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Sun 13th Jun 2021 04:30


by Ukule

M' head's spinnin' an' I dunno whuh's goin' on but 'm awake and it's far too early for this. There's some damned butterfly flutterin' around my diamond and I just wanna sleep until the floor stops movin'....
Am I back on the ship? No... then why is the floor moving all around? Judging by the smell of rum I guess I hit the bottle pretty hard.
Things are starting to come back to me now.
Hard to remember what was said but I know we all got drunk and started talking secrets, Darius doesn't like secrets, that I do remember. Reminds me of the captain of that merchant ship I first set off on, he was a mean man who didn't like secrets at all, although Darius is much more amiable in comparison I suppose. I like this crew a lot better than the first one, gods rest their souls. Of course, it's hard to compare the two when one crew is busy being dead.
Last time I wrote in this journal we were all in jail. Needless to say we got out. Dax was a bit distressed at the thought of being locked away so I tried to cheer her up but perhaps mentioning all my previous incarcerations wasn't the best approach. Thankfully a distraction came by the way of another Tabaxi called Ra'Zeed, who is now my good matey and apparently a previous acquaintance with this crew I'm traveling with. Ra'Zeed got into some trouble with this fiery lady and had been beat up and starved and locked in the same prison as us. Still trying to figure him out but he said he drank to forget some information and lost a good friend in the process (which I can sympathize with) so we all agreed to try and help him out.
Lo and behold the fiery lady herself showed up and gave us all a good once over. I didn't think it was a good idea to give her my name so I kept it quiet, which was good, because Darius and Herus both went beserk and broke out of their cells and definitely did not improve her relationship with us. Remind me not to aggravate them in the future.
The fiery lady was threatened, Ra'Zeed was freed, we ran, and we all got out of the city sort of in one piece. Something happened to Herus and he became dumber than a sea slug so we had to throw him over the city wall to get him out. Thankfully Darius was there to break the fall, although he almost died and I had to help him out. Honestly not too sure how these folks are still alive....
We were able to escape via the river. There was a ferry we could use to cross the waters (although the ferryman had met an unfortunate end, poor fellow) and we all climbed aboard and set sail with no problems whatsoever, not that there was even a doubt that anything would happen why am I still writing about the ferry there's nothing to worry about let's move on alright gods where's the rum I need more rum
We finally got some well earned rest and once we set out again we met a very fancy, fiery, suspicious horse that seemed to take a liking to Darius. Herus had a confusing conversation with it and honestly I don't know what that was all about, maybe that's a normal thing for this crew to talk to wild flaming horse beasts, but either way we ended up finding a safer path to the nearest town.
After we reached town Mimzy started going off on how he wanted to cut up and sell MY DIAMOND, a diamond that I had rightfully taken back, and that led to a very big discussion about how it was my property and if Mimzy didn't keep his grubby hands off of it I was going to punch him in the face. The others didn't seem to appreciate my point of view and this led to more loud discussing.
Ra'Zeed got a little distressed by the conversation so I had to go and talk to him a while, he's a nice guy really. Had some decent advice. Once we got settled in a seedy inn and started to drink together I knew Ra'Zeed and I were mateys. Things get a little fuzzy after that but I know we were going to play spin the bottle at some point but didn't have a bottle, so naturally I downed a bottle of rum to provide one.
That might explain why the floor's moving around so much. Feels like it did before, when I woke up and felt the floor moving more than it should, moving in that all too familiar way that only meant one thing, one terrible thing, why did I drink so much and why didn't I drink enough I need to drink to forget like Ra'Zeed what was it he drank I want that too
I got the diamond back at least. Just had to spill my guts and be honest about wanting it for Rosemarie. I think that's all I said, I don't recall if I mentioned why we're not currently together.... Not that that's important, what's important is that I got the diamond back. Darius didn't seem to think her name was a real one, which I find very offensive. My name might not be real but hers definitely is.
Speaking of love, everyone seems to be having some sort of affair, whether it be secret or not. Something's going on with Mimzy, something that Dax knows, and between the two I can see some sort of relationship developing. For now as long as everyone keeps their hands off of my stuff I don't care what they do with each other.
This butterfly is fluttering around the diamond again. My head's stopped spinning for now but it's far too early to be awake. Need to sleep before my mind starts drifting down to the dark depths and thinks about what I might have said if I had truly let down my guard....
Maybe Ra'Zeed will know of a good hangover cure. I'm going to need one tomorrow morning.