Artain Keltia Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Artain Keltia

Artain Keltia (a.k.a. "Art" or "The Artist")

Artain Keltia, known as "The Artist" among his tribesmen, was a living testament to the Vesynite way of life. With long, tightly woven black hair and dark eyes that seemed to absorb the night, he embodied the strength and resilience of his people.   His attire, crafted from supple leather in earthy hues, bore scars earned from countless seasons of hunting. Tribal armband tattoos, one for each successful season of "The Hunt," adorned his forearms. Artain's skill in the wilderness was unparalleled; he moved silently, blending with the shadows, and was always ready for the unexpected.   Yet beneath the rugged exterior lay a deep devotion to Vesyna, their deity, and an unshakable loyalty to his family and tribe. Artain's greatest aspiration was to lead his people to a new home, an island off the Vesynite coast, where they could thrive and master the ocean's bounty.   With each day, he honed his skills, guided by Vesyna's blessings, and waited for the opportunity to make his vision of the island nation of Keltia a reality.

Personality Characteristics


Artain's short-term goal is to continue hunting, not only for "The Hunt" but also to protect his tribe from humanoid threats and discover the truth behind his visions. His long-term ambition is to lead the Keltia tribe and settle on the island southwest of Vesynite lands, claiming it as their own. He envisions the island nation of Keltia, where his people can thrive.   Artain is tolerant but not overly friendly toward Kalashtars outside Vesynite lands. He views orcs as raiding opportunists based on encounters in his tribal hunting grounds. He is unsure and untrusting of dwarves and fey due to his lack of knowledge about them. He firmly believes that Vesynites have the best approach to prepare for the prophecies to come.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Artain is a skilled ranger, possibly specializing in the Gloomstalker subclass. He excels in silent stalking, remaining hidden, and keeping a weathered eye out for the unexpected. His proficiency in hunting and combat makes him a formidable protector of his tribe.


Family Ties

Artain's family includes his father Leon, his mother Maya, his younger brothers Treyus and Malgus, and his older sister Malya. His tribe's Chieftain is his uncle Malta, and the Matriarch is his aunt Alaina. He has cousins named Marcho and Sera. Artain values his family and tribe above all else.

Religious Views

Artain carries a sentimental arrowhead marking his first kill as a hunter and a blackened-hued stone gifted to him by his mother, representing Vesyna's blessing. He has a recurring dream of walking through a dark cavern, hearing a muffled roar, and encountering a terrifying beast. Artain is deeply committed to Vesyna's teachings and his people's survival. He is willing to face any challenge to honor his clan and protect his homeland.

Social Aptitude

Artain is perceived as strong, straightforward, and dirty by those who meet him. He stands out in a crowded society but can blend into the wilderness seamlessly. He values those who prove their worth and can work well with others, particularly in hunting parties and organizing raids. However, convincing him to cooperate outside his tribe may require effort. Artain believes strongly in the Vesynite way of life and has a borderline zealot-like devotion to Vesyna, their deity.

448 PL 644 PL 196 years old
Place of Death
Artanar of Keltia
Dark brown
Black, long but keeps tightly woven to prevent catching or snagging
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements


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