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Wed 13th Jul 2022 02:44

Splitting the Party

by Avon Ilisalor

They call me Indiana Bones.
I awoke to a beautiful black energy being pumped into me by Antwan. Thank you Antwan. Above me a purple light shone down coating us in the violet beams. At this point I felt that it would be nice to move the old bones and settle down for a second. Of course that was interrupted by a wild Ignatius and Percival showing up. How they escaped the prison, got past the guards at the front of the lighthouse and also knew to look here, Myrkul only knows.
After they showed up and discussed the casual ending of a person's life started talking about how terrible it is to be dead and that making someone dead is a bad thing. Not that I totally disagree with him on the matter (don't really like being dead) but the way he said it I took exception to. Stating that death should only come to someone who deserved it.
Because I was tired of his stupid face I decided to share my truth. It was time tell a little of my people and the goddess Sehanine, a story of innocence and loss. As I started getting into this most deep part of my remaining soul, Amos decided that is was an interactive conversation. Luckily before I had to possess him and make him bite his own tongue, a large amount of the previous necrotic energy came back into the tower. We decided it may be best to store the story for later and started the climb to the top of the lighthouse. Climbing the stairs we were accosted by a large amount of the vines and falling to their imminent demise were Percy, Aeldred, Vespi and Antwan. I, with Amos, had no issue and got to the top of the tower. At this point though our old antagonist the undead vine puppets woke again and beat down Antwan and Vespi in their hurt state. Percy decided he liked being up high and ran to the top anyway while Aeldred absentmindedly played bull yoyo with Ignatius. Poor Antwan just wasn't having a day. Deciding that their deaths would be a worse fate then whatever Amos could do when left alone I decided to go and save my compatriots. Riding down the vines with my whip I feel that I have a new extension to myself in this ghastly weapon. There at the bottom I revived both of my friends, repaying a bit of the debt that I owe those close to me.
With the death of the vines people: take two, we went to go find Amos. Turns out that when left alone he finds a child, clears out the rest of the lighthouse and kills a massive monster. He honestly confounds me to no end.
The child claimed he was Yusa and that he had done everything. I swear to all that is unholy at this point I was so tired of all the games these people play I was going to throw this welp off the top of the lighthouse. It turns out the rest of the party felt the same and we started the good old tradition of torturing people we recently rescued. Well it turns out torture makes people talk quite quickly and the boy revealed he was Yusa's apprentice and donning the guise of Yusa came to fix the tower to get in his good graces. This apprentice's name was Kendall "the weak".
He told us of how when he arrived here it was inhabited by a group of goblinoids who using a cursed dagger (currently in the hands of Amos) had corrupted the lighthouse of Mellora. They bore the broken crook symbol of a cult determined to stop any changes of nature and let the natural cycle run its course. Kendall also stated while he couldn't understand a lot of what they said there was talk of the Quaraska forest and money changing hands.
With this knowledge extracted we decided to use our new found friend/little brother to get a small favour. Get us an audience with Yusa. He was encouraged with the motivation of keeping his skin attached to his body (excellent motivation).
He then led us back to the tower where appeared two more people I can't stand: Yusa and his little goblin lackey.