Session 29: The Departed Report

General Summary

You dusted yourself off after the scuffle with the Spiders and Horrific wall creature. You spent about an hour discussing how to heal your paralyzed companions before figuring out that the poison that was infecting them was only temporary. Once everyone came to, you healed up and took stock of the situation. Martin d'Jorasco went to the bakery next door, where you learned Sandara Quinn has a soft spot for Peanut-Butter cookies. She got downright Gollum-y when you tried to eat one in front of her. Martin bought 6 dozen or so cookies which you brought back to the ship and shared with the crew. The crew were unfortunately not working as hard as you had hoped. When you arrived Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop was directing them in singing, and drinking. He let you know that Rosie Cusswell , who you had left in charge, got all bothered about something and left him in charge.   You took your next couple shipments to the old Hennessey Factory, where Timothy Owliphant was taking stock of what was there. You offloaded and returned to the ship for the last bit of cargo. When there, you noticed Rosie crying about something, or otherwise being bothered. GwyNyx  asked what was up, and you learned that she had a history with a Gnome named Quentin Togglepocket. They apparently were business partners, and gamblers, at a time. Quentin apparently absconded with here share for the business and used it to open his Casino here in Port Blackwater. She mentioned wanting to take him for everything he had, which you were all to happy to oblige.   After offloading the final shipment, you returned to the ship and split. Vivienne and Gwynyx went shopping, visiting a local tailor, shoe maker, and other various merchants. Magnum Opus , Moe Boom, Artemis Sindarin, and Martin went to the Afterlife Casino to do some recon. You quickly figured out all of the staff were Tieflings, and that there is to be a Three Dragon Ante Tournament in a few days time. Martin met a prospective dealer which might allow you to offload your Red-sauce. Artemis enjoyed a private dinner behind a waterfall overlooking the Bay.

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