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Fri 13th Aug 2021 03:55

Alexandria’s Goodbye

by Rowan Oleander

Sitting on the beach is Dria (Alexandria). She turns to look at Rowan, and she smiles. It’s a bittersweet expression, laced with sadness and grief.

She pats the ground next to her, and says “Rowan, will you you sit with me? Just—just for a moment? We don’t—we don’t have to talk. Let’s just watch this together. Before I go, let us share a sunset.”

And Rowan sits down beside her, watching the tide pull further and further away as the water rolls gently onto the shore. And she watches as the sun dips lower and lower, further behind the sea. And then— with the final sliver of sunlight gone, so is Dria. She touches Rowan lightly on the shoulder before stealing away to join her adventuring party. Rowan watches Dria leave, and she wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to keep her heart from breaking.

Rowan lays down on the beach & stays there for hours, willing Dria to come back. Hoping that her sister will return. If not for her, for their father’s sake.

Rowan spends the night by the water’s edge, drifting in and out of sleep. She wakes in time to watch the sunrise, and sends a prayer to the Infallible Goddess to keep Dria safe during her travels.

That was the last time Rowan saw Dria.