Session 20: Nazi's? Report

General Summary

So, we pick back up at the camp of Octavius Elojoi. You were uncertain how well Martin d'Jorasco, Moe Boom, and Magnum Opus did at investigating the area; so you gave it another look over. This yielded some tracks which led north, deeper into the island. Vivienne and Magnum were called back to Rickety Squibbs as there seemed to be some super important business that needed the two of them, and only them.   The rest of you followed the trail, stopping at a river along the way. The river seemed to separate the North and South parts of the island. The northern shore was decorated with a handful of totems comprised of carved heads which you learned represents Goblin deities belonging to a tribe which lives on the island. You continued to follow the trail, which crossed a patrol route that had not been traveled recently. You pressed on and found a village which seemed to have been slaughtered. At first glance, it looked as though the Order of the Brethren had perpetrated the attack. Thorough investigation revealed otherwise.   Men, women and Children were all slain in what appeared to be an act of genocide. There was only one human body amongst the Goblin corpses of the Wachootoo tribe. There was a Brethren flag, and the human had a tattoo of the Jolly Roger. L3-37 Redgrave and Martin were able to discern that the tattoo was applied post-mortem, as well as a wound made by one of the goblin spears. Gwyn  found a glass bottle which looked as though it belonged to Big Pharma making you think they are perhaps trying to frame Rickety Hake. Gwynyx called in the incident and were informed that all current paperwork is in order to prove that current orders are to not harm the Goblins on the north side of the island. You were instructed to fill out form 36-B to file a report on the findings on the north side of the island. With nothing else of interest, you followed more tracks found at the scene.   Some that went to the Northwest appeared to belong to the same people that did the frame-job. You followed them to the shore, where they disappeared on the wet sand. You did find evidence of a large crate having been drug, but are unsure of what the contents were. The other tracks you found led you to be ambushed by goblins belonging to the Wachooti tribe. Artemis Sindarin was able to negotiate some peace talks which are scheduled to take place on the next day. You shared some rum, were told to bring more, and explicitly instructed not to bring blankets; Goblins would bring the Turkeys (which they call tuk-tuks).   SO, with all that out of the way, you returned back to Rickety Squibbs, and spoke with Rickety during his supper. He seemed concerned about the events, and asked you to do some more investigation into the matter. He was keen on the peace talks after it was suggested the Wachooti could potentially become contractors, aiding in the Squibbing. He said that him and Nora Ravenscroft would accompany you as he makes all the decisions, and Nora speaks goblin.   The captain should be around any moment now though....

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