House Repairs & Convict Hunt by Avelyn | World Anvil

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6/2/3210 - 12/2/3210

House Repairs & Convict Hunt

by Avelyn Lorafir

The new house (The Rascal) has been thoroughly looted... will cost 300gp to fix. Definitely doable, but expensive.
Gideon dropped by for a visit (Fixer - Expert Counsellor, 2gp an hour) - we now have a bell for contact.

  • Secret Living Quarters off of the back bar

  • Front bar

  • Upstairs = four insanely large bedrooms

  • Cellar = wine cellar + hidden ritual room

  • Courtyard

  • Bathhouse

  • Crafting Shed

  • Big Dog - Little Lord
    Small Dog - Moose
    Gideon's total for house repairs: $1,369.
    Maximus breaks out of prison, taking 38 people with him. Specifically killed 60 guards on the way out meaning the guards have just enough to enforce the city and maintain the war with the Hitokiri but are unable to search for them themselves. Travelling in extreme cold conditions for extended periods of time causes damage, meaning the 38 people have probably died and Maximus planned it intentionally to turn them into haunts.
    Haunt Lore (Maximus' Plan): dangerous area because of the weather. Likely locations are places of rest or the thin pass before the Hitokiri. Aiming for two good quality haunts to single target people. His aim is to eliminate half of our party knowing we are the only ones in a position to chase him. He is confident in his ability to take down the remaining members and win the fight.
    Tracker named Agnes = 70yr old woman. (1gp, 5spa day). Agnes is 3tish tall, Ysoki (Ratfolk). Doesn't fight. Charges extra for dangerous traps and if we do anything that goes directly against her advice. Doesn't charge extra for blizzards. Have agreed on a 10% take for anything we find.
    My horse's name is Whirlwind.
    1st Haunt - The Final Words. 7 men were forced to write letters to loved ones before execution. One caught on and became a haunt.
    4 days later - catch up to Maximus just behind him on the sheer side of a cliff (5ft ledge over a cascading river).
    2nd Haunt - Grasping Dead, on the cliff. Normally underground was buried into the stone wall.
    We jumped down into a rapid river 90ft down, in order to catch Maximus. Nearly dying in the process. The rapid led to a grate the Hitokiri had put in, thankfully we were able to pick the lock on the grate and get through before Petrus arrived behind us. After the gate, this river came up in the middle of the Hitokiri camp through their well. Maximus is right there retrieving water via bucket.

    Continue reading...

    1. Arrival at Hei
      2/2/3210 - 4/2/3210
    2. Actual Hitokiri Takedown
    3. A Parade, Ball & Cultists?
    4. Haunts, Blessings & Politics
    5. Research Binge
    6. Death of Matatara
      4/2/3210 - 5/2/3210
    7. Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi
      5/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    8. The Rabbit's Foot Casino
      6/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    9. House Repairs & Convict Hunt
      6/2/3210 - 12/2/3210
    10. Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?)
      12/2/3210 - 12/2/3210