Charlotte Sommer | World Anvil

Charlotte Sommer
Lottie or Charlie

Lottie was born to a human mother and a tiefling father. Estranged from her mother's family, she traveled with her father in a performing troupe. She is currently seeking her brother and performing along the way.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Laura M.
Other characters
Fri 19th Nov 2021 02:55


by Charlotte Sommer

Shit. Shit. Shit. We get to Rosohna, basically the other end of the world and THIS is where I find my brother? I was so excited and worried and scared and nervous and feeling almost every single feeling at once that I can barely remember what happened.
He’s in a band. I made Ael and Velina go with me (that’s a WHOLE OTHER THING that I can’t even think about right now). I’m so glad Ael was with me because I completely froze up when it was time to talk to him. I started thinking about how stupid it is to just walk up to someone and say, “Oh, hi. You don’t know me but I’m your sister” and I started freaking out. Ael calmed me down and went with me to talk to him.
And it went horrible…
I mean, I guess it could have been worse. He didn’t tell me to fuck off or anything. He did freak out a little though. When I mentioned our dad and told him that he was my father too and that I should find him. He started going on and on about me bringing a kid with me. Maybe it was because she's the Dawn Princess (again, a WHOLE OTHER THING). And he told me to meet him at the super shady sounding place. So… I guess it’s not horrible. I mean, we’re still going to talk. Right?
I just…
I thought it would be different. I thought I would feel a sense of family immediately or something. I thought I would be welcomed with open arms and a sense of excitement. That’s how I felt when dad told me I had a brother. I was excited. I wanted to know him. It never occurred to me whether or not he might want to know me. And I’m not sure if he does after that interaction.

Charlotte's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. An Outsider at Home
    01 Sep 2021 01:23:52
  2. A Family Estrangement
    01 Sep 2021 01:42:35
  3. Discovering Avandra
    01 Sep 2021 01:51:36
  4. A Performance Gone Wrong
    02 Sep 2021 02:42:24
  5. The Search for More Family
    02 Sep 2021 03:14:24
  6. Friends & Assassins
    11 Sep 2021 01:07:48
  7. The Road to Nogvurot
    11 Sep 2021 01:12:51
  8. A Charming Exit
    19 Sep 2021 01:36:25
  9. A Shadow's Breath from Death
    1st of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  10. Bandits & New Friends
    2nd of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  11. A Dress for Thistle
    3rd of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  12. A Letter to Mom
    6th of Sydenstar, 385
  13. Happy Birthday, Thistle
    7th of Sydenstar, 385 PD
  14. FUCK
    19 Nov 2021 02:55:53

The major events and journals in Charlotte's history, from the beginning to today.


Shit. Shit. Shit. We get to Rosohna, basically the other end of the world and THIS is where I find my brother? I was so excited and worried and scared and nervous and feeling almost every single feeling at once that I can barely remember what happened. ...

04:01 am - 16.11.2021

Happy Birthday, Thistle

It’s Thistle’s birthday and we just finished having a girls night. She told me she didn’t want to do anything for her birthday, but I can’t help myself sometimes. Besides, Ael suggested a slumber party and the ideas just started piling on after th...

03:17 am - 16.11.2021

A Letter to Mom

Hi Mom, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. I think I spent the past several months too in my head about everything: home, magic, family, my letters. I mean, I’m not even sure if you read these. I’ve never stayed anywhere long enough t...

12:23 am - 06.11.2021

A Dress for Thistle

Soooooo.... I had a talk with Thistle and she apparently thinks I'm super charming (which was just the sweetest thing to say) and she wants help. I thought she was asking about the way I act, but it turns out she was talking more about how feminine I am. ...

08:33 pm - 09.10.2021

Bandits & New Friends

It would be nice to be able to get through a day without being attacked by something. Virdan had just stumbled across someone new and we were introducing ourselves when we were rudely interrupted by bandits, and they had a blade on Thistle! I was so worri...

11:58 pm - 08.10.2021

A Shadow's Breath from Death

I think I just almost died. I feel terrible. It was a terrible night and I hate terrible nights. We had to fight these gross dog things and some kind of ghost. I thought it was going to be a good night. We all shared a little more about each other. Usu...

04:59 am - 25.09.2021

A Charming Exit

I've been thinking about magic. I haven't been using it as much since I left the circus, only when it seems like my only option. After what happened with Pan and Gabrod, I thought maybe I wasn't any good at it. Last night made me think I might be good at ...

01:36 am - 19.09.2021

Friends & Assassins

What just happened? I feel so out of my depth. It already felt like we might have made a mistake coming to Nogvurot. There were Righteous Brand everywhere. After our encounter on the road, we were all feeling pretty nervous. We a table near the back of...

01:07 pm - 11.09.2021

The Road to Nogvurot

I met people! I was starting to feel kind of lonely and the guilt brewing back up about Gabrod wasn’t helping, either. I was starting to feel down and was trying to cheer myself up with a little tune, when I came upon a family camping out in the forest....

10:12 pm - 04.09.2021

The Search for More Family

After an unfortunate incident that left another person injured and disfigured, it felt safest to leave for a while. My father told me about the Grinners, a secret organization of bards and minstrels. He said they spread freedom and inspire hope and revolu...

02:13 am - 01.09.2021

***Edit Later

***Write this with Joey and Lia Rival: a veteran blames me for their disfigurement after we tampered with power beyond our control. They want to destroy me....

02:00 am - 01.09.2021

Discovering Avandra

I traveled all over the empire with my father and the circus for the better part of two years. I learned more about performing, music, and even life outside the empire. I began to learn how to use music to create magic from one of the other performers (Da...

01:51 am - 01.09.2021

A Family Estrangement

When I was 22, a traveling performing troupe called Molina's Illustrious Circus came through Odessloe. For the first time, my mother told me about my father. She told me that he used to travel with that circus. She told me his name was Karai and told me i...

01:42 am - 01.09.2021

An Outsider at Home

I was born in Rexxentrum to a single mother. Shortly after I was born, my grandfather arranged a marriage between my mother and my stepfather. He was a Crownsguard trying to work his way up the ranks. A few years into their marriage, they had twins and I ...

01:23 am - 01.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Charlotte.

Played by
Laura M.

Other Characters by thatlibrarianlady