Session 108 - Order of the Bloody Knives Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 108 - Order of the Bloody Knives

General Summary

1st to 20th Ilvin (First Month of Winter) 722TR

The story so far

Two years ago, Athena recovered ancient Copper Plates from a long lost Temple of Agrik. These plates were used in the creation of magical weapons; however, one was damaged. The Heroes believe that the knowledge they need to repair this artifact is held in the Holy Smithy located at Castle Bedenes, protected by the powerful Fighting Order of the Warriors of Mameka.

However, the ongoing Civil War further complicates this as the Warriors of Mameka are fighting on the enemy's side. The Heroes plan to enter Castle Bedenes in a cunning disguise and copy or steal this knowledge. If the opportunity arises, they have also been asked to assassinate High Commander Halan Uelasen. Under his leadership, the Warrior of Memeka could become a serious threat to the rebellion.

The continuation of Session 107 - Rituals, Rivals, Revenge and the Return Home.

Location - Avonel Manor in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 1 - The Fiery Holy Man

Eras Frestor, art by Attacus
Following the recommendations of the Earl of Tormau, the Heroes visit the Priest of Agrik, Eras Frestor, who has living in Athena's home Manor for the last five years. They find him preaching to the villagers, conjuring figures of eight from flame. He appears surprisingly popular. Athena listens to his sermon and then meets with him.

Eras claims to be a wandering Holy Man not belonging to any particular Clerical Order. However, observing the emphasis of fire in his doctrine, his manner with the common folk, his obvious distaste for the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, and the timing of his first of his appearance in the village Athena comes to an unexpected conclusion. This priest must be a clandestine member of the Order of the Pillar of Fire, a Clerical Sect nearly annihilated in a religious dispute with Agrikian Primate five years ago. Athena decides to keep this revelation to herself.

Eras happily informs the Party of everything he knows about Castle Bedenes, the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, and the Order of the Warriors of Mameka.

  • Castle Bedenes and its manors are held by the Warriors of Mameka, a powerful Order of Warrior-Monks renowned for their Magical Greatswords and Alchemical Bombs.
  • Bedenes has a large temple, called the House of Ordeals, occupied by the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel. Here their Priest-Artificers and Alchemists are trained. They use a secret language of hand signals.
  • Also based at the temple is the Mamekan, a renowned semi-divine artisan who claims to be descended from Agrik's weaponsmith, the Mamaka. He forges the Order's most powerful weapons.
  • Withstanding pain is a key tenet of their doctrine. Both Priests and Warriors inflict punishment on themselves regularly. They are a humorless lot.
  • There are persistent rumors that the Warriors of Mameka, accompanied by Crusaders from the Azeryani Empire, have met with some defeat recently at the spears of the Kubora Barbarians.

Location - Castle of Ithiko in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 3 - The Order of the Bloody Knives

The Heroes get to work. They need an excuse to visit Castle Bedenes and have access to it's Temple.

They create a new identity for Quazzy, Highpriestess Jasmin of the equally fictitious Order of the Bloody Knives. This Order is supposedly from the far Dalkesh Empire and it would be very hard for anyone at Bedenes to quickly check its Religious credentials. Quazzy speaks an ancient version of the Besha, the precursor language from that region, so hopefully, no one at the Castle knows anything about this obscure ancient language.

Athena and Lucia take on the roles of the High Priestesses Bodyguards, The Blood Dancers while Yureb, assists the Party with their disguises and will act as the translator. He also uses his Cursed Inkwell and Athena's religious knowledge to prepared plausible documentation.

The Party's reason for the visit is Highpriestess Jasmine has received a divine message to observe a holy event in the Kingdom of Rethem near Bedenes. The Earl of Tormau tells the heroes that this is likely to be a suicide mission as all of his spies in the area have gone silent. However, he supports the plan by supplying a small ship and crew but warns that they will leave the Party to their fates if they see any threat.

Location - Castle of Bedenes in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 4 - The Castle of Pain

Granek, art by Artbreeder
Their ship arrives at the Manor of Alesen, a small anchorage filled with wintering whaling ships, about a three-quarter hour walk from Bedenes Castle. They are met by Granek, “The Akarata’s Voice.” Most of the locals seem to fear this man. He questions Quazzy and examines the false papers. He is fooled. They are instructed to accompany him to the Castle and meet with the Akarata (Grandmaster) of the Warriors of Mameka. As the Heroes follow Granek through the small township of Bedenes they note that one cottage is under what appears to have a hastily assembled guard.

Akarata Horab, art by Artbreeder
The Group meets with the leadership of the Warriors of Mameka in the great hall of Castle Bedenes. Akarata (Grandmaster) Horab Gerund is a man in his seventies, and Yureb notes blood leaking through the clothes on his back. He is accompanied by his Senior High Commander, Halan Uelasen.
Halan Uelasen, art by Artbreeder
Quazzy is received with some confusion and respect; however, the Grandmaster calls on one of the Priests, Bedai Borganau, the Master of Accotyes, to examine the documentation and question Quazzy. Athena believes this man looks familiar. She killed his cousin last year (refer Session 66 - Attacking the Hidden Base). However, Master Bedai does not recognize her and is deceived by the forgeries. When asked about her faith's tenets, Quazzy, telepathically advised by Athena, copies some of the Pain and Pleasure religious doctrines from Athena's hated rivals, the Order of the Eight Demons.

Bedai Borganau, art by Artbreeder
After some questioning, the Party is permitted to stay for a few days and offered accommodation in the guest quarters. Quazzy, Athena, and Lucia claim that as women, they must be kept separate. This causes some bewilderment. Master Bedai agrees to allow them to meet with the Mamekan, the Order's semi-divine Mastersmith, and see whether they can be given temporary accommodation in his quarters. The Heroes are taken to the House of Ordeals to meet with him.

