way more than I had ever expected! That's actually over double the amount from last year, and I could not be happier <3 Thank you so much to everyone who participated! If you, like me, LOVE BUILDINGS and architecture and good worldbuilding, please go take a scroll through all the entries! You can scroll the #Marchitecture hashtag, or view all Context and Architecture articles in one place right... here!  
    Marchitecture 2024
    Generic article | Apr 2, 2024

    Pick (or create!) a context article within your world, and then write a building article that accompanies/responds to/resonates with that context. Create building articles that fit your world perfectly!

      In personal news, I am in the thick of it for my own architecture right now -- the end of the semester is fast approaching and I am almost through the hardest semester in my entire Masters. Two-ish weeks to go!   In the brief moments of reprieve I've been doing some doodling for some God-husk redesigns, and also brainstorming and theorycrafting some future-Cathedris fun things like spaceships >:) I post about em over on my Discord Server, if you ever want to take a look!   Also the #WAWA2024 first round of voting is nearly complete, and omg there's so many fantastic entries to look at. If you haven't yet voted, that's okay, because there is a TON to go through! If you're still looking for some good entries, check out the shortlists and shared articles from people I've been seeing posted around these days -- they have a lot of great suggestions in there! And if you're STILL looking for some articles to consider, you can even take a look at my submissions if you like!   But anyways, I hope you had a fantastic March, and here's to an even better April <3   #Stormwatch #UnofficialChallenge

    Broken Dulcet Ch 12 & 13 are Live and Other Updates

    Take a break and read Broken Dulcet Chapter 12 here.
      Read Broken Dulcet Chapter 13 here.
      Vision confronts Tuft at the Cloister before Lapis and company head to the Ambercaast scientific workstation.

      If you haven't taken a peek, check out my entries for WAWA.
    WA Worldbuilding Award Entries
    Generic article | Jun 4, 2024

      There are so many entries! It's wonderful to see so many awesome articles and ideas.
      I've spent this week working on the paperback versions of the first three Wellspring Dragons Books, writing on the 4th book (WIP), re-doing my Evenacht intro video because crash=corrupted file (grr), and revamping the Glass Volcano map. Here's a peek at how that's going.

      Take care and have a wonderful week, all!

    For Your Consideration: Oaster (Owen)

    I've gathered together an article looking at my (and a few other) entries to #WAWA2024. I've also outlined my goals for submitting this year, thank you to all those who have kept me going and given me the confidence to submit my work for the awards this year.
      If you wish to have a look at the articles. Have a look here:
    For Your Consideration '24
    Generic article | Mar 30, 2024

    For your consideration: Pillars of Progres

    Before the voting period closes for #WAWA2024 I would like to reshare one of my favorite articles which is also my entry for the pillars of progress :)   Magic in Niorath explains, as the name would suggest, how magic works in my world. This goes from how it orginated to how it was developed further over time and the different forms that were discovered.  
    Magic in Niorath
    Spell | Jul 4, 2023

    My #WAWA2024 Submissions for your consideration.

    Anthropomorh wolf barbarians with a buddhist knack for balance and a barbarian knack for conflict:
    Species | Mar 16, 2024

    Warlike alien wood elves who (partially) live on trees big as skyscrapers and who oppose the human claim to their home world.
    Ethnicity | Mar 16, 2024

    The humonguous world trees which once covered the world, and of which some are still home to unyielding alien wood elves.
    Onauru Trees
    Species | Mar 16, 2024

    A religion heavily inspired by slavic / norse and celtic roots, Ragnarök has happened, and the gods fight for the last world which was not devoured by the Worldsnake.
    The Starfaith of the Aes
    Organization | Mar 14, 2024

    Here's a quick list of my #WAWA2024 submissions. Hope you enjoy!



      I'd like to share the articles that I've entered for The World Anvil World Building Awards. It feels strange to self-promote, but I am proud of the articles that I wrote last year. Hoping you enjoy a quick read!   Kaesta - The Main Protagonist for my upcoming novel. She's a survivor, a programmer, and a world builder!

    The Syntax War - When androids rose up against their human creators, The Syntax War was the swift and brutal conflict that decimated the human colonies throughout the galaxy.

    The Escapist's Fantasy] - This is the small family-sized starship that Kaesta and Asimov fled from The Syntax War in.

