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Tue 31st May 2022 02:55

Learning the true nature of the KraCow

by Avon Ilisalor

We have reached the third level of this temple in a matter of minutes. What the snakes couldn't achieve in weeks to months we achieved in minutes. It truly either speaks to our intellect or the lack of it in the Yuanti.
There were 4 plinths in the new level which seemed to depict the defeat of Zaheer and the jailing of the Warden.
Percy and Vespi decided it best to start eating the fruit of this sealed away room immediately. Choices were made.
Turns out that a psychodelic induced trip was indeed the answer to this puzzle and we learned of four key ideals:
1. Sacrifice feeds the garden
2. Sacrifices open the way
3. Garden feeds the Wardens
4. Garden protects "deity"
So we have learned that whoever once built this temple was also really into blood
At this point we were engaged in a terse standoff with Thetzosceal (head of the yuanti) who couldn't figure out that immediately eating the sketchy fruit was the way forward
Eventually he force Thuitza (high priestess) to eat some and then she moved to a catatonic trip like Vespi before her.
The Yuanti decided to leave the chamber for medical attention (reasonably) and tried to take Vespi as well, but Antwan had none of that. He is very protective.
Turns out I can turn drugged euphoria on and off and learned the secrets that Percy and Vespi knew. Also learned temporary ability to speak and understand Ki-Nau langauage with the fruit.
Decided that Vespi had enough fun and stuck a hand down her throat until she threw up.
Turns out the Yuanti didn't think they needed the great puzzlemasters and tried to poison us. Again with the poor intelligence.
Then the bodies started falling (FIRST COMBAT)
5 Yuanti down: Vespi melted a brain and shriveled a snake to death
Antwan stabbed a snake in the back? dorsal side?
Percy chopped the head of a snake and the hands of a snake
I let the ennui take the last one.
I got a new snake tail broom.
Percy thought the best way to protect us was to seal us in the snake death temple but at the same time literally 5 minutes ago we saw that the Yuanti knew how to open the door.
The help got around to properly defiling the bodies so that the next door opened. Again concerning about the blood magic.
We learned that Vespi is an addict
and found the 4th floor that included two statues that looked like a very very slow anti intruder system and then saw three mosaics: a bird, a snake and a worm
After not understanding the interpretation we told the snake to protect Uka-Toa
Finally the KraCow decided to take decisions into his own hands/hooves and told the worm of the ground to "get rid of the lizard and snakefolks on the island"
After Aeldred tried to look like he didn't intend to kill off two civilizations. To do this he told a bird to speak to the worm.
And then in the moments post genocidal order but pre-actual massacre we were told by the big boss boy that we had five minutes to live.