A Parade, Ball & Cultists? by Avelyn | World Anvil

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Fri 2nd Dec 2022 02:51

A Parade, Ball & Cultists?

by Avelyn Lorafir


  • Homeless people

  • Potential uprising (revolution)

  • Received minor boom (vision of the future)

  • Invitation to discuss prophecy with the priest

  • Parade a resounding success

  • Vision:
  • Every 120 and 130 years to change ley lines, a strong amount of magic.

  • Runelord with no Aeon stones, hands pushed in and ripping it open further. The face was intentionally removed... The Unknown God.

  • 1st Ball:
  • Marshall - a well-meaning man, pushing for the military to be extended. In order to claim large land to extend the land

  • Senator Bernice - mousy lib Marian with a great sword

  • Mood here is curious as this is our first social outing

  • Military Focus - geopolitical landscape

  • Dorris Ramonos - built like Trunchball

  • - Funding hate groups (anti-tiefling)
    - Domestic abuse (child born a tiefling)
    - Skinsaw Cultist, revealed post-debate as she draws a weapon and mask
    - Creature enters the fight
    - She is finished
    - Silence blessed “grey holy flame as mortal weakness”

    Continue reading...

    1. Arrival at Hei
      2/2/3210 - 4/2/3210
    2. Actual Hitokiri Takedown
    3. A Parade, Ball & Cultists?
    4. Haunts, Blessings & Politics
    5. Research Binge
    6. Death of Matatara
      4/2/3210 - 5/2/3210
    7. Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi
      5/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    8. The Rabbit's Foot Casino
      6/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
    9. House Repairs & Convict Hunt
      6/2/3210 - 12/2/3210
    10. Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?)
      12/2/3210 - 12/2/3210