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53rd of Heïa, 429 NE

In the Tomb of the Lost King

by André Pelnar

Day 4
After our short rest, we continue to explore the tomb, while Bea continues to guard the entrance and our two companions. Investigating the two statues with keyholes, I make out the phrase in an uncommon Yulan-tai dialect: "the warriors sword" and "the scholar's pen". We decide to return to the room that D'Souza's men had holed themselves up in, to investigate the sarcophagi. Due to the passage of time and the numerous previous looters and expeditions, none of them are identifiable.
Faolan cracks open one of them at random, and immediately five spirits appear. Protecting myself with a magic circle, Carol and Darryl, my two thralls, provide support for Gash and Faolan. After a respectable fight, we defeat the spirits. I lost Darryl though. We discover a diadem in the first sarcophagus, and four more in the others. In the third sarcophagus, we find what we suspect is the scholar's key: a stone worked to look like a feather with a square notch.
The other rooms each have a set of armor, sword, and helmet with little practical use. Faolan managed to find what we think is the warrior's key - a sapphire sword. When he grabbed it however, three mummies arose and began attacking us. They were far more dangerous than the previous undead. Faolan was grappled in the first round. Carol held her own against the 2nd, and I was able to disintegrate the one grappling Faolan, but not before the 3rd other downed Gash and giving him a case of mummy rot. Faolan then downed the 3rd mummy, but shortly after I lost Carol to the 2nd. I down the final mummy with a blast of firebolt, sending it up in flames.
I stabilise Gash while Faolan rigs a crutch for him. We take the sapphire sword - the warrior's key, and make our way above ground. We need to stablise and recover, so we decide to teleport to safety. A moment of weightlessness later and we are at the top of the former Jade Temple. We take a boat to Antiokus in order to heal Gash, as Riven is nowhere to be found. It is dusk by the time we arrive at the local temple, but for 250 gold, one of the Pandroi Priests removes the curse from Gash, and we rest on the boat.
Day 5
We awaken in our boat. Not wanting to waste time, using the sapphire sword for the associated object, we return to the Tomb of the Lost King. The gruff man's boat was destroyed, and there was a camp set up (and by camp, I mean transdimensional gateway leading to a not-pleasant dimension). Bea turns herself into a mouse in order to scope the tomb – and quickly finds that it is teaming with harsh, infernal voices. When she returns after about 20 minutes, she tells us of a bone devil feasting on the bones in one of the chambers, and of another devilish creature.
Faolan goes in on his own next, this time to learn about the bone devil's health and defensive capabilties (OOC: HP and AC relative to him). About a minute later, he returns, and tells us it's about as strong as Faolan. We decide to go in and face it, trying stealth but not expecting much. We still had our expectations dashed, and stealth failed immediately.
We manage to do some damage to the bone devil, but then a (horned) devil appears and three minions after. More concerning yet are the bearded devils that rushed up to me, missing with their beards but getting me with their halberds. After downing one of the minions, we notice that it drops a peculiar coin. Faolan downs the Bone Devil, and the Horned Devil raises the alarm for the rest of their forces in the tombs. After defeating the last couple of bearded devils, we steeled ourselves for the coming onslaught, Faolan getting in position for a sneak attack.

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