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Tue 28th Jun 2022 12:51


by Rowan Oleander

Marcus: He's like a father to me. Not that he would ever see me as his own blood, but he's who I wish Virren could be for me. We even have a special watch that we communicate with, and he always listens to me. He's the first person who actually cared about what I thought (besides Lydia of course).
Kara: I've not known her for long, but she is precious to me. She grew up in war, and yet she still manages to have faith in those around her. Kara sees the good in people so easily, and I envy her for her skill. When Kestis tried to kill her, I compromised myself. As much as I hate to admit it, Kara feels like home to me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost her too.
Armin: A wonderful tavern owner, who seems to have been cursed to be a bear. He's a brilliant inventor, and apparently he used to be an adventurer too. Maybe I can ask him for adventuring advice?
Claire: Very fierce, but sensitive. I do like her, but I know the path that self-sacrificial adventurers take. She's already gone that route with Kestis. All I can do is offer her support, and hope she takes it. I'm worried for her and her future. One day, I might not be there to heal her, or revive her, and she can't die yet. She's got a part to play in the universe, and I think I'll always admire her spirit (even if it does get her into trouble).
Lady Eli: Interactions between us have been memorable to say the least, and I'm pretty sure she likes me. I want to reach out to her, but I fear she'll only push me away. She's a formidable fighter, and seems to have more experience with nobility than I have. Lady Eli's an important ally, and a deadly enemy. I saw her fighting potential when she killed me (in a dream?), and I hope I never have to go against her. Lady Eli is less impulsive and more levelheaded than the rest of the group. I should try and act more like her. Maybe we'd get along better if I could quit being so high-strung?
Gareth: Something's wrong with his memory. Every time I interact with him, it's like someone took him apart and scattered his memories in the process. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderfully talented bard. I love when he plays music. He jokes around a bit, but I can tell that he has a gift when it comes to the arts. I will say that something feels terribly off around him, like he was cursed, or put under some kind of spell to forget things. I've got to keep an eye on him, to make sure he's safe. I'd feel guilty if someone hurt him and I wasn't there to stop it.
EB (Eldritch Bestie): EB appears to us in my image, since I (unintentionally) gave them a voice by directly communicating with them?? Not sure what their role to play is, and I'm wary about what EB has told us is approaching. EB wants us to stop some kind of apocalypse from happening, but I'm unsure that we'll be able to pull it off. I need to do more research, to see if it's even possible.
Miranda: She definitely has confidence issues. Whether she's overconfident or pretends to be, I'm not sure. For what it's worth, Miranda does seem to have a sweet spot for me (Does she like me?? Has she been taking interest & I just haven't noticed??). She could've blown Kara's cover immediately, but she chose not to. I'm not quite sure what to think of her, as she seems to exaggerate her personality to intimidate people. I should spend some time getting acquainted with her on the Leviathan.
Kestis: He's a self-made pirate, and a dangerous person. Kara had a huge bounty, and he was willing to sell out his own blood for the money. I respect him, but I don't know if I can trust him yet. He'd stab me in the back without a second thought, and he's powerful enough to get away with it. I would prefer to keep Kara and everyone else safe. However, he's taken an interest in some of the party members so I doubt he'll leave us alone. He asked me why I stayed with the party, & wasn't sure how to answer. I didn't want to tell him that these people feel like home to me, but he offered me a contract on the Leviathan. He's noticed me, & I partly wish he hadn't. I've caught his interest, & I know he'll be closely watching everything I do.