Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi by Avelyn | World Anvil

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5/2/3210 - 6/2/3210

Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi

by Avelyn Lorafir

Reviewed documents (written in ancient Thassilonian), the Gnoll Priest had begun translating it, as a rare feat and accomplishment. A prophecy lore check revealed that Thassilonian as a language was used to record specific failings of prophecy as proof that the Gods were fallible and people that are not worthy of mass worship.
"This is the only God, the power to dictate that which should and should not exist." "Match me in bloodshed or in blood be drowned."
Reveals a plot between Mataishi with an escort, with a possible assassination.
The Marahosho we found has no recollection of being president let alone anything that has happened since we arrived in town. This most likely means the current President we've been talking to is actually a doppelganger. But this has yet to be confirmed. The blackmail in mention also states that he has a history of being a slaver and has lied to the people of this city.
Marahosho's house has not been used since he was taken. Another point to the doppelganger theory, though odd that they haven't maintained appearances by using his home, instead focusing only on the office to conduct business. The assumed doppelganger has fled from office, making off with various unknown documents.
The Office:

  • Room is in chaos, with overturned desks and documents everywhere

  • Matahishi has been stabbed and is being seen by a medic

  • Assumed Doppelganger cleared the safes and was attempting to clear things out cleanly but was caught by Matahishi

  • Missing documents seem to feature Matahishi, the doppelganger never reached the desk (most likely too much effort) these documents contain all of the secret government dealings (e.g. taxes, criminal lists, underhanded deals, etc). The desk documents don't make sense to me but Marai has a background in numbers and money, will gain her input on them.

    Marai's find - Matahishi is embezzling funds to pay for something but is funnelling his own money back in. This is a roundabout way for him to pay for something without it appearing in his own documentation/records. Not necessarily a secret but something he is not being obvious or upfront about it.
    Answer - Matahishi is looking to "buy out" a female consort (Chloe is her work name). Essentially to pay the institution for their "life/freedom", essentially paying out their years of service, for lack of a better term. Have fallen in love and want to be with her.
    Times from Matahasi:
  • Spy left at 17:00 (Red Hair Pins)

  • Each girl leaves at a different time:

  • 12,
    13:00, Kelly (Blue Clutch)
    Maximus is not going to work this morning, someone spiked his drink??
  • 4 girls, (Zoe, Chloe, Aelia, Kelly) 8 guys

    This establishment has proper Tempan beer.
    1 patron has an interest in Chloe (not for her services, could just be enjoying the show, could be suspicious am monitoring)
    Kelly's second out the door - large afro
    Aelia comes back around 1, lunch before she starts
    The red scarf come back last around 17:00
    Zoe - comes back at 15:00, here at 12 comes back at 15:00
    Chloe -
    Aelia - comes back around 13:00 (13:15)
    Kelly - Second out of the door, returns after Aelia before Chloe
    Pink Cardigan
    Blue Clutch - Kelly
    Red Scarf - Not Zoe, comes back at 17:15, Chloe or Aelia
    Red Pins -
    Chloe - leaves at 15:00, arrives at 17:15 is the red scarf
    Kelly - leaves at 13:00, arrives at 15;15, has the blue clutch
    Zoe is the spy. We are taking her into a room at the establishment for questioning. Seeing Zoe sigh in relief, they cast geas on her to not be able to talk unprovoked. Barkeep's axe swings down, he kills Zoe. Petrus restrains him. I run from the room to guard Chloe. The other barkeep is not in on it.
    If she reaches sickened 4 from fighting it she will die.
    Direct questions are easier:
  • Who put the geas on you? Cannot see them. Gems embedded in the face like a glowing effect, darkened room

  • How long have you been under the effect? 5 months

  • Casino that uses bronze chips, they took her husband

  • Geas is a ritual that forces someone to perform or not do a specific act. Fighting it or finding a way around it results in 1 point of Sickened, sickened 4 = death. Following the Geas or Wish will remove the sickened condition.

    Continue reading...

    1. Arrival at Hei
      2/2/3210 - 4/2/3210
    2. Actual Hitokiri Takedown
    3. A Parade, Ball & Cultists?
    4. Haunts, Blessings & Politics
    5. Research Binge
    6. Death of Matatara
      4/2/3210 - 5/2/3210
    7. Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi
      5/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    8. The Rabbit's Foot Casino
      6/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    9. House Repairs & Convict Hunt
      6/2/3210 - 12/2/3210
    10. Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?)
      12/2/3210 - 12/2/3210