    The Cosmos - The inhabitants of Akir have three competing views of The Cosmos, but they all agree their world is not real.

    The Gnomes - These tiny folk travel through The Hatway to stay safe from predators. They're in the midst of a Prank War with the newly arrived Pixies.

    Rastus, The Explorer - After losing his hat, Rastus was locked outside of The Hatway for 50 years. He's become a well-known explorer and author among the Gnomes.

    The Astral Watchtower - is a unique megolothic pyramid. It is one of the holiest places on the world of Akir for the Dwarves. They keep a copy of The Dreamstone Codex there along with astronomical records.

    State of the Manifold - March 24 (Manifold Prompts Edition)

    Howdy all,   Spring rains have finally come to bless my dusty little corner of the American west, and that means it’s time, once again, for the monthly State of the Manifold article. I’ve been busy this month, so let’s get into the updates straight away!   March saw the creation of the #UnofficialChallenge challenge, and, while I had hoped to participate in more of them, I did manage to complete two submissions as of the time of this posting. I took an unconventional approach to Stormbril’s #Marchitecture challenge and submitted an article about an orbital cycler; after all, in space, the difference between a stationary and a moving object is a matter of frame of reference, no? For Jester%’s #OccupationalMarch challenge, I broke with my usual tradition of BCGR-based or system-agnostic writing and posted an article about a custom D&D class I cooked up all the way back in the dim antediluvian epochs of 2014. This former article is definitely worth a look if you’re a tabletop roleplayer because it contains playable stats in not one, but two, different roleplaying systems. Come check them out:     Another thing I did over the course of March was make my submissions for your consideration in the World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards. I don’t have a compiled #WAWA2024 list as such, but these submissions are all up on the WA blog page for the contest. I encourage you to go and have a look at what everyone has submitted because there’s a lot of good stuff out there. And hey, if you see a few Manifold Sky or Sealed Kingdoms articles that strike your fancy, stop on by and consider dropping a like or a vote my way!  
    ESCI Revelation
    Vehicle | Apr 25, 2024
      In other news, the annual #AdventureApril challenge is nearly here. I always enjoy Adventure April because, aside from eliciting some of what I consider to be my best work here, it means that WA suddenly blooms with scores of high-quality articles with interactive content, from basic TTRPG adventures to chose-your-own-adventure ‘mazes’ with varying levels of custom CSS. I’m already marinating a couple of ideas for a challenge article that may or may not be inspired by a recent revisit to Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, but we’ll see how that turns out. Here’s a couple of past submissions I’m particularly proud of:     Anyways, that’s all for now. I look forward to seeing what next month brings. Let me know what you think, and good luck on your creative endeavors as we enter the home stretch on all these writing challenges - both official and otherwise. Onwards!   Regards, BCGR_Wurth

    Hello Good Anvilites!

    Did you cast your vote yet for the WAWA's ? Or are you still looking? If so, may I lure your eyes over the three things I've submitted?

    Strength and Honour
    The character page of Rose, the young woman who accidentally became a pirate captain.

    Character | Mar 10, 2024

    Young girl who ends up leading a pirate crew.

    History Award
    I've made a Timeline and listed all the events (I know now) that concern the pirates and all the adventures they end up in. And made it match my world style with some css magic.
    Chronological events (<- clicky link)

    Best World
    I've humbly submitted the pirate world for the Best World category too.

    Red Sunrise

    A modern day pirate story

    Happy voting! I hope you enjoy all the WAWA Submissions. :)   #wawa2024

    Sahra' al-Shams, the Desert of Light

    If I told you there were shrimp in the desert, would you believe me?
    Shamsi Desert
    Geographic Location | Jun 21, 2024

    Like many creatures in the Shamsi Desert, these fluffy but tenacious critters possess solar magic which makes them both beautiful and better adapted to life in the Radiant Dunes! All manner of species, geographies, cultures and more are waiting in Shamsi for you to explore!

    And if you're looking for more to read, you can check out my other entries for WAWA here:
    Worldbuilding Awards 2024
    Generic article | Mar 20, 2024

    A Taste of Outer Space, consider Dumplings in Space for the Hearts & Minds Award!

