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14th of Jestaní

Return to Apepsos

by André Pelnar


  • Someone has stolen the diadem, the scepter, and the sword from the Imperial Mausoleum in Apepso

  • Note to self: get the Peptid Teleportation Circle Sigil Sequence

  • We teleport to Apepso, I get lucky and we end up in the circle anyway. The wizard there is peeved and wants us to pay the toll.

  • We offer our assistance in the matter to the paladins, who are trying to look strong after having just been robbed.

  • The witnesses to whomever broke into the Mausoleum are all dust. The two guards of the late emperor being the two known dusty corpses. I investigate and determine they were magically disintegrated.

  • Before leaving, I notice a circle the same size as the stone rings on the throne room in mysteria, I suspect it's a small teleportation circle, due to it's sigils. I copy these sigils into the back of my spellbook.

  • I try to teleport using the sigils I wrote. A bulbous eye appears over us, and we hear the words "ever watching" in our brain, sending a chill down our spine. We find ourselves in a field of gray.

  • I forget what pomegranates are. I begin to trance to so that I can get us back to the Mortal Plane. However, I lose my ability to spellcast and speak before I can begin to trance. (Feeble Mind)

  • While infeebled, Faolan calls out for our favourite Aeillan immortal annoyance, Nikophorous and makes a deal to get him 43 souls in exchange for him bringing us out of the this place. The three of us appear in a hellish flash of light in the Apepsos library. Faolan tries to remember the word for restoration spell, but just starts yelling "spell" while I continue to lay in the fetal position, foaming slightly.

  • Foalan begins to head off after Hesior as he looks for the Mausoleum.

  • One of Anwyns compatriot's heals us. Faolan chews out me for not thinking ahead before teleporting us.

  • Tymnaros' eyes are upon us. (the bulbous eye)

  • The Investigation
  • Foalan remembers Hadrian was an oathbreaker paladin and there was a spellcaster with him when we first encountered him

  • Olympios Platon Stefanidis is a common thread of Riven and Hadrian. He is in Nikea.

  • Because André was incapable of signing the contract to Nicky, Foalan is now low-key the healthcare proxy for me when dealing with Demons?

  • Continue reading...

    1. Gorachenya: Day 1
    2. Gorachenya Day 1-4
    3. Gorachenya Day 5-6
    4. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 1)
      3rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    5. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 2)
      3rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    6. Days 8-10
      6th of Heïa, 429 NE
    7. Gallacan Caper
      48th of Heïa, 429 PE
    8. A Gallacan Expedition
      52nd of Heïa, 429 NE
    9. In the Tomb of the Lost King
      53rd of Heïa, 429 NE
    10. False Artifacts, a Forgotten Mountain, and a Lost Soul (& Lots of Mortal Danger)
      54th of Heïa, 429 New Era
    11. Kraken Attack! (oh and also some treasure on Leandris)
      63rd of of Heïa
    12. An Arrival and a Warning
      4th of Flirel, 429 NE
    13. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold
      9th of Flirel, 429NE
    14. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 2)
      10th of Flirel, 429NE
    15. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)
      22nd Flirel, 429 PE
    16. Return to Gorachenya
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    17. Return to Gorachenya:
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    18. Fiendish Abominations in a Gorechenyan Cave
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    19. There is in Fact, a Teleportation Circle in Zolot-Uzik
      2nd of Jestani, 429 PE
    20. Into the Depths of Gorachenya
      3rd of Jestaní, 429 PE
    21. Defending the Great Wall
      8th of Jestaní, 429 PE
    22. Stormborn Defeated
      9th of Jestaní
    23. Return to Apepsos
      14th of Jestaní
    24. Does she mind if I call her Victoria?
      16th of Jestaní, 429 PE
    25. Arrival in Salmis
      17th of Jestaní
    26. We've got a Mountain to Climb
      25th of Jestaní
    27. I Always Feel Like, Somebody's Watching Me (and I have no privacy)
      57th Jestanì, 429 PE
    28. Trying Again
      18th Letrel, 429 PE
    29. Looking for Souls for Nicky
      19th Letrel, 429 PE
    30. Nicky's Souls Coins
    31. For (Hadrian's) Good of the Realm
      25th Letrel, 429 PE