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Mon 25th Jul 2022 12:39

The Aftermath of Everess’ Banquet

by Rowan Oleander

Lady Everess is alive. Everyone else is alive. I have to keep reminding myself that they’re still alive. That we still have a chance, even if we’re considered traitors of Estovia.
So much has happened. The banquet went terribly, but we managed to save Everess & escape on the Leviathan. Thank the goddess that Kestis decided to trust me, especially with everything that has transpired with Kara.
And Lydia. She’s alive. She confronted me in the graveyard, where she knew I’d visit. She talked to me & stole my memories, placed me under a Geas spell. What has happened to her? How long has she been planning all this, & who has she allied herself with? Why didn’t she bring me along? Does she even consider me a friend anymore? What did I do to make her leave me?
…I’ll send her a message once I get some rest. I’ve got to message Marcus first, let him know what’s happening. Let him know what I’ve discovered, & hope that he still trusts me. But after Marcus, I’ll message Lydia. I’m not expecting a response, but I’m going to try.
I told my companions & the crew most of what happened. Everyone has been surprisingly kind, but I wonder how long it will take for people to start avoiding me.
Kestis has offered me a spot on the Leviathan, as I have apparently impressed him. I'm wary, but he has been remarkably kind towards me & my companions.
He asked me why I stayed with the group, why I hadn’t left them behind. Honestly, I’m unsure. The best way I can describe it is that they feel important, like I want to keep them safe. Claire reminds me of a younger version of Lydia, & she is so confident in herself. I admire her greatly. Gareth is complicated, but I think we understand each other. We’ve both been hurt by a close companion, & we’d do just about anything to turn back the clock. Eli is fiercely protective of all of us. She hates talking about feelings, or her past, or her ex-wife. She was the one to find me in the bandit camp, & she trusted me enough to go through with the anti-assassination plan. Eli is a fighter, through & through.
If anyone in our group could understand what I know, she would. I wish I could tell her everything.