    Dumplings aren't just delicious, they're a symbol of unity. Every corner of the Solar System has their own delightful dumplings, and they're a perfect bite-sized zero G food. They've become a symbol of becoming an interplanetary citizen. This is one of the articles I'm the proudest of, I really love the ways food can be transformative. Extra bonus, next time you have a dumpling, you can think of how you're a citizen of space too!   edit: i just wanted to say that y'all are the best <3   If you want to see this article make the shortlist for the Worldbuilding Awards, please consider giving it your vote!
    Dumplings in Space
    Tradition / Ritual | Sep 12, 2024

    The whole world was in that very mouthful. It was immediately addicting. The thin padi film burst and my mouth was all sensations, numbingly it rolled in sweet, then sour, then a sharp floral sang all the way up my sinuses.

    #WAWA2024 || Share on Tumblr

    World-Building Thoughts #3 - Crafting Living Traditions

    As #WAWA2024 unfolds, I've taken the plunge and submitted a selection of my lore articles. I don't expect to win much, but that's not really my goal—participation itself is a rewarding experience, not least for the visibility it brings to one's work sometimes. This occasion has prompted me to reflect on the themes and topics that attract me as a world-builder. Today, I want to delve into an aspect of world-building that particularly fascinates me: Traditions.   Traditions are not just background elements. Quite the opposite, crafting fictional traditions is an exercise that tests a world-builder's skill over a range of topics: history, cultural evolution, and the development of ethnicities, to name a few. To really get into what a tradition is, one has to ask themselves several questions. For example:  
    • - What are the origins of this tradition?
    • - Why did it begin, and how has it evolved over time?
    • - Has it spread to neighboring cultures, and if so, how has it been adapted?
    • - What meanings do contemporary societies attach to this tradition, and how have these interpretations shifted through the ages?
      These questions highlight the dynamic nature of traditions—they evolve, adapt, and sometimes merge with others, much like languages or species. A classic example from our own world is the Christmas tree, an element that blends pagan and Christian traditions. And why people celebrate the resurrection of a messiah by painting chicken eggs is, of course, another rabbit hole....   When breaking down traditions for inclusion in our worlds, it's useful to think about their components: the origin and associated folklore, how they were adapted into the broader cultural milieu, and the evolution of their meaning and symbolism to contemporary participants.   This exploration of traditions in world-building is not just an academic exercise. The goal is always creating "artificial authenticity", since we want to mimic an evolution that hasn't actually happened, reflecting the complex interplay of history, belief, and identity.   But that's just food for thought, I neither have all the answers, or even all the questions. I'm curious to hear from other creators: How do you approach the creation of traditions in your worlds? Do you follow a similar methodology, or have you developed another way of approaching it?   (Here, I would like the highlight an example of my own work, that follows this methodology and sparked my thoughts for this little blog post. It is just an example, showcasing how a tradition can grow and evolve, influencing and being influenced by the cultures that celebrate it.)  
    Bow to the Harvest
    Tradition / Ritual | Apr 11, 2024

    The 'Bow to the Harvest' is a two-day festival in Morvathia on the 27th of Wyndvahl and the 1st of Arnōt, celebrating the bounty of the land and the cycles of life.


    Eddies WAWA! And yours!

    #WAWA2024 is upon us. I already saw so many good entries that is next to impossible which one to choose for our precious like per category.
      And to make it even a bit harder for you, I have made a small article - really, it is small - with an overview of my entries per category. Give them a read and consider them for one of your likes, if you please. If not, I hope you had a good time with them. :)

    Rising from the ashes, consider the Nomads of Mercury for the Rise of Nations Award!

    The terminator nomads were one of the first things I knew would be in Solaris. A tough people making the most of a hard situation, with many different approaches (scavenging the collapsed cities, trading with outsiders, raiding supply convoys, etc) Now that I reflect on them, and their weird insectoid aesthetics, I really do think they're my love letter to the Ashlanders of Morrowind. Isn't it neat how our worldbuilding is sometimes amalgation of all the things we love?
      If you want to see this article make the shortlist for the Worldbuilding Awards, please consider giving it your vote!
    Nomads of Mercury
    Ethnicity | Aug 16, 2024

    In the harsh extremes of Mercury, the nomadic peoples of the planet live on the edge. Their traditional migration patterns have made the terminator nomads uniquely suited to life after the Scorching of Mercury, but it is by no means an easy life.

