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Sun 5th Mar 2023 09:09

Journal Entry 7

by Krow Evenson

I won't be writing much.
This is really just an update on the dinner, party? Plans? The dinner.
Oculous was going to come with us but then change it's mind, something about having plans? I'm not sure. So I headed there with the moth and Neither, who I haven't seen in a long time. I later found out it was due to some building plans. It seems we were the last to arrive, they had guards at this dinner, course since I was unprepared and didn't realize we couldn't bring weapons, I had to put my weapons into a barrel.
Which reminds me, I wasn't able to collect them, I only managed to grab one of my swords before..
Anyways, there was a small ceremony before we started chatting and eating, I met two more people, I believe their names were Alice and Fuyuko. They were nice? I'm not sure, I didn't really interact with them much, I mostly just stay to myself if I'm being honest. That anxious feeling crept back more the longer I was there, it seem at one point I subconsciously or instinctively, I'm not sure which one, just perched myself onto a tent looking thing and was just.. Alone with my thoughts until Leaf came over asking if I was ok as it seems like everyone moved back inside where the food was at, I told them I was fine just anxious. I'm not sure how much time passed but I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine as if someone was watching, I turn around only to see another winged person. They just gave me a bad feeling and I started moving away somewhere higher as the guards finally noticed them. I guess this guy really was bad news cause once the others noticed, they seem panicked especially Leaf who lead me back to the small area. We stayed there for alittle bit, before one of the guards got injury pretty bad, the other guard escorted us out. Leaf had told Neither to help me back to the waystone so I could return home safely, before I left I asked Neither if he knew what was happening but he didn't know either. I told him to stay safe and with that I teleported back home.
Now I've just been here-
Pacing around.
Pacing around my house, the roofs, the city.
Just pacing and waiting.
Waiting to make sure the others are ok.
Im so stupid.
I should of stayed.
Stay to make sure the others were ok.
Stay to try to help or do something.
I feel terrible.
These anxious thoughts and feelings won't go away.
These feelings are so overwhelming right now.
I feel sick.
I don't know how to stop them.
Nothing seems to be working.
Nothing is making them go away.
I want to go back home. Home to Virkhagen. Home to my old flock. Home to where i can curl up next to my sister and forget all my worries.
Just anything to stop this feeling!
I hope the others are ok..