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Tue 5th Jul 2022 06:09

Fear and Loathing: Nicodranas Edition

by Avon Ilisalor

Turns out that a city that is known for being fun and interesting is actually just a bunch of pompous fools thinking that think they are better then everyone. Color me shocked.
We arrived on the dock and spoke with Amos and Ignatius. Amos was as insipid as I remember him being. Ignatius, a touch more mad. After learning that they had been here for over a day and Amos had officially learned as much about the city as we did while riding in a stone snake, aka nothing, we decided to find out more about the city. Vespi and Antwon (aka Jeofffjyyyy) decided to ask a guard about where they could find a doctor to help with our internally bleeding friend. When the guards got suspicious as why we were on the docks with a man suffering a deep puncture wound, they got suspicious. Antwon decided to start getting cagey and refusing to answer their questions in the most obstinate way. Always a great call when facing a bunch of guards. Somehow they weren't dragged off to prison.
At this point Percy came over and stated that some guards came by and stated the boat was stolen. He was able to slow them down with the goal of getting paperwork. After informing us of this, him and Ignatius returned to the ship to be ready to talk their way out of the predicament. As we know, guards are very understanding when it comes to search and seizure discussions with unknown migrants who refuse to give them any backstory. This led to both Percy and Ignatius being thrown in prison. Aeldred avoided that and instead decided that he should have a drink and enjoy a patio. Honestly, not a bad call.
We then went to the great tower of Yusa Errenous. Turns out rich people don't like door to door beggars (us) and he has a bit of a sadist streak making a door that is a fake to fuck with the less fortunate (us again). We did meet some locals who were absolutely useless as locals that go to places where tourist suffer generally are. With some research we realized that the tower was protected by the spell fortress. I then thought my second level spell Knock could help with that (it did not and I lost all my spells).
Vespi did leave a note for Yusa and we decided to go find a doctor. Amos did say he was a theoretical doctor and then fused the metal stuck in Antwan to Antwan's skin.
Antwan then embodied a true icon and decided that while life threatening injuries were important, fashion comes first. To mainly impress the doctor. While I question the urgency of the matter, I did get an excellent vest, so good call again.
Antwan eventually met a physician a Dr. Diomin, who while looking like a loan shark did successfully heal Antwan. All it took was a bunch of money. The jacket Antwan bought earlier and his threats to the physician did not help but were still parts of the package. He does need to take daily medication for a while though.

We then returned to the tower and learned that Yusa got a boat that was stolen back. We saw Yusa talking to some Zellezzo (imperial) guards. He also had a goblin servant.
Once the guards and Yusa left we harangued the goblin (Derek), we then let him go with no benefit butVespi did get to practice flirting.
At this point we split the party again with Myself and Vespi waiting at the tower hopign that being annoying would be beneficial.
Amos and Antwan then went off to find out more about the ship and if it was ours.
Got distracted by a brothel The Lavish Chateau featuring Marion Lavore.
They did eventually learn that the boat was being held at the constabulary at the Restless Wharf on Nicodranus st.
Aeldred then met up with Antwan and Amos at the cafe outside the prison.
We learned it is Wednesday January 7, 869.
Is it jail break time? Or should we let the boys binge for a couple more days before planning our next steps.
Neighborhoods: Open Quay, The Skew, Restless Wharf, Opal Archway?