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Sun 6th Jun 2021 05:42

Back in the Brig

by Ukule

Okay so I have to start this off by saying that it's not my fault we're in jail. I was barely pulling myself off the ground when we got arrested, I don't even know what happened or what's going on. The past 24 hours have been a whirlwind of fighting and intrigue and it's all I can do to hold on and weather the storm.
We had a cheerful evening the night before at the mayor's estate. I got to play the song about mermaids and manatees, much to the enjoyment of the crowd (although I noticed the lady of our party didn't seem as keen on it), and made some coin to boot. Once I finished Darius approached and handed me a sapphire. It was a fine specimen but clearly meant to replace the diamond that I have lost. How can I properly explain that the kind of trinket I'm looking for has to be earned and not acquired?
I took it all the same. Why these folk are so interested in my motivations is beyond me but they are a persistent bunch. Especially since they all seem to hold their own secrets. That one fellow, the weird one, literally melted in front of my eyes and nobody seemed too perturbed by it. Is that what constitutes as normal for them? The red haired lady seems to have taken a shine to him despite my attempts to tell her she can do better.
There was some business concerning those kidnapped kids but honestly it's all lost on me. I don't like to see a child in danger but there's clearly something larger at work. Something about a firey lady being all bad behind the scenes and the mayor wanting ultimate power after the loss of his sons, maybe a little world domination, you know, the usual fare. More on that in a moment.
After the party we all went to the inn to get some shut eye. Can't believe I started the day in the chief's daughter's bed and wound up in a derelict inn with an entirely different crew.
You know what else I can't believe?
The weird guy HAD THE DIAMOND. He had the gall to show me and then refused to hand it over. I was about ready to fight him but was in the company of folk much stronger than me (not to mention it had been a very long day) so I backed down. Best to pick your battles wisely. But now I know that the weirdo has the diamond and I will be getting it back, mark my words.
The following morning I approached Darius to talk to him about my situation with the diamond. The man seems to value honesty and was a bit touchy about the fact that everyone in the crew seems to be keeping secrets from him. I told him I needed the diamond for a proposal for my lady, which is true, but didn't expand upon the details, only that I needed to earn the prize and not just have it handed to me. He seemed to accept that, along with my statement that I wasn't going to be running away or stealing from anybody any time soon on account of me fearing him tearing off my limbs in my sleep. Cheerfully he told me he'd rather I be awake for such a punishment.
After that the weird fellow did a bit of magic with his voice that made the floorboards rattle. I did not care for that at all. We were barely awake when the tortle ran in and told us to get going, we had to stop a catastrophe or something, I don't know.
It was a bit of a blur but long story short we ended up in the middle of a massacre. Apparently the mayor was behind some sort of plot to take over with dark magic. The only thing I could think to do besides turning tail and running away was to tell the best joke I know. The one about the urchin and the pufferfish. And, to my own amazement as well as everyone else's, the mayor fell into a laughing fit and was incapacitated for a while. Not sure how that worked but I guess it is my best joke so I shouldn't have been surprised.
All I know for sure is that we were fighting for our lives and the weird guy almost died twice. I almost fell over the edge myself and barely scraped by. It's incredible how strong my new companions are, I have never seen such strength before. This is a strange crew but I'm in no hurry to leave.
Of course... I can't leave on account of being locked in a dungeon with them, but once we're out I'll be sticking around. Currently sharing a cell with the red headed lass. They took everything I own but my skivvies and the fur on my back. Little do they know that there's a lot more I can do with my voice than hurl colorful insults.
I've been in the brig before. They won't hold me for long. Just give me some time and I'll be out.