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Tue 12th Jul 2022 07:23

Missionary of the Church of Myrkul

by Avon Ilisalor

I feel like I am travelling with a whole party of barbarians sometimes. When Antwon, Amos and Aeldred returned from the prison, we learned of their escapades to a brothel and the casual burning down of a pub near the prison. I assume that their plan to break Percy and Ignatius out of jail was to be thrown in with them and figure it out from there.
While the boys went out and played, Vespi and I spent some time in frnt of Yusa's tower having a nice "girls and undying" night in, chatting about crushes, questions and gossip. Honestly a good night.
Then the boys showed up, drunk as skunks with Aeldred hollering on about his big old minotaur dick and the night was ruined.
It almost got ruined more when some guards came strolling by and were convinced that Antwan was a famous fisherman. I was genuinely worried that he would take insult to being called a fisherman and start a fight right there.
Realizing that staying around the tower all night led us closer and closer to ending up in prison as well for vagrancy, everyone went back to an inn to rest. Since rest is no matter for me, I decided to review the jail and see if we could find a way to get our friends out and leave this hell hole of a city. I learned that the shift change happens at 6 AM and the prisoner release at 6:30AM. Not much but something. I also chatted with a local vagabond who gave me details about the interior of the prison and explained that they had seen Ignatius there, proving he didn't need to stay in the prison but that he wanted to, making feasts and leaving at any point he felt like. Following this information, I gave the vagabond the best gift imaginable, the drive to leave Nicodranus forever and to go get lost in the woods. He was very thankful.
With the information of Ignatius and Percy's whereabouts, the party regathered and went to scope out the prison. Vespi used her art of seduction to be slightly distracting at the level of a door to door salesman. She did mention that Ignatius was her alzheimerish uncle and ignored the existence of Percy all together. I was able to chat with Ignatius who noted he didn't want to leave the prison and also that he can create magical earpieces that extend 30 feet with no difficulty. I truly despise and yet partially admire the man. (When I mention that the party did all this, I obviously didn't include Amos, not a part of the core, as he was shopping).
We also learned that the trial for the pirates would be coming up soon but didn't have a specific time. The decision was made to go free the Lighthouse statue of the Mother to maybe get some favour from the locals we could use to become barons or earls or extremely rich and maybe to get a pardon for Percy and Ignatius as well.
Upon reaching the lighthouse we originally weren't allowed inside as Yusa Errenous was already inside trying to fix the tower. He has been a thorn in our sides one too many times! We decided a public outcry/riot would be helpful and using the guise as the Librarians of Nature we entered the lighthouse. It was covered in vines and bodies and pulsed a foul energy. I accidently started it off and then got viciously beaten down with Antwan by a bunch of undead plants who benefitted from necrotic damage and also were mindless husks. Definitely not the type of enemy I wish to tangle with. After being beaten senseless I went even more into the limbo between life and death where I currently sit now.