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Mon 27th Feb 2023 12:15

Journal Entry 4

by Krow Evenson

The festival happen yesterday, I originally didn't plan on attending the festival. Having that many people from different cities just didn't sit me right, but I had decided to go to the opening ceremony anyways.
And I was right, it was a mistake.
Apparently the now or use to be queen of Virkhagen was killed, and a apparently magic tree vanished or got destroyed in Aremore. While I would of love to help my homeland, I couldn't bring myself to go there plus with all the snow. I couldn't bring myself to touch it again. I had decided to head back home, and just throw myself into cooking to relieve some of this stress and anxious feelings I had. The priestess had called a meeting in the tavern once everyone had return, she wants us to help the others so we aren't suspicious as our city hasn't had anything bad happen to it, at least not yet. But not only that but she wants to make Ephyrae stronger in case something does happen. To be honest I don't plan on helping. The priestess did mention this was their problems not ours. It isn't my problem, not anymore. Helping them won't benefit me in any ways, at least not that I know of, so for now I'll just keep a more closer eye on Ephyrae.
Though this anxious feeling won't go away, usually it does or well at least goes to the back of my mind for the most part, maybe something is wrong with me but I feel fine. I don't feel sick, maybe I'm just overreacting. flying around and being with my flock seems to make this anxious feeling go away for at least a little while. I know I said I'll keep a closer eye on Ephyrae but I may just fly around aimlessly and try to keep myself busy, i don't want this anxious feeling overtaking my other senses. I'm sure everything will be fine..