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Thu 16th Feb 2023 08:33

Journal Entry 1

by Krow Evenson

I forgot I had told myself I would be keeping a journal.
It's been a few weeks since I officially retired from traveling and move to this city, Ephyrae, it's best if I catch my journal up to speed. To be honest for the most part life has been very boring, it was starting to make me regret leaving the traveling life but I need this break, my flock needs this break. Winter and Lily seem so happy in the little apartment too.
Actually let me start over, a few weeks ago I move into a small apartment in Ephyrae, my wolf and cat, Winter and Lily seem happy that we finally have a place to call home. It didn't have too much space but enough space to call home, while I was setting everything up and trying to figure out what will go where, I discovered another layer to my apartment which I decided to put my farm in. I'm mostly satisfied with how my place looks now, though it could still use a bit more cushions and/or blankets. For the most part I've kept to myself and my flock, my wings have been itching to travel again so I have been constantly leaving my apartment in search for.. well anything really. I just need to satisfy the traveling craving, I was traveling so far from Ephyrae to come back mostly empty handed or with a bunch of iron and coal, my luck with mining was never the best though I don't like going deep into caves anyways so that probably factors in as well. The one time I had decided to go deep into a cave I found I immediately regretted it, I found this weird stuff called sculk, it gave me a bad feeling. Of course my idiotic bird brain decided to ignore all my instincts on getting the hell out of there and continue searching, luckily I didn't find anything and at some point I couldn't ignore my instinct and anxiety any longer and decided to get the hell out of there which was a absolute pain might I add. Besides these things nothing had been happening, I've see other residents around the city but I've just always kept my distance. Watching them from afar. I didn't really mind it at the time, honestly I was too busy trying to satisfy my traveling craves to really meet anyone and it seem they didn't live on my block anyways so there wasn't any point. And then everything changed.