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Tue 20th Jul 2021 10:12

Times Be Changing

by Ukule

Got a lot on my mind so I’m going to dive right in. I’ve got a vague feeling that while I’m sleeping someone’s reading my journal, so if you are, shove off and find someone else’s private musings to ponder. At the very least you could buy me a drink as payment.
Right, the tavern. Turns out Dax’s sister, Mari, was running it while we were gone. We had a grand night talking to her (wish I wasn’t so drunk, I can’t remember much) before turning in. After waking up in Darius’s room and talking to him a bit about our respective life stories I went downstairs for breakfast, to soon be joined by a very happy Mimzy. Me being the curious sort I asked him how he was doing, and he proceeded to tell me all about the appearance of his ‘little friend’ named ‘Dip’, and how much Dax liked it. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, he had the gall to ask me about how balls worked.
Now, I’m really trying to shape up and be a little more respectable. Honestly I am. But seriously, what is with this lad, how could he possibly not know what he’s saying? How could he be so innocent-
Well, now that I think of it, he’s only been a person for a little while. Hasn’t had a chance to learn the proper ways of the world. I’ll have to help him learn a thing or two before he starts talking about his ‘little Dip’ to the wrong crowd. Although if he does I hope I’m there to see the looks on their faces.
The morning wasn’t destined to be a good one. Despite our sunny dispositions we soon discovered that Mari had been kidnapped. We were led on a hunt through town, back and forth and all around, leading us down to the basement of the tavern, where we were met with a terrible sight.
Mari was stabbed into the ceiling, dead far beyond any of our means of resurrection or healing. Truly one of the worst sights I’ve laid my eyes on. Death is never easy to face, especially if it’s of someone we’re acquainted with. Darius had found her first and weathered the sight far better than I could. Mimz ran upstairs to find Dax, leaving me and Darius alone with the body and all the blood.
It took a bit of convincing but I managed to get Darius to help me clean up the body. Dax didn’t need to see her sister, her last remaining family member, like this. Good thing we did clean up because we quickly discovered that the poor soul was not in fact Mari but, rather, a tiefling who had been disguised as her.
The man behind this madness is known as the Jester of Blades. He has some sort of vendetta against us, some sort of sick fascination about how we make choices, and keeps going on and on about how he doesn’t want us to disappoint him. I have no clue who he is but we all have been targeted by him.
The swords that had stabbed the corpse are frightening. Each blade has a name on it, our true names, and I don’t know how this Jester knows mine but there it is, plain as day. Darius and Talion already know, as does my parents and Rosie and Brauka, obviously, but there’s no one else left alive who should. Now the others do too. I guess I’ll have to tell them why I don’t go by the name, it’s not really a secret anymore.
It became quickly apparent that the Jester kidnapped Mari. He spoke to us through some sort of magic, made us choose between her life or that of the town’s, and although it pains me greatly to be responsible for the loss of so many innocent souls I had to pick Mari. I’ve sent countless souls to the abyss, and the town will weigh heavily on my mind, but I couldn’t look Dax in the eye if we condemned her sister to death.
We almost lost her though. Mimzy kept asking questions, kept pushing and pushing until we were almost out of time. I know he means well, that he just wants the best possible outcome, but some circumstances won’t change no matter how hard you try. It’s a hard lesson to learn.
Mari lives for now. As soon as it was confirmed I did what I always do: ran away and hid. Darius found me soon after and we talked a bit. It’s strange talking with Darius. Not that he’s an awful person to talk to, far from that, but he’s different without the others crowding around. I feel far more comfortable around him now than when we first met and he won me in the contest of strength. Hopefully the others can get to see this side of him too, I can tell he wants to break down whatever wall is between him and the others and do a bit of bonding like we have.
