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Sat 4th Mar 2023 03:36

Journal Entry 6

by Krow Evenson

The Enderian, my neighbor finally return to Ephyrae yesterday.
The first thing he tells me is that he wants to expand his fishing business, I'm not even sure if it has made any money at it's stall but sure, I didn't mind helping it again. We were heading back to their camp when we ran into the moth, they seems to be in distress and panicking, the Enderian certainly didn't help the situation causing the two to argue a bit. I offer to the moth to come with us, to help relax, at first they refused but they came along with us anyways. I will note that they did offer for me to go to a dinner party before we left which was interesting.
Anyways, we headed to Oculous' camp, splitting up to get different things. I already noted to myself that I'll be spending the next night drying my wings as Oculous told me to collect fish for it once again. I should start charging him for making me repeatedly get my wings wet, the river had a lot more drowneds in it than the last time as well, hearing them kept freaking me out as they kept appearing so suddenly. We group back up at sunrise, I ended up with a stack and some more of salmon and some ink sacs and after that we headed back. The Enderian started doing some work on the store, neither of us noticed that the moth wasn't with us anymore until we came out of the shop noticing them talking to a shulk. The two noticed us quickly, Leaf introduced the shulk who's name was Sally and was from Aremore, though Oculous seem on the fence with them a bit. The two offer to give us a tour of Aremore which we both accepted though upon arriving to Aremore, Virkhagen got brought up which immediately silence Oculous and I. Oculous ended up teleporting back to Ephyrae when I guess it felt the conversation was going on for too long, leaving the two confused, I had to mention that he didn't like Virkhagen and stuff. I know the moth mention that there are nice people in Virkhagen, and in the back of my mind I really wanted to say 'I'm a example of that, I hope' but I quickly had pushed the thought away, instead just telling them not to mention it which they both agreed. I went back to get Oculous who was cooking, mentioning that they can come back for the tour but they mumbled something about only me returning back. I encourage them to come take the tour promising Virkhagen wouldn't be mentioned again, which maybe helped? I'm not exactly sure but it agreed to come do the tour. Aremore looks nice though it seems very crowded there, we ended the tour with seeing Sally's place, where the dinner plans are happening later today.