Session 115 - The New Brother Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 115 - The New Brother

General Summary

10th to 27th of Halane (Second Month of Autumn) 722TR

The story so far

The Heroes plan to make their way to the City of Tashal then join with one of the Autumn trade caravans traveling West along the Salt Route.

Avon wants to start his political maneuvering to join the Thardic Republic's Senate. At the same time Acheron needs to deliver a collection of magical Silver Swords to his secretive Argent Order in the Kingdom of Kanday. At Tashal, Acheron also has to collect a new recruit.

The continuation of Session 114 - The Bad Apples.

Location - Fortress of Zerhun and Silverway Trade Route in the Kingdom of Azadmere.

Part 1 - Leaving the Dwarven Kingdom.

Sigam Asandril, art by Artbreeder
Avon purchases a Mule to carry some of the barrels of goods he bought from the Dwarven Brewers and special Mushroom Fertilizer for vineyards.

The Heroes leave the Dwarven Kingdom via the great Fortress of Zerhun. Sigam Asandril, the Heroes guide, translator, and minder in the Kingdom, warmly farewells them. She very much enjoyed their adventures together.

As the Heroes descend through the canyons of the Silverway, they spot caltrops on the trail, and Sabretooth has to dodge a plummeting rock. Seven bandits are hiding in the rocks above, and they demand that the Heroes pay a toll, half of the barrels on the Mule, or they will shoot the beast. The Heroes decide this is not the time to attack and surrender three barrels of goods and retreat down the mountain.

Avon sneaks back up the trail, and once the Bandits have retreated to their camp, the Heroes follow their tracks and prepare to attack at night. They are spotted. However, the bandits are soon defeated, although several prove to be rather skilled warriors.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor .

Part 2 - Meetings in the Big City.

Highpriest Deni, art by Artbreeder
The Heroes arrive at the City of Tashal without any further incident. Acheron and Avon attend a service at the Larani Cathedral, the Basilica of King Aidrik IV, and then meet with Highpriest Deni Trochi. The Serolan Deni introduces them to the rather serious recruit Azemer Palian.

Brother Azemer, art by Artbreeder
Azermer was a common soldier with the Order of the Lady of Paladins in Melderyn. He and his Inquisition Squad were ambushed by assassins' of the Church of Naveh in the Priory of St. Bergain. He was the only survivor personally killing the last Assassin before falling unconscious from his wounds. For his bravery, he was offered a Knighthood but instead volunteered to join the Argent Order so he could better pursue the destruction of the minions of Naveh, the god of Nightmares and Murder.

Acheron and Azemer spend the next few days in holy contemplation while Avon associates with the rich and powerful, building on the relationship he had previously forged with Lady Cheselyne Hosath, the King of Kaldor's niece, and the High Priest. He sells most of his Dwarven Alcohol to the local nobility setting up a series of political and commercial connections. Meanwhile, Sabretooth visits his friends at the Temple of Ilvir, the Church of the Yellow Hand, and relates his recent adventures. His image, and the Amethyst Troll Statuette he has collected, is recorded in several new Holy texts.

Avon arranges for the Heroes to join one of the last trade Caravans to leave the City along the Salt Route to the West. Not long after departing Tashel, obsidian tipped arrows are fired at them from the densely wooded hills. The snipers are not pursued. The Caravan's wagon-master tells them that this attack would be from the Kath Barbarians, not an unusual occurrence. The Caravan makes its way to Trobridge Inn and then to the Legionary Fort Taztos without any major incidence.

Location - Fort Taztos in the Thardic Republic.

Part 3 - The Fort.

Fort Taztos is a fort and temporary base of operations for the Ramala Legion. There is evidence of conflict with the fort being overrun last year during the Tulwyn uprising. This spring Marshal Kronas Elernin recaptured the fort defeated the Tulwyn in several ferociousness battles.

Senator Ryburn Elernin, art by Artbreeder
As the caravan arrives, the Heroes are spotted by Senator Ryburn Elernin. They saved his life earlier in the year when he was leading an embassy in Kaldor. Pleased to see them, he leads Avon, a member of the Red Guard, to meet with his father, the famous Marshal Kronas, the most powerful man in the Republic.

Marshal Kronas, art by Artbreeder
The Marshal is a busy man and has a problem. Senator Cyzo Udirel arrived ten days ago with a small number of guards wanting to travel to Relmon Bay on a personal mission demanding a Legionary escort. Marshal Kronas refused to help, considering this foolish endeavor a waste of time. He has a barbarian uprising to put down. Senator Cyzo left instead with his men. The Senate has sent the Marshal a stern letter demanding he helps the Senator. Avon, being a member of the Red Guard whose duties, including the Senators' security, would be perfect for this task. He orders Avon to find the Senator. He should have returned by now. The Marshal tells Avon that "if he is dead, there would be one more opening in the Senate."

Avon recalls Senator Cyzo is a wealthy Jeweller and a member of the Senate's Consolidation fraction, opposed to the Marshal. Avon gets the impression that Marshal Kronas would not be upset if Senator Cyzo were to, unfortunately, be found dead. The Heroes head off to Relmon Bay to find him.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Sigam Asandril.

Deni Trochi - High Priest of the Church of Larani.

Azemer Palian - A new recruit to the Argent Order with a bloody past.

Lady Cheselyne Hosath - the King of Kaldor's niece.

Senator Ryburn Elernin.

Marshal Kronas Elernin.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated seven Bandits.

Acheron collected Azemer Palian

Avon increased his network of contacts in Kaldor.

Party made safely to Fort Taztos.

Created Content

Temple of Larani - Basilica of King Aidrik IV.

Marshal Kronas Elernin.

Related Reports

Temple of Larani - Priory of St. Bergain - The sight of a murder most foul.

Masses and Vigils - Updated.

The Argent Order.

Senator Ryburn Elernin - Updated.

The Red Guard.

Players Character Status

Acheron - Human - Level 5 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Unique Humanoid appearing Ivashu - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian and Level 3 Monk.

Avon - Half-Elf - Level 8 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
13 Dec 2020
Primary Location
City of Tashal


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

Church of Larani

Order of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow.

by Columbia Games

The Argent Order.

A small secretive Order devoted to directly combating the forces of shadow and evil.

Argent Order, art by Attacus

Clan Elernin

One of the most powerful Family in the Thardic Republic.

Clan Elernin, art by Columbia Games

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