    #WAWA2024 | Share on Bluesky | Share on Tumblr

    My submissions for #WAWA2024

    WAWA is upon us and it's time to read and vote the amazing articles that people have submitted. Last year I had the honor of being nominated for the Cartography Award. I submitted six articles and a map (which I'm very proud of) in different categories, so I hope you find some of them interesting. And to all of you that have read or are going to read them, thank you so much for taking your precious time to read one, two or even all the articles I submitted, and if you also take part in the awards, I'd love to read what you have submitted and, as always, best of luck!!.
    Entries for WAWA 2024
    Generic article | Apr 3, 2024

    WAWA submissions to consider!

    WAWA voting time is upon us once more and I've submitted four things to it that I would appreciate if you took a moment to read them and maybe consider them for your vote if you liked it! I took the WAWA as an opportunity to finish and edit some of my work, and share Shattered around, to some new faces! The following links are my submissions.

    While I hadn't time to edit either Meeraz or The Creator (doesn't mean I'm less proud of them!), I loved editing Manta Ray as I was a bit unhappy with its previous version; I love how it ended up though! As for the Events of the Shattered, I had it originally only half done and on private. I created a new timeline so I could properly update it to the new timelines and I loved to know more about my world's history as I was filling the gaps!

    I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I loved doing them! And thank you if you consider them for the awards.

    #catoramblings #WAWA2024
    If you like strange biology, my #WAWA2024 entry's got you covered!

    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024's Entries

    To be honest I'm so excited about this year's awards, so I submitted a lot even though I'm a bit busy this month. Go check it out here. :D  
    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024's Entries
    Generic article | Apr 17, 2024

    AAAAAHHHH! Worldbuilding Awards are here! Everybody panic! (and read some of my submissions if you'd like ;) )

    I cannot believe it has been a year since the last WAWAs already! Last year I was incredibly honored to be part of the nominees in two categories, so of course I am chasing that high again this year! ;)
      I submitted seven articles in different categories, so in the interest of keeping things easy to find, I made a compilation article: In it you find links to all the submitted articles as well as a summary and a short few sentences of my thoughts on each.
      I hope you (yes, you!) find any (or all ^^) of them interesting and would love to hear what you think <3
    Worldbuilding Awards 2024 - Ninos Submissions!
    Generic article | Mar 22, 2024

    An overview of my submissions to the 2023 WorldAnvil Worldbuilding Awards :)


    Greenglimmer Ch 10 and Ch 11 are Live and WAWA Entries

    Hey all! Take a sit and read Chapter 10: Yeralis and
    Chapter 11: Rooted.   Vantra and her companions discover that the corrupted magic is more widespread than they thought.  
      #darkfantasy   ****   WAWA! I submitted 6 entries this year. I was like should I? Are they good enough? And then I hit submit anyway. Why is it so scary?   I have an entry from Lapis of Nicodem, an entry from the Wellspring Dragons, and four from Evenacht, and I created a page to make it easier to follow the links. There's a blurb for each entry, too.  
    WA Worldbuilding Award Entries
    Generic article | Jun 4, 2024
      #WAWA2024   ****   After rushing to prettify my entries and struggling with what, exactly to enter, I decided I needed a break, so I don't have anything else for you this week (well, other than the new chapters).   Spring is in the air! Make sure you have your allergy pills handy!   Kwyn

    My Submissions to the WorldAnvil WorldBuilding Awards

    Though I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, I decided to enter all the categories I was eligible for. Check them out in this brief summary article. #WAWA2024 #WorldBuildingAwards  
    World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2023
    Generic article | Jun 8, 2024

    Voting is Now Open! Check Out the Submissions!


    Put up your radiation shields, and consider the History of Mercury for the History Award!

