Graham Lightbringer | World Anvil

Graham Lightbringer

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Graham's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7: "The Gauntlet of Lucis"

08:55 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 7: "The Gauntlet of Lucis"

08:55 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 6: "To Lucis"

04:38 am - 04.11.2023

Session 6: "To Lucis"

04:38 am - 04.11.2023

Session 5: "The Dokan Lands"

04:41 am - 28.10.2023

Session 5: "The Dokan Lands"

04:41 am - 28.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:57 am - 15.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:57 am - 15.10.2023

Session 4: "The Pull"

04:56 am - 15.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Graham.

Played by
Devon Troeger

Other Characters by Valetaren