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Wed 11th May 2022 03:44

The Big Bang

by Avon Ilisalor

First day!
Library was in Deastok, Was asked to watch the barrier set up as per usual
Waiting for Maggie the Enchanter to give me a charm for disguise
During usual ritual, cast red (colour it isn't meant to)
Earth shattering boom then library was gone
Met up with Percival (human) and Ignatius
Saw Antwon (human) down in the pits, was talking to Joey who was back in the library but also noted on an asteroid
Vespera (human?) and Amos (Tiefling) (also has a raven named Echo) showed up, don't know who Amos is but Vespi says it is a friend
Second explosion happened, saw tunnel/tube of the world
Awoke on beach with Aldrin (minotaur), of the copia wildwood, he followed the stars as noted by his druidic circle of the beyond
Advanced 100 years to 850
Ignatius brings up Zolarg and brew a map in the sand of two continents and two large mouths on either end
Learned we were on the island of Urukaxyl and we have a map
Temple in the middle of the island and lizard camps
Vespi made a scythe named Johnny
Ignatius has the great mystery of the tea cup
End session with the plan to move on from the hut and go to the temple