Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?) by Avelyn | World Anvil

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12/2/3210 - 12/2/3210

Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?)

by Avelyn Lorafir

Maximus was waiting near the well, we emerged from a ladder (hidden trapdoor) nearby. We assumed the creatures near Maximus were zombies but unfortunately that was proved wrong. The people surrounding him were actually the leftover prison guards (12) who had been lobotomised and infected with bubonic plague courtesy of an injection directly into their mouth. This practice does not match what we know of the Hitokiri meaning it is purely Maximus' doing.
While we took care of his victims Maximus fled into a gated area further in the compound. We gave chase. This compound was guarded by three goblins (one being a hobgoblin), under the assumption they were Hitokiri we attacked, breaking down the gate to follow Maximus. It turns out the Hitokiri imprisoned them and there were actually no Hitokiri left in the area. The civilians of their tribe have been trapped in bomb collars, set off by fire or any attempt at removal. (Crafting check DC 30 for removal).
The leader agreed to let us pursue Maximus and told us of a pair of ogres in the area (we're unsure whether or not they have been collared).
While in search of these ogres we came across Maximus who was looting civilians' housing.
Upon making contact with Maximus it was revealed that his Aasimar appearance had become an illusion as he had been turned into a Caligni Vanguard, flesh and bone fused with armour, and his eyes removed. It was discovered that he would explode upon his death. We killed Maximus in the ensuing fight, the explosion of his death only just missing the two civilians in the room. (His body, or at least armour, destroyed in the process)
After healing we resumed our search for the ogres eventually coming to a maze, the entryway of which was the large gaping mouth of the symbol of the All that we are slowly growing more and more familiar with. This doorway reacted to Petrus, Alistair and I (NG) more aggressively then Marai (CG).
Maze Interior = Pitch Black.
Ogres speak Jotun and want to tear us apart with hooks. Ogres are defeated... I do nothing to help in this situation. After the ogres were dead we searched their maze and found a Hitokiri leader strung up with hooks, legs completely broken, they had the key to the collars.

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival at Hei
    2/2/3210 - 4/2/3210
  2. Actual Hitokiri Takedown
  3. A Parade, Ball & Cultists?
  4. Haunts, Blessings & Politics
  5. Research Binge
  6. Death of Matatara
    4/2/3210 - 5/2/3210
  7. Rescuing Marahosho & Matahishi
    5/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
  8. The Rabbit's Foot Casino
    6/2/3210 - 6/2/3210
  9. House Repairs & Convict Hunt
    6/2/3210 - 12/2/3210
  10. Hitokiri Invasion (Or Not?)
    12/2/3210 - 12/2/3210