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22nd Flirel, 429 PE

Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)

by André Pelnar

10th of Flirel, 429 NE
I'm unable to block the chronomancer & some of his ilk escaping with counterspell, as their magic is too powerful. Instead we fight 5 of his test subjects, their echos, and some auxiliaries. Using my lightning bolt wand, I take out the echos while also hitting the test subjects. They are able to deal quite a lot of damage nonetheless, and I have to use a scroll of Mass Cure Wounds.
After defeating them, Gash tried to examine a time device (the auxiliary bonding device) of the Chronomancer, figuring out how to use it and regressed to around the equivalent of an 8-year old Dragonborn (equivalent to a 12-year old human). Shortly after, we hear an explosion, wrecking the machine that was in the area subject 4 dissappeared into.
I take the Chronomancer's journal, his science journal, his spellbook, and some personal poems and arcane experiment notes. I can't read his script but I do plan on spending time back on Mysteria to research these. Faolan grabbed a barrel of various ingredients, and promptly left the room. Hesior gathers materials to create 4 weapons known as "Chronoxiphos", and grabs a scythe. Gash piles the remaining barrels and sets a trail to set them on fire. On our way out, we reset the traps that aged myself and Gash in an attempt to re-age Gash to a more mature age, bringing him to 38, a little ahead of where he was when we started. He is now a couple years should of "peak thiccness".
I help Hesior lead the prisoners from the compound to freedom. While doing this, Gash blows up the remaining barrels. A few minutes later, he emerges from the rubble. Gash gets thrown a fair distance as the debris goes everywhere, and then the remaining rubble implodes itself – and ages Gash to about 58.
11 – 22 Flirel
With our haul in hand, we head back to Mysteria by way of Edressa, taking with us most of the former prisoners of the Chronomancer's experiments. It takes us 3 days in Edressa to wait for the crew to return. And the journey to Mysteria a week. Hesior volunteers to help the other former slaves adapt to life on the island. I hope to rely on Hesior in the future as I start to focus more on shaping this island into something special. Riven and Hesior are introduced. I retire to my study in the recently completed fortress.

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  13. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold
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  15. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)
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