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True Neutral Tabaxi (Pirate)
Bard 4
27 / 27 HP

Ukule is a Tabaxi pirate bard who entertains with an assortment of sea shanties played on the ukulele, fiddle and concertina. He's currently on shore leave due to reasons he doesn't need to discuss.

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Sat 21st Aug 2021 07:16

Final Ponderings

by Ukule

All is quiet. Shockingly so, seeing as the wedding festivities were raucous enough to fill an entire week. I suspect that once everyone’s had a bit of rest things will pick up again. For now I’m taking this moment to sit on the roof of my new home and finish writing before Brauka wakes up and realizes I’m not there with her. I don’t ever want her to think I’ve up and left her for good, she’s been far too patient with waiting for me to come home.
Home. This is my home now. Not necessarily the village in the sand or even in Rhue, but my new home is with Brauka and our child. Some day we might take to the seas, or go back to visit my parents in Everreach, even travel up North to bother Darius, but home will always be wherever our family resides.
It’s still a wonder how I ended up here. I read back through this journal, this account of everything that’s happened since I ran away from Brauka, and I’m shocked to find myself right back where I started. Same place but we’re all different people now. Different, but better. At the very least I’m now a married man, which let me tell you was the last thing on my mind when I first started this adventure.
Brauka and I were married under the most beautiful sky of stars you ever did see. As soon as Dax was brought back to us and we all had a moment to breathe Brauka appeared and, well, what else were we waiting for? I might have cried a little during our vows (okay it was a lot can you blame me) and suddenly that incredible woman became my wife. I’m a husband now, who would have thought? Admittedly we still need to go on an actual date and a conversation that doesn’t involve us seducing one another, but there’ll be plenty of time for that later.
Darius, the wonderful strong willed jerk that he is, almost left during the festivities without saying a proper goodbye or doing that song and dance he promised. Then, once I threatened him, he had the audacity to show off the single most impressive song and dance I have ever seen in my life. I can’t find proper words to explain it, only that I wish I had demanded a song and dance from the man before, if only to witness such a sight more than once. Yet this was the perfect night for such an event, so maybe it’s for the best that he saved it for now.
Out of all of our crew I’m going to miss him the most. Not just because he technically won my life the very first second we met, but because he provided a safe harbor in a storm of danger and uncertainty. I owe him so much, yet all I can do is promise to continue to be stronger than I’ve been before. I hope he finds Ursa. I hope he finds his happiness. If there’s ever a person that deserves to find it, it’s him.
Need a minute, I got sand in my eyes or something. It’s not like this is a permanent farewell. Darius better come back to be a proper godfather to Marantha. Also I taught Sargeras some good curses and I want to be there to witness his progress. It’s just… we’ve all been through so much, we’ve all changed, and now that we’re splitting up it almost feels… well, not entirely wrong, it’s meant to be this way, but it sure will feel different.
Good thing I have the Sending spell and can message any of these scallywags any time I want. Just in case they forget my wonderful words of wisdom. Now that I’m not using all my energy to send messages to Brauka I’ll have plenty of magic left. Unless I use all my energy tending to Brauka. For someone who’s about to have a kid she is still incredibly enthusiastic and has nearly unlimited stamina. Almost couldn’t keep up with her last night. Might need to exercise more or I’m in trouble.
Dax, bless her soul, wasn’t able to party as hard as the rest of us but she was still there at the festivities. She plans on sticking around with Mimzy, pun not intended, and seeing where her goddess Gya leads her. As a gift she lifted the curse off of the baby, thus preventing a part of the terrible future that once awaited Marantha. Now I can take my new family out on the waters without worrying about sending them to the abyss. I don’t know how to repay Dax for this gift, I don’t know how to repay anyone-
More sand in my eyes. I swear I’m going to be such a blubbering mess that Brauka will reconsider just who she married.
Mimz finally got that party I promised him, although I wonder if it’s such a good idea for him to be around such a feast since that’s apparently how mimics reproduce? I’m not sure, and I’m certainly not sober enough to ask him the finer details about it. Sure, the man was my best chest at my wedding, turning into The Avarice and all at my request, but still some things are best left unasked between men. Although I did give him a small guide I wrote to hopefully help him and Dax out when they start figuring out the finer details of their relationship.
And looking up in the stars above I swore I saw two new constellations I had never seen before. As a navigator on ship I prided myself in being able to recognize the sea of stars that guided me, yet as I look up now I can recognize two very distinct patterns, one a tortle, the other a tiefling. James and Herus will still be with us so long as we carry their names.
To my surprise Darius had given Mimz a gift to pass on to me. I opened it to find a pair of fancy bracers made from the egg Sargeras hatched from. When he had time to make such a thing is beyond me but the quality is far above anything I’ve ever worn. It is a kingly gift, which is fitting since Darius has gone back to his home to hopefully take over the ruling business. I’ll have to wear them when I storm the North and kick down the doors to his castle or whatever he’s going to be ruling in.
Speaking of ruling, I’m a prince now! I think. Brauka’s a princess and now I’m her husband, but her father’s still the chief or king or whatever, I don’t know how it works. Nor do I really care right now. That can be something to figure out later. Prince Ukule doesn’t sound quite right. Prince Wuvy even less so. Sam, Prince of Scarab Clan, that might have a decent ring to it. Maybe it’s time to go back to my proper name, especially since the curse associated with it is now lifted.
Looking back through this journal is an adventure in itself. It started with me running away from my wife on the back of a pig and running into this strange group of misfits, a motley crew that I was certain would only be momentary acquaintances until I found my way back to the sea. Now here I am, part of a new family, happier than I’ve ever been before.
Funny how life can surprise you that way. I had the choice to go back with Rosie and her crew, to return to the seas and abandon this hero business, and honestly I almost took it. If Darius hadn’t been there to listen to my woes and help me collect my thoughts I might have left. Then where would I have been? Best not to think about it, I’ve found where I belong.
Of course the adventure’s not over yet. Can’t keep a man like me from roaming, not when the world is bright and shiny and full of possibilities. Marantha will be born soon and I’ll be sure to show her just how wonderful life can be despite the darkness that tries to take hold.
I’m sailing in uncharted waters but you know, I’m not afraid. Not anymore. I’m ready to see where the next adventure takes me.

Ukule's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Well that didn't work out as expected
    01 Jun 2021 03:57:20
  2. Welcome to Durr?
    01 Jun 2021 03:59:01
  3. Back in the Brig
    06 Jun 2021 05:42:32
  4. Ugh....
    13 Jun 2021 04:30:57
  5. The Cycle Continues
    20 Jun 2021 07:16:48
  6. Having A Good Time
    27 Jun 2021 05:07:34
  7. Turbulent Tides, Calm Waters
    07 Jul 2021 12:46:53
  8. Times Be Changing
    20 Jul 2021 10:12:38
  9. Curses
    30 Jul 2021 04:20:14
  10. Promises
    04 Aug 2021 03:02:59
  11. Too Late
    12 Aug 2021 08:12:37
  12. We've Done It
    18 Aug 2021 04:33:26
  13. Final Ponderings
    21 Aug 2021 07:16:48

The major events and journals in Ukule's history, from the beginning to today.

Final Ponderings

All is quiet. Shockingly so, seeing as the wedding festivities were raucous enough to fill an entire week. I suspect that once everyone’s had a bit of rest things will pick up again. For now I’m taking this moment to sit on the roof of my new home and...

07:16 pm - 21.08.2021

We've Done It

Stars above and lands below we’ve done it. We’ve made it. Despite my shaking hands my mind is clearer than it’s ever been. As always let’s start at the beginning. We were in a void, falling through time and space once more, an unfortunately fa...

04:33 pm - 18.08.2021

Too Late

Been having a bit of a turbulent time as of late. As soon as we returned to our temporary home in Dervia with Mari I sought out Darius. My mind couldn’t settle with all we had seen from the future, and Darius is the only one in this crew I feel I can...

08:12 pm - 12.08.2021


Is it possible to mourn someone who hasn’t even been born yet? Can you feel grief for losing someone who has not yet lived? I can still hear her dying screams echoing in the silence, see her being killed when I close my eyes. I failed her before she...

03:02 am - 04.08.2021


Don’t ask me how I’m writing this right now considering where we ended up, all I know is that I have time to write and I’m going to take it. Someone’s got to keep a record of the insanity we constantly find ourselves in, although I have to questio...

04:20 am - 30.07.2021

Times Be Changing

Got a lot on my mind so I’m going to dive right in. I’ve got a vague feeling that while I’m sleeping someone’s reading my journal, so if you are, shove off and find someone else’s private musings to ponder. At the very least you could buy me a d...

10:12 pm - 20.07.2021

Turbulent Tides, Calm Waters

Apparently death isn’t as permanent as I thought. Or at the very least it’s not permanent when it comes to Darius. The man’s alive and up walking around as if nothing’s happened, although after what I’ve seen I’m not entirely sure that’s the...

12:46 am - 07.07.2021

Having A Good Time

Okay so remember what I said about life deciding to kick you when you’re down and slap you wide awake? I’m very wide awake now considering what just happened. Not sure what’s going on and I’m a bit hesitant to state it in case I’m having anot...

04:48 am - 27.06.2021

The Cycle Continues

It was inevitable. Should have known better than to have thought I was free of this. It’s all my fault. Darius is dead. He died and I let him slip through my fingers into the depths below, watched him sink down, down, down into the darkness like so m...

07:16 am - 20.06.2021


M' head's spinnin' an' I dunno whuh's goin' on but 'm awake and it's far too early for this. There's some damned butterfly flutterin' around my diamond and I just wanna sleep until the floor stops movin'.... Am I back on the ship? No... then why is the...

04:30 am - 13.06.2021

Back in the Brig

Okay so I have to start this off by saying that it's not my fault we're in jail. I was barely pulling myself off the ground when we got arrested, I don't even know what happened or what's going on. The past 24 hours have been a whirlwind of fighting and i...

05:20 am - 06.06.2021

Welcome to Durr?

Made it to the town of Durr and was immediately met by the aftermath of what must have been a terrible battle. Wounded warriors everywhere among pulverized rubble and debris, groans and muffled sobs and thousand yard stares abound. The smell of blood and ...

03:55 am - 01.06.2021

Well that didn't work out as expected

So lesson learned, don't successfully woo the chief orc's daughter and then try to make off with their most prized possession. Wish I could remember her name, she was a nice girl, if a little too clingy. Also pigs make decent getaway rides in a pinch, who...

07:27 am - 30.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ukule.

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