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Fri 14th May 2021 01:55

Gorachenya Day 5-6

by André Pelnar

Day 5
We awaken early morning, and head outside the inn and see guards are out and about and there is a commotion coming from below 3 levels at the bottom of the city, where Prince Olgovich is being attacked by some shadowy archers near the Nizhnal-Zolot tunnel. We persuade our way into the tunnel – we were contracted by the Prince afterall – and I can hear in the distance a voice that sounds like Olgovichs. I follow, moving along the side of the tunnel's carved stone wall with Riven & Gash behind. Suddenly, Svyanta's booming voice enters my head and informs me that the Nobles are moving on each other and we're needed in Zolot-Uzik.
"Tailing Olgovich now, I believe we're headed to Zolot-Uzik already"
Day 6
We arrive in Zolot-Uzik by morning. We find Olgovich and a large assortment of bodyguards already charging into the city, and I reach out to Svyanta to ask where to meet. We meet him in a nearby temple, with the help of a friendly local laborer who seemed rather curious about our circumstances. Compared to the temple in Nizhnal, this one is more run down with different scenes depicted on it's carvings. After 15 minutes, Syvanta joins us from a back door, flanked with three more well armed and armored Gorachenyan Dwarves.
We establish a plan for Syvanta's people to beseige Yurivich in the Iron Palace while Riven makes a move on Prince Olgovich during his planned speech. Riven attempts to scale a building of a little bit taller than 20ft in order to avoid flying, but falls as soon as she starts climbing. Luckily, the temple is still open, however the backroom and balcony access has been cordoned off – Olgovich has used the story of Yurivich threatening Riven to consolidate power from Gorachenyan institions faster than expected. Riven, then posing as the/an angel of death, scares a Gorachenyan Guard shitless and walks past him like she owns the temple. A tense confrontation with Olgovich results in his quick death. As I and Gash show up in the room, we intimidate some guards to standing at attention while Riven finishes cowing the remaining nobles. Addressing the crowd in the now-dead Prince's stead, the "Angel of Death" invokes the (as I later learned) ancient Gorachenyan faith in the common folk. Gash & "the Angel of Death" loot Prince Olgovich, and I demand the guards be given a choice, unfortunately two make the wrong one.
As the crowd dispursed, the seige on the Iron Palace heated up, and those in the crowd who were particularly roused set off to join Syvanta's revolution. We joined not long after, just as the Palace Guards were establishing a foothold in the courtyard and establishing barracades to push into the secondary buildings. While the Zolot-Uzik city watch struggled to keep bystanders safe while the fate of their city was decided, we jumped into the fray. I go into a two story build and get onto the roof, and by the time I was there Gash and Riven were already turning the tide. Inbetween casting long-ranged spells, I make smalltalk with the bravest of the building's occupants and offer my services as a novice healer. After blasting a few fireballs into a musket formation, I have to jump buildings and switch to my lightning wand.
Once the battle is over, we regroup with Syvanta's organisation, and Riven quickly assumes a leadership role as the most experienced commander. I set out into the city at large to calm nerves and organise any relief efforts, before resting in the encampment outside the Iron Palace.

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  1. Gorachenya: Day 1
  2. Gorachenya Day 1-4
  3. Gorachenya Day 5-6
  4. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 1)
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  5. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 2)
    3rd of Heïa, 429 NE
  6. Days 8-10
    6th of Heïa, 429 NE
  7. Gallacan Caper
    48th of Heïa, 429 PE
  8. A Gallacan Expedition
    52nd of Heïa, 429 NE
  9. In the Tomb of the Lost King
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  10. False Artifacts, a Forgotten Mountain, and a Lost Soul (& Lots of Mortal Danger)
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  11. Kraken Attack! (oh and also some treasure on Leandris)
    63rd of of Heïa
  12. An Arrival and a Warning
    4th of Flirel, 429 NE
  13. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold
    9th of Flirel, 429NE
  14. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 2)
    10th of Flirel, 429NE
  15. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)
    22nd Flirel, 429 PE
  16. Return to Gorachenya
    2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
  17. Return to Gorachenya:
    2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
  18. Fiendish Abominations in a Gorechenyan Cave
    2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
  19. There is in Fact, a Teleportation Circle in Zolot-Uzik
    2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
  20. Into the Depths of Gorachenya
    3rd of Jestaní, 429 PE
  21. Defending the Great Wall
    8th of Jestaní, 429 PE
  22. Stormborn Defeated
    9th of Jestaní
  23. Return to Apepsos
    14th of Jestaní
  24. Does she mind if I call her Victoria?
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  25. Arrival in Salmis
    17th of Jestaní
  26. We've got a Mountain to Climb
    25th of Jestaní
  27. I Always Feel Like, Somebody's Watching Me (and I have no privacy)
    57th Jestanì, 429 PE
  28. Trying Again
    18th Letrel, 429 PE
  29. Looking for Souls for Nicky
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  30. Nicky's Souls Coins
  31. For (Hadrian's) Good of the Realm
    25th Letrel, 429 PE