So far the others aren’t having much of a bonding experience. Dax was rightfully upset at Mimz, Mimz was upset at himself, and as usual he and Darius got into a bit of a row. They are both magnificently stubborn creatures, and I think any sort of talk between them is going to need copious amounts of rum to get through. Not for them, for myself. I’m going to need a strong drink to weather whatever verbal hurricane they create between each other.
I admit my own talk with Mimz didn’t go over very well. It was partly my fault, I was still agitated from the Jester and the choice we made, and instead of having a calm conversation Mimz and I ended up beating each other up a bit. Would have been a perfectly fine way of discussing things on a ship but on land… it doesn’t quite translate. Hopefully we can have another conversation where my fur doesn’t end up stuck to him and we don’t punch each other as much.
Mimz disappeared to find Dax and I wound up with Darius again. We work well together regardless of the fact that I’m his servant. Still not sure about that whole arrangement… when we tried to meet up with Dax and Mimz we discovered they went through some magical portal to who knows where, leaving behind a bunch of suspicious foliage. Instead of going after them Darius and I kept watch on a nearby roof where I finally got to talk to him about all my questions regarding dragons. We also discussed some rather sappy matters of the heart, where I learned that he was betrothed to a fine woman named Ursa. She sounds like a perfect match to Darius, although if her temper is anything like as he states then we’re all in for it if she makes an unexpected appearance.
After that I must have fallen asleep or something because suddenly he was poking me awake and Dax and Mimz were back. They had gone to some magical land to speak with a fairy king or something, someone named Malamor, and Dax received a vision and an unknown scroll. Mimz didn’t take the king’s offer, which was a surprise, but his reasons were fair.
We had barely gathered everyone together when we noticed that the town was… silent. Not empty, the people were still there, but they were frozen in a dreamlike state and covered in these awful spiderwebs. Mimz got entranced and we barely managed to get him out of it. Looked horrible, I don’t have any plans to be ensnared myself.
Another group of adventurers showed up and dispelled most of the webs in a big show of flashy magic. There was a gigantic paladin (who I desperately wished Darius had got into a tussle with, would have been a sight to see), a dragonborn scholar, an elf who was definitely way too far out of my league, and… a kobold servant who made me very uncomfortable. I hope that strangers don’t look at me and see me that way. Just because I’m a servant doesn’t mean I don’t have a shred of dignity.
They were searching for a ‘Dreamcatcher’, a faceless man who is working with the Jester. He was responsible for the webs around town. We exchanged information with the group, along with a few dubious looks, and parted ways, not quite allies but also not enemies, with is good enough for me. They gave us all a parting gift of a potion of Master Restoration, which is nothing to sneeze at.
We quickly sorted ourselves out and started the journey to Dervia, where the ball will be held. Mari and the Jester will be there, as will the right big problem lady, Talion, and most likely various other folks we’ve encountered. There’s supposed to be some sort of peace treaty signed but I’m doubtful of the outcome.
Speaking of previous folks we’ve encountered we found ourselves outside of Esparte, where we were met by a most terrifying sight. The words ‘where’s my son in law’ barely had time to register before Brauka’s father- Chief Jolbraak- made an unexpected appearance. I couldn’t hide from him this time, not like the last time we encountered one another, but thankfully he wasn’t in the mood to tear off my limbs for sullying his daughter.
No, our meeting was much more solemn. He informed us that Brauka was deathly ill with a wasting disease. She and the unborn child were in terrible danger, to such an extent that even Chief Jolbraak didn’t know what to do. He didn’t waste time telling me that he had no idea what his daughter saw in me, a fair statement seeing as I have no idea either.
It didn’t take time to convince the others that we had to go see her. The ball is swiftly approaching but so was Brauka’s impending death. It took four days to reach her. Four long, terrible, agonizing days. Never have I had so much time to think about the demise of someone I care for. I had plenty of time to make up my mind regarding my situation and loyalties to Brauka, and by the time we made it I knew what I needed to do.
