After handing over control of the scene to the Tereshka guard, we teleport back to Zolot-Uzik. Gash checks his history notes on the Principality and determines there is indeed a TP circle. The guard in the "Teleportation House" stands at attention. Gash gets some tea from a nearby café. The city is just as bustling as before, but there's a lot of unease due to the regime change, threat of invasion, and the children going missing. We make our way to the Iron Palace after a few minutes of walking.
We notice before getting to Syvanta, that there is a lot of yelling. Riven and I inquire with the guard about the "blazing row" taking place, who steadfastly refers to it as a "passionate discussion". We hear a bit more talking in Gorachenya, though more calm, if uneasy. Gash startles Syvanta by busting through the door, who swings and misses Gash. While Riven and I fix the door, Syvanta catches up on the encounter from Hesior.
Syvanta then catches us up on the story of the "fairy tale creatures". Their forefathers dug too deep and found these part bear, part insect creatures. They would seek out the young, elderly, weak, and vulnerable. Legend has it that after ages of being hunted, they were finally banished by a Gorachenyan wizard (the same one who made the TP circle) millennia ago. Since then, they've been nothing more than a fairytale for parents to keep their kids behaved, a creature that would steal them away in the night. Syvanta suspects a demon is moving them back into the material plane.
The guards are burning the two Podluzhniks when we return about an hour later. The captain of the guard points out two markets (one is by the entrance to the caverns and caves systems, and the other is right, up straight, around the bend, down, right). We go to the "outdoor" market, where Gash buys a set of nght vision goggles (darkvisions 60ft+) for 1500gp.