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10th of Flirel, 429NE

Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 2)

by André Pelnar

10th of Flirel, 429 NE
In our first order of business, we stash the bodies in one of the holding cells for the subjects. Hesior takes us to his quarters in order to give him time to plan our best way of attack against the Chronomancer and for us to rest up a bit. His room is fairly spartan, a bed and a footlocker, and a few of Hesior's personal items – a well worn journal, old gladiator trophies (heavily tarnished) and a necklace.
With the keep being too heavily guarded, we devise a plan to lure the Chronomancer out, widdling it down to two options. Option 1: lure him to his quarters (drawback: small room and Hesior needs an excuse to come up here). Option 2: lure him to the holding cell (drawback: all the other subjects are there, and might be used against us). Picking option 2, I suggest that Hesior leave to go get the 'mancer, letting us know if the coast is clear for us to move back to the holding cells. Bea would then scope out the path back to the processing area under an invisibilty spell. At the last minute, at Faolan's suggestion, we all are made invisible. Before Hesior leaves, he hands me his journal.
After about 15 minutes, Hesior enters with the Chronomancer. Accompanying them were a large hulking white dragonborn (subject one) and two auxilaries. After getting half of the jump on them, the two leave behind their auxiliaries to face us (Gash later establishes that it was a time stop spell), which we defeat. We leave the holding cells, and make our way to the Keep. Bea gets the door opened, the last act of their earth elemental. We enter the keep.

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  2. Gorachenya Day 1-4
  3. Gorachenya Day 5-6
  4. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 1)
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  5. Gorachenya: Day 7 (Part 2)
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  9. In the Tomb of the Lost King
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  10. False Artifacts, a Forgotten Mountain, and a Lost Soul (& Lots of Mortal Danger)
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  11. Kraken Attack! (oh and also some treasure on Leandris)
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  12. An Arrival and a Warning
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  13. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold
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  14. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 2)
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  15. Assault on the Chronomancer's Stronghold (part 3)
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  16. Return to Gorachenya
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  17. Return to Gorachenya:
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