Brauka was still alive. Barely, but she was still with me. I gave her the potion of Master Restoration and it worked. By the gods she lives, along with our unborn child. I could have collapsed right then and there in relief even with the rest of the crew staring at me, I don’t care how desperate I looked. She lives.
Then suddenly Mimz’s voice was in my head and once more the world came crashing down around me. He told me that the baby was cursed, cursed like me. Somehow he used magic to tell. I have to believe him, why would he possibly make it up? And it makes sense, me being cursed. I still don’t know what the curse is, beyond that it makes any ship I sail upon meet a watery end, along with the unfortunate crew, leaving me alive, but I suspect it started with dad. Maybe even grandpa, he was a sailor before him.
And now… now my child, my Sam, is cursed with it too.
Darius assured me that we would find a way to end this curse. I have to believe him. For the sake of the kid we have to find a way to break it, because they will undoubtedly be called to the sea like I have, like my dad before me, and the cycle will continue.
I spent the night at Brauka’s bedside. She was still sleeping, still recovering, so I wrote her a letter telling her that, if she would be willing to have me, I would return to her as soon as I was finished with this hero business. It’s better if I sort myself out before trying to be a proper husband and father. According to the orcs we’re already betrothed or something after spending that night together, I have no idea what that means, but I’m not about to ask for risk of Jolbraak remembering that he still wants to rip my tail off.
Again I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew we were back in the red sand dream. The hero’s dream. This time we were in a cathedral with many statues, even with statues of us. I don’t like how much prophecy and destiny is involved, but it seems that no matter how much I complain it’s going to happen.
Then the Jester showed up. He proceeded to give a long speech about how he was a hero (maybe) and that he was helping us grow (I think) and how the choices we made were disappointing (probably). I tried not to listen too much, as it was just a dream. He couldn’t hurt us in a dream, right?
Apparently he could. A fight ensued. I turned tail and ran for the open door before I could get hurt. I thought if I could wake up I could then wake up the others, since they were being pummeled by the Jester, but instead of waking up I wound up in another room entirely.
There were hourglasses everywhere. The very room was a container for time itself. There was even a giant hourglass with a diamond very similar to the one that Brauka gave me, and before me was a box with the note “To one who has yet to bear the mantle”. A little too on the nose if you ask me, but I wasn’t about to ignore an incredibly obvious offering.
Inside the box was… well, I’m not too sure. It’s something far more powerful than what I should be entrusted with, that’s for certain, but I’m not about to be giving it away to someone else. It’s about time I had a powerful artifact of my own. Hopefully I don’t mess anybody or anything up with it though, even I know that it’s dangerous to play around with this sort of thing. Have to admit that the possibilities could be a lot of fun once I get the hang of it.
Although when I activated it nothing seemed to happen. There was a commotion but before I could see what was happening I woke up next to Brauka, still clutching the gift. Immediately I shoved it in my bag, praying that it didn’t go off and mess up all the healing the potion had done. Not too keen on undoing everything I had just accomplished. She was still sleeping and remained asleep by the time Darius came around to collect me.
It took everything in me to leave Brauka’s side but I know I’ll be seeing her again. Our individual paths in life seem determined to cross at every chance we get. Hopefully… someday soon, I’ll be able to tell her how I feel about her in person instead of writing her all these letters.
I’m not going to tell the others what I found. Not yet. First I want to see what I can do with it. Besides, they got enough to focus on, since the dragon egg finally hatched! It’s a spindly little creature. Not sure how it will be able to grow into a proper big beastie but if anyone can figure it out, it’s Darius. The man’s got a knack for figuring out how to make a creature strong.
For now I leave Brauka behind. Watching her hut disappear on the horizon leaves me feeling hollow and a little lost, but I’ve got my crew to keep me afloat and on the right path. We’re headed to the ball, where we’ll undoubtedly find trouble, but hopefully we’ll be able to have some fun as well. I asked Jimmy for advice on how to be a proper gentleman and he said to do everything I wouldn’t do, so I’ve got a lot of work cut out for me.