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Thu 16th Feb 2023 08:53

Journal Entry 2

by Krow Evenson

About 5 or 6 days ago, things took a turn. I was out trying to get rid of the itch in my wings, to satisfy the stupid craving that has been driving me mad. I decided to go in a new direction, one I hadn't travel before and as luck would have it, I got lost. My bird brain got lost trying to get back home, I don't know how I managed to do it but I did. Anyways on the way that I thought was towards Ephyrae I happen to see smoke close by, while normally I wouldn't ask for help, I had been lost for god know how long and I just wanted to get home. Upon getting closer to the smoke, I saw what look like a small campsite with a fishing area and an Enderian. An Enderian that was fishing, it was quite the odd sight I'll admit. From what I remember they don't like water so seeing one fishing, well was quite odd let's just say. I flew over to it asking for help and he said he would show me the way back which I was thankful for. The walk back was quite awkward, I'm not much of a talker and it seem the Enderian wasn't either, until it open it's mouth calling me an Elytrian. I'll admit I lost my temper a bit, I mean he can clearly see I had diamond armor on, Elytrians can't wear diamond!
Plus hearing the word made my blood boil, anytime I hear that word it just reminds me of HIM. I swear if I ever see that man again, I'll give him the most slowest and painful death anyone can ever experience! Just writing about it makes my blood boil, and my heart hurt. I... No, get it together Krow, stay in the present.
Where was I?
Oh. I must of gotten lost in thought after the Enderian said the word and I think I mumbled something about being advanced, I'm not exactly sure. And thinking about it now I realize I never said my actual race. Whatever, I'll just mention it the next time it's brought up. When we got back to Ephyrae, I noticed that we were heading in the same direction only to realize that this Enderian was actually my neighbor. Since when??? I don't remember anyone moving in, then again, he probably move in when I was out, which was a lot. Knowing we were neighbors meant we were probably gonna be interacting a lot and it seem the Enderian realize this as well as it asked for my name. Oculous was the Enderian's name, and in a way it fits him. We stayed in his house, which might I add has some perfect perching areas, for alittle while and were chatting a bit while he cooked, until Virkhagen was mentioned. The way he talked about it send a shiver down my spine, I never felt more shameful and scared in my life even though I wasn't even at the war. The silence after the topic was deafening as well until the Enderian mentioned how he was going back to it's campsite. I'm not exactly sure why I decided to tag along but I did, it was ok. There was some more awkward silence, and of course my bird brain clumsy ass had embarrassed myself in front of the Enderian. It had ask me to go get some milk and the one time I didn't look to make sure I wasn't under a tree to take flight, I of course, was under a tree and hit my head on a branch trying to fly. I didn't want to embarrass myself more so I decided I rather have wet wings than to stay there. Of course when I come back the Enderian complains to me about not being able to touch water, he even asked me, the one with soaking wet wings, if I ever wanted to touch water. God no, I wish I didn't have to touch water. Trying to dry 2 set of wings is so annoying and time consuming. He's a weird Enderian that's for sure even if he's the only one I properly met. Though I notice it giving me a look when he finish complaining and I already knew what he was gonna ask. It wanted me to go into the water and help it get some salmon, and the only reason I agree was because my wings were already soaked and to be honest, I was getting bored and needed to do something.
We return back to Ephyrae not too long after that, and perfect timing too as when we had gotten back to his house a group of some other residents were looking for an Enderian and Windborne to help with a rumor involving the amethyst that was growing around the city. We both agreed to help though unfortunate for the Enderian it had started raining, it decided to make a run for the temple we were heading to and I'll admit I may have accidentally got in Oculous' way, blame it on my clumsiness. Before entering the temple we had to solve a riddle, and I never felt more bird brain in my life than I did trying to solve that riddle. At least I wasn't the only one as we were stuck there for awhile. Once we finally figure out the riddle we were met with different trials, I had to fly through a small area which had lava coming down into it, it took a bit of time due to repeatedly getting stuck on a certain area but I got through it. It seems the others face through some struggle with theirs as well, especially when I could hear Oculous yelling through the walls which, I got to admit was pretty funny. The Enderian seems to get frustrated quite quickly. Once we were all through and set our crystals down on a pedestal was when all hell broke lose. Turns out a lot and I mean A LOT of golems and skeletons were guarding the amethyst heart, and really everything was happening too fast for me to really comprehend what had happen but I remember at some point I managed to get onto one of the hanging lights to at least get a break from the chaos below only to be join by what looks like a moth. I remember they offer me some armor and was asking for a bow which I unfortunately didn't have, we both stayed up there until the moth decided to head down. Honestly a big mistake on their part as I watch them get slaughter by the mobs below as soon as they landed. Let's just say I stayed where I was until everything was all over after watching that happen, it wasn't my proudest moment. Once everything was taken care of and the loot was split we decided to go back to the Enderian's place to rest with another resident joining us, I think his name was Neither? I don't know his race though, if he mention it then I didn't hear it as honestly I was too tired from the chaos to be paying attention.
So much had happen that day, and I feel that meeting this Enderian has set something off. In a good way I mean, I have a feeling that the city life isn't gonna be as boring as I thought.