    Check out the History of Mercury, and if you want to see it make the shortlist for the Worldbuilding Awards, please consider giving it your vote!   I fell in love with the new timescale timelines when making this. I think my favourite is seeing the portraits of related characters on the expanded event view, it looks so cool!
    #WAWA2024 #Timeline | Share on Bluesky | Share on Tumblr

    My submissions for Worldbuilding Awards

    Like many have, I've put together a collection of my submissions for this years awards. Please have a look through, send some likes and even vote for if you're taken by something. Best of luck to all, and I'm now gonna go do some reading for inspiration across all the awesome submissions others have put in. Such a good community you are!  
    Shadowfire Worldbuilding Awards 2024 submissions
    Generic article | Mar 22, 2024

    Details of the articles I have submitted for the 2024 worldbuilding Awards


    Worldbuilding Awards 2024 - For your consideration

    There are so many amazing entries to the worldbuilding awards, and I've also submitted a few of my own.
  • Best Worldbuilding Article: Greater Deities
  • Hearts & Minds Award: Mica "Shadowbloom" Conan
  • Rise of Nations: The Eternal Reef

  •   If you want to read a little about why I submitted each of these, I wrote a small overview article here, and please don't forget to check out a few of the other amazing entries here. There is so much inspiration to gain.

    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

    I hope a few of these works and their bespoke art (done by yours truly) fit your fancy, and you consider voting for zany audio dramas, hacker kings & an AI holding the secrets of the world away from corporate overlords!  
  • Best Worldbuilding Article Wax Wing Season 1
  • Hearts & Minds Demyan Anastas
  • Rise of Nations Haveni
  • Myths & Legends Conglomerate Bio Machs
  • Pillars of Progress Crypt.AI
  • Wondrous Nature Amortality
  • Strength & Honour CGM Militia
  • #wawa2024 #worldbuildingawards2024

    Tillerz' Worldbuilding Awards 2024 entries

    These are my entries for the Worldbuilding Awards 2024:     I hope you like my world enough to take a vote or two into consideration. Thank you so much!   I have also put the list into an article for easier bookmarking:
    Worldbuilding Awards 2024
    Generic article | Jun 5, 2024

    Requiem in the 2024 World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards!

    As you may know the WAWA voting has begun, and you are spoiled for choice of where to place your vote. Though I'm sure they are not the best articles up for your consideration, I invite you to explore Requiem, and maybe even consider it for your vote!   All of my entries can be found here:
    Requiem 2024
    Generic article | Apr 3, 2024
      On, an unrelated note, there's a big update for Requiem in the works, so watch this space!   That's about it, so until next time, happy worldbuilding!   #WAWA2024 #Requiem

    It's my 3rd WAnniversary!

    It feels crazy that I've been here for three years. It honestly feels like longer! My world and myself has come so far, and I'm so excited to see where this all goes. Thank you to the best community ever for making me feel so at home <3 It's also Bart Weergang's WAnniversary today too!   I've also submitted some of my best work to the World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards 2024! I'm really proud of these articles, the timeline, the map, and of course, the Yonderverse, and I hope you'll consider voting for these! I've never won one of these awards before, it would be incredible :D   BEST WORLD - Yonderverse
    BEST ARTICLE - Cheem System
    HEARTS & MINDS - Monster Hunting
    RISE OF NATIONS - Sakara
    WONDROUS NATURE - Ecology of the Nakkan Swamp
    STRENGTH & HONOUR - Burning Sea War
    MYTHS & LEGENDS - Mulhaia, God of Torture
    HISTORY AWARD - Yonderverse Master Timeline
    CARTOGRAPHY AWARD - Map of Osao   #WAWA2024 #mochievements
    oh my GAWDS! ... voting for the #WAWA2024 is MADNESS! How the !@!#%&* are we supposed to choose ONE!?

    My Worldbuilding Awards 2024 Entries

    Hello everyone!!! I've elected to participate in the #WorldbuildingAwards2024, and posted the entries I selected below. I hope you enjoy the articles! #WAWA #WAWA2024
    My Worldbuilding Entries
    Generic article | Mar 21, 2024

    Hello, everyone!!!! With the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards in full swing, I've decided to put some of my work as entries for the Awards


    Evalaw WA World Building Award 2024 Entries.

    It's that time of year, and we've put together a few submissions for the #WAWA2024 this year. I really hope those that follow us have enjoyed what we have been creating, and have created this year. We are very aware we are hellaslow at getting the world pages theme nailed down, so appreciate your kind words of support in our half-finish state.
      For the two of us, this is a passion project and we're just grateful that over 100 of you now follow Evalaw, we love you and appreciate you, clearly we're doing something right! There's a lot more to come, and a lot more we want to do with the articles we've submitted and the 1001 edits, re-writes and new articles we have planned that we'll get around to, eventually!
      SO, without further ado. We put together some of the articles we are proud of, and really do hope you like them too.
    Species | Jun 8, 2024

    Cursed and banished into the underworld, the Dral'azie, are a malevolent and hedonistic race of subterranean Aelfier that serve the Goddess Aulreth, with a penchant for black magic.