Part 5 - The Most Holy Smith

The Mamekan art by Artbreeder
The Mamekan is hard at work at the famous Air Forge, creating weapons assisted by Priest-Artificers working in silence. The steel blade he is forging has a very distinctive cloudy blue pattern. While waiting, Yureb discretely sneaks a look into the adjacent workshop filled with Priest-Artificers making weapons, armor, and alchemical bombs. He spots a very secure door, the entry to something that looks very much like a treasure vault. Athena also notices some of the holy inscriptions decorating the walls border on being heretical.

When he finished his work, Master Bedai introduces Highpriestess Jasmine to the Mamekan. Although he is a serious man, he quickly falls for Quazzy's charms. The Party is invited to dine with him in his chambers. Although males are not normally allowed in, Yureb claims to be a Eunuch. The Mamekan is an entertaining host, and the Party learns that he is concerned about his mother and siblings' fate. They left for the Hepekeria continent years ago, and he has not heard from them. Although he does not discuss the Order's business, in a passing remark, he mentions that Warriors seek to recover holy artifacts from Kustan, an old Corani Empire Castle and temple lost centuries ago. Quazzy spends the night with him, much to the disgust of his wives.

Part 6 - A Serious Mistake

The next morning, the Heroes meet again with the Akarata Horab, and Yureb notices fresh blood on his back and bloodstains around his mouth. The party informs the Akarata that this holy event they plan to observe has something to do with Kustan and ask what appears to be innocent questions.

Suddenly, the Heroes don't appear to be very welcome anymore. The Akarata and all his guards tense. Granek and the Akarata enter is a whispered conversation. Luckily the ever-observant Yureb is an able lipreader. The men believe the Party are probably spies, possibly sent by the Agrikian Pontiff, and need to be gotten rid of. Yureb, in telepathic conversation with Quazzy and Athena, quickly makes plans. They consider immediately attacking, but first attempt to avoid violence. They ask permission to travel north by themselves, leaving tomorrow. The Akarata readily agrees, believing that the rampaging Kuboran Barbarians would deal with his problem, i.e., kill these snooping spies for him.

Part 7 - The Walking Wounded

Having avoided being silenced, the Heroes decide to leave the castle for the day and wander the nearby hills to "looking for signs of the upcoming great event." They are assigned an escort for their "protection." Yureb sneaks away and back to the township to investigate the cottage they noticed was under guard when they arrived yesterday. There are no guards at the moment, and checking through the windows, he discovers five foreign-looking men. Three being disabled with serious injuries. Later in the afternoon, Quazzy finds an excuse to break from the Party and also visits the cottage. She catches one of the men going for a walk and suggests that he tells her his story.

Lucanarus, art by Artbreeder
He is Lucanarus Tacins, one of 40 Crusaders from the Azeryani Empire. 4 years ago, they accompanied 50 Warrior of Memeka Knights and 100 commoners Warriors to capture the long-lost temple at Kustan and recover one of the 888 Sacred Cairns. The expedition ended in a complete disaster, with the Kubora Barbarians expertly ambushing the Crusaders. Only a handful of survivors limped back to Bedenes. The Warriors have been suppressing details of this catastrophe. Their military strength has been compromised; they can only defend their holdings and are in no position to mount an offensive. Lucanarus believes that he and the other survivors would be executed if he attempts to escape with this knowledge.

Quazzy wipes the memory of this conversation from the Man and rejoins the Heroes. They decide on a change of plans, rather than pursuing the magical knowledge needed to repair the Copper Plate; they will instead rescue these men and deliver proof of the military disaster and the weakened state of this once powerful fighting force.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Eras Frestor - Priest of Agrik.

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus of Tormau.

Granek - The Akarata’s Voice.

Akarata Horab Gerund Grandmaster - Leader of the Warriors of Mameka

Meketa Halan Uelasen - Senior commander of the Warriors of Mameka.

Bedai Borganau - Master of Acolytes of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

The Mamekan - The Semi divine Weapon Smith.

Lucanarus Tacins - Crusader from the Azeryani Empire.


The Heroes successfully infiltration the Warriors of Mamaka.

Quazzy seduces the Mamaka.

The Warriors Secrets are uncovered.

Created Content

Eras Frestor - Priest of Agrik.

Order of the Pillar of Fire.

The Mamekan - The semi-divine Weaponsmith.

Related Reports

The Khamar Copper Plates.

Order of Khamar.

Order of the Warriors of Mameka - Updated.

Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel - Updated.

Kubora Barbarians.

888 Sacred Cairns.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 17 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 17 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 12 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
25 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Castle Bedenes
Secondary Location
Castle of Ithiko

NPC Companion

Dame Lucia Kalormar, Athena's Squire

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Order of the Piller of Fire

by Columbia Games

Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel

by Columbia Games

Order of the Warriors of Mameka

Warriors of Mameka.jpg

by Columbia Games

Cursed Inkwell

Cursed Inkwell

Tool Very Rare

This normal looking inkwell bears a small skull imprint upon its bottom.

Grants Advantage on any Forgery attempts when using this Ink.

Vesha’s Curse

The Author of any document made using this inkwell must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC = 12 otherwise any writing or drawing will be corrupted by the influence of the Greater Gytevsha Vesha, the mouth of Falsehood. True words will become clouded and confused, Half-truths become lies, and words of praise will become insults.

This item has enough ink for 10 applications.

Weight: 1lbs


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