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Thu 2nd Mar 2023 12:13

Journal Entry 5

by Krow Evenson

Yesterday evening was certainly different.
I was doing some cooking yesterday when I suddenly heard some voices coming and outside my door, upon opening it there was that moth along with two other people; another small person and a humanoid goose. I'll admit I definitely wasn't expecting anyone, my house was certainly a mess, with my pillows and blankets everywhere but nonetheless I let them in. I never caught the other small person's name but the goose humanoid introduced themselves as well Goose. We stayed in my house chatting for a bit, with the moth attempting to burn themselves multiple times might I add. The other small person complimented my smaller set of wings (after thinking they were just feathers) and I couldn't help but fluff up both set of wings and show them off proudly, after all I have been making sure they have been extra clean recently. The moth seems to have wanted to catch up alittle since we last saw each other, at that temple where I watch them get slaughter, and told me not to bring up the temple incident along with forgetting said incident. I couldn't help but laugh telling them that I don't think I can forget that, which reminds me,
I haven't laugh like that in awhile. It felt good to relax and just laugh and smile, it made me forget all the anxious feelings I have.
The humanoid goose mention having to head home and not being able to stay in Ephyrae long due to some exile which honestly surprised me, after they left we stay, chatting a bit more before the moth mentioned a pet they had called Jimmy and that he was in the festival grounds. We decided to head over there and I confess to them that I hadn't been to the festival, I only went there for the opening ceremony which seem to surprise the two, we took the waystone to the Ephyrae part of the festival. Now being able to take a good look at the festival, it looked very nice until we saw Jimmy. I don’t like Jimmy, he look like a giant pufferfish with a tail and he made weird noises and kept looking at me weirdly, I just didn't like it. It made my instincts and bird brain go off, wanting to be as far from that thing as possible, I'm not even sure how Leaf got a hold of that creature in the first place. We had stay around there for quite a while, long enough that it started getting dark and all those anxious feelings were coming back. I had mumbled about not liking the dark and it seems the moth had heard me, offering to go into the tower to let the night pass, not without mentioning that we shouldn't really be going into there but that it would be fine.
Nonetheless, we got in through the top part of the tower and stayed there for a good while though after a while the moth mention going to visit the humanoid goose as they live close by. So we headed back out into the scary night and flew over to the humanoid goose's house, which look cozy. We stayed there for the rest of the night and early morning just sitting and chatting, Goose even gave me a pack lunch which I thought was really nice, I should return the favor when I can. I'll admit, I felt more at ease around the humanoid goose though it's most likely due to both of us being birds.
At some point we all decided to call it a night, the moth had told me that they were going to stay in the tower so I return to Ephyrae alone, and as soon as I did that anxious feeling hit me again. I should definitely see if anyone has medicine or is a doctor, this sickness may be worse than I thought.