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57th Jestanì, 429 PE

I Always Feel Like, Somebody's Watching Me (and I have no privacy)

by André Pelnar


  • Anwyn fights Agapios, got her wings all fucked up and while she's in human form, her back and shoulders are bleeding badly

  • Hesior takes the sword, a shield and 20lbs of coin

  • Presently - 27th Jestanì
  • I use my healing light to stabilise her wounds, preventing any infection

  • Over the night, Faolan feels like we're being watched

  • While I make breakfast, I ask the barkeep/innkeep if they noticed anything last night. Apparently, someone at one of the booths whispered somethingin a harsh tongue

  • I bring breakfast back up, and go investigate the booth. Unfortunately, I just find a weird candle (the others see the weirdness is in fact just it having been burned)

  • We find Olympios, who's quite impressed at our ability to procure "outside help" in this part of the world

  • We teleport to Riven's mom's place. They're rather perturbed that we didn't call ahead.

  • Mrs Vatinius notes that while we've been gone she and her guards and servants and even some townsfolk have felt like they're being watched. It started a few days ago.

  • Olympios thinks for a second and realises he feels the sense during our "catching up" meeting.

  • A knock at the door interrupts our meeting. Victoria send some of her guard to the door. He returns a short time later. It's Hadrian. He is warm to the touch (not dead?)

  • She wants to hear him out somewhat.

  • He want's to fight us for the sword, if we win he will give us one of the items.

  • Herakles and Hesior fight one on one, and eventually Herakles downs Hesior.

  • He kills Faolan. I kill the Mummy King, and Hadrian downs me.

  • 30 Days Later
  • A few hours after we fought Hadrian, he sat upon the throne and brought the Master into reality.

  • She managed to get most of the people out of Mysteria, and she finds Hesior on his death bed practically. He sacrifices himself to bring back Faolan.

  • Riven brings me out of the coma. But Mysteria is now in enemy hands. Jim probably joined them.

  • Hesior dies before I can get to him to thank him for carrying my comatose body out of there. Through chronomancer wildness, Hesior's sword melds into his dead body, its hilt pulling itself over his head and warping his body. An effect like a hall of mirrors. After the effect dissipates, a white dragonborn looking similar to hesior.
  • Continue reading...

    1. Gorachenya: Day 1
    2. Gorachenya Day 1-4
    3. Gorachenya Day 5-6
    4. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 1)
      3rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    5. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 2)
      3rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    6. Days 8-10
      6th of Heïa, 429 NE
    7. Gallacan Caper
      48th of Heïa, 429 PE
    8. A Gallacan Expedition
      52nd of Heïa, 429 NE
    9. In the Tomb of the Lost King
      53rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    10. False Artifacts, a Forgotten Mountain, and a Lost Soul (& Lots of Mortal Danger)
      54th of Heïa, 429 New Era
    11. Kraken Attack! (oh and also some treasure on Leandris)
      63rd of of Heïa
    12. An Arrival and a Warning
      4th of Flirel, 429 NE
    13. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold
      9th of Flirel, 429NE
    14. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 2)
      10th of Flirel, 429NE
    15. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)
      22nd Flirel, 429 PE
    16. Return to Gorachenya
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    17. Return to Gorachenya:
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    18. Fiendish Abominations in a Gorechenyan Cave
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    19. There is in Fact, a Teleportation Circle in Zolot-Uzik
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    20. Into the Depths of Gorachenya
      3rd of Jestaní, 429 PE
    21. Defending the Great Wall
      8th of Jestaní, 429 PE
    22. Stormborn Defeated
      9th of Jestaní
    23. Return to Apepsos
      14th of Jestaní
    24. Does she mind if I call her Victoria?
      16th of Jestaní, 429 PE
    25. Arrival in Salmis
      17th of Jestaní
    26. We've got a Mountain to Climb
      25th of Jestaní
    27. I Always Feel Like, Somebody's Watching Me (and I have no privacy)
      57th Jestanì, 429 PE
    28. Trying Again
      18th Letrel, 429 PE
    29. Looking for Souls for Nicky
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    30. Nicky's Souls Coins
    31. For (Hadrian's) Good of the Realm
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