    Ethnicity | Mar 17, 2024

    Shadows of an ancient sin, the Ejderhakan are a relic of the old, a suave and mysterious race whose appearance often invokes fear and suspicion.

    The Etherian Gulf
    Geographic Location | Mar 17, 2024

    A realm of impenetrable fog and heavy clouds, where vast isles drift impossibly afloat in a deep chasm carved through Evalaws surface. The sea of mists, dominated by arboreal creatures and flying beasts, is not for the faint of heart.

    The Relic Acquisition Syndicate
    Organization | Jul 31, 2023
    The Fallen City of Menor'cress
    Settlement | Jul 31, 2022

    The City Of The Prophet Nemiisae, Brought To Ruin By The Folly Of A Fanatic Queen And A Wayward Druid.

    Species | Jul 2, 2023

    An ancient and unusual breed of hunting hound, finding it's origins in the far flung annuals of a forgotten time.


    WA Worldbuilding Award 2024

    Every time I enter into something on here I sit around going "AHHH, BUT IS IT GOOD ENOUGH??" and every time y'all are the absolute loveliest people about it. So, here I go submitting articles to #WAWA2024 even though I'm fairly certain they won't make it far. Always a chance, right? Alas, nothing from my current world as I've still getting it into shape but all the work I've done on Nebula Burning definitely comes to something good enough to submit.
      Hopefully you enjoy reading my space-fantasy shenanigans!
    Sycian Code
    Language | Mar 8, 2024

    Sycia Sanghvi
    Character | Mar 8, 2024

    Mageborn Bonding
    Condition | Mar 14, 2024

    The Great Collapse
    Military Conflict | Feb 22, 2024

    The Great Collapse is the name that has been given to the time that covers the conflict against Baen Arleth and his Horde.

    Stellar Endeavour
    Vehicle | Jul 24, 2023

    New year, new awards entries!

    Hey everyone I have entered some of my favorite articles for the worldbuilding awards #WAWA2024. I have put them neatly in the article below with some extra info for everything to make it easier to get a summary of the article ^^ Feel free to check it out! :)  
    Worldbuilding Awards Entries
    Generic article | Mar 20, 2024

    World Anvil Worldbuilding Award 2024 Submission & Voting Sheets

    Hi everyone,
      I've made a few submission for the #WAWA2024 and I've made an article to sum them up and explain what I like about them: Submission to World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards 2024.
      I've also made sheets:
  • to help you vote by keeping track of what you've read and thought of submitted articles + a bonus article randomiser so that everyone doesn't just read the articles at the top of each list - link
  • to list all of the repository articles (articles from people participating in the awards that list what articles they've submitted) - link

  •   Quick summary of my submissions:
  • Heart and Minds: Worship of Ancestors
  • Rise of Nations: Esteille
  • Wondrous Nature: soulmates
  • Strength and Honor: Archivists
  • Pillars of Progress: Mineral vs organic magitech
  • Myths and Legends: The Tale of the Eldritch Horrors
  • Best article: Biology of magic use and magical exhaustion
  • Most Beautiful World: Dark Lord Seduction Plan

  •   (If you want to be added to the repository sheet, leave me a comment!)

    Revisiting the Nominees from the Worldbuilding Awards 2022!

    With the release of the new #WorldbuildingAwards2024 event page, it's a good time to look back on past #WAWA nominees and their submissions, as we scramble to put together our own for this year!
      Last year, for the #WorldbuildingAwards2022, I made a collection of graphics for each of the awards and their respective nominees, and now I present the gallery of them all! It's a little silly that I didn't do this sooner, but there it is!
    Worldbuilding Awards 2022 Nominee Gallery
    Generic article | Apr 14, 2024
    Also, a note: gosh, so many people on this list became sages in the past year! I had to workshop so many URLs to dodge 404s from outdated slugs!
      Wishing all of my fellow worldbuilders luck with choosing your submissions this year! Just choosing what to submit is already a battle I'm not fully prepared for!
    #TheOwlworks #WorldbuildingAwards #WAWA2024 #WAWA2022

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