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Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731T

20240713 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part 4

by KitKat the Mentat

Vanya and the 2-1B found a micro-transmitter stuck to the Night Sister's skin and removed it to a secure box to block any transmissions. The Dathomirian awoke eventually and Vanya tried to calm her. She found she was in the Night River Cave Clan of Night Sisters and basically was working for Voldemort on this mission. Vanya had heard of a dark side trick called Tethering, like a telepathic bond. Vanya and company killed the dark force wraith hovering over the gal. She said that Almon gave Sargon the idea to use Night Sisters as life batteries for himself (before his rehabilitation). She would have put a very old NS curse into the book to infect Sargon in his mind. Vanya thought he might have someone else read the book for him, so that plan might not have worked. Maybe a better curse delivery system WOULD work.
(Note that we had XR Koon teachings to Commissar here to give to Library.)
I blew out the pistol as the Night Sister was a blur of offensive motion, headed to (or through) Vanya, the Jedi. LEad pipe.
The repair robots were intent on "fixing" a radiation leak which they believed to be me.
type message to B2 medical droid. emergency medical issue - woman with bad rad poisonong and dilerious!!!
droids skid to stop then swarm her, gettting hit by lead pipe. They ask security reinforcement. Clone troopers respond.
Chex, our friendly clone trooper, shot her with two well-placed blaster stun bolts.
The droids wrapped her like a Wookie Life Day present to safely transport her to sickbay.
V suggest sedative. It works.
I need to help repair these droids.
I took the Gom Jabbar and its holster for safe keeping until she promises to be a good gal.
The lead pipe glowed with a greenish energy which quickly dissipated. I checked with the repair droids.
It was indeed a structural pipe, not a pressure pipe.
Chex and Bishop took her to Med Bay.
Vanya rested a moment.
follow all safety protocols regarding the book
Rook and Castle arrived and placed the