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Tue 1st Jun 2021 03:57

Well that didn't work out as expected

by Ukule

So lesson learned, don't successfully woo the chief orc's daughter and then try to make off with their most prized possession. Wish I could remember her name, she was a nice girl, if a little too clingy. Also pigs make decent getaway rides in a pinch, who knew.
Anyways so mistakes were made but it worked out in the end. Ran into a very interesting group of folks out in the middle of nowhere just as things were looking a little dire (not that I wouldn't have been able to figure out something if left to my own devices I am sure I would have thought of something). The pig met an unfortunate end but I was able to scramble up the tortle man's back and hang out while my new group of friends traded words with the dim witted orc chief.
Really, all I took was just a measly diamond, not even a polished one at that. And I made sure the daughter was willingly parting with it to some extent before taking it, so really, there was no need to demand that my hands and feet and tail and tongue be cut off. In a desperate attempt to put things right I threw the diamond at the chief but for some reason that only served to make him more upset. It wasn't like the daughter was complaining. If anything I think she ended up having the best time out of all of us.
Thankfully my new friends decided to intervene once they were surrounded by all 200 orcs with no easy way out. The leader of this group, a man with a dragon tattoo, challenged the chief to a duel for literally my hand. Or hands. Or rather ownership of me. Honestly not too thrilled about being bartered for like a piece of meat but it was looking like it was my only option for making it out alive so I kept quiet.
The chief's daughter kept calling me 'wuvy' throughout all of this. That is worse than my current nickname.
Anyways long story short the leader of the group who rescued me fought a giant in a horrifically bloody duel, both trading blow after terrifyingly powerful blow, eventually claiming victory, and the orcs actually honored their end of the bargain and left us all alive. Apparently they did have some sort of intelligence between them.
The leader, now my new master I guess, has taken to calling me "Whiskers". Add that to the list of awful nicknames. Why must people give me such names, is there something about me that invites them to do that?
Honestly I can't remember anybody's names right now, things are still a little too hectic. Trying to write this without the others seeing isn't easy but I don't want them asking questions. The leader guy has already asked me what I was doing and why I had the diamond in the first place, which is too long of a story I want to get into. Thankfully he backed off without much grumbling from me but I'm sure that won't be the end of it.
Not that I even ended up with the diamond, although that really weird guy called everyone but me into a huddle and acted all suspicious. They kept poking around this bag that the weird guy owns, might need to look into that when no one's looking. Not that I'll get a chance to be alone in the foreseeable future. They considered tying me up while they all slept so I wouldn't run away.
I'm not going to run away, it'd be stupid to try. So long as I stay in the good graces of this group's leader I have no reason to go off on my own again. Kind of have a bit of a reputation that does not serve me well when alone, whether it be on or off the ocean.
Apparently this group of adventurers does not have a name despite me asking. Also they don't seem to mind that one of their own is the most unsettling man I have ever seen. Any questions I had were quickly dismissed. Going to have to keep an eye on that one.
So this unnamed group were originally set out to save some kidnapped kids. Honestly I didn't help much but it's clear to me that these folks are good hearted people, or at the very least know how to see a job through to the end. There's some fishy business going on with this mayor (the father of the kidnapped kids) but he has offered a reward for saving his kids and technically I was there when they were saved so I don't see any reason to decline.
Also there might be two feasts in the near future which would be great, I haven't had a decent meal on land in a while. Maybe there will be somewhere decent to sleep too, although it's difficult to get used to sleeping on stable ground when you're used to the constant swaying of the sea.
Ah, to be lounging on deck with my love under the stars, with the gentle rocking of the waves and cool breeze coming off the sea to lull us into a blissful slumber... someday soon I will return to you. For now it looks like I'll be spending time in the company of this interesting crew.
Current thoughts about said crew:
Leader of this crew will kill/maim anybody and anything to get what he wants, seems like an okay guy though
Turtle man is amiable, apparently doesn't mind strangers climbing on his back while being surrounded by 200 orcs
Tiefling guy is quiet but shared his horse so he's good
Musical lady seems nice although she is friendly with that weird guy so need to keep an eye on her
That weird guy... something ain't right about that one... also I need to look in that bag of his