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Tue 1st Jun 2021 03:59

Welcome to Durr?

by Ukule

Made it to the town of Durr and was immediately met by the aftermath of what must have been a terrible battle. Wounded warriors everywhere among pulverized rubble and debris, groans and muffled sobs and thousand yard stares abound. The smell of blood and suffering is thick in the air, it's been a while since I've been among the wounded like this. And this was the winning side! I overheard something about portals and monsters but haven't had a chance to get a proper explanation.
There wasn't much I could do but play some music to boost morale. A couple victorious songs about battling the worst the unforgiving sea has to offer seemed to do the trick. Granted, it wasn't entirely appropriate since we are on dry land and I don't think it held the same emotional impact it would have if we were all on a ship, but I did what I could given the circumstances.
I miss the rough swells of the ocean waves and cries of the gulls above accompanying my songs. Even the creak of the deck underfoot was better than nothing. Here on land it's just not the same. The land has a melody that I have not yet mastered.
But enough complaining, I've got too much to do here. These folks need whatever help I can offer, even if it's a song to help their minds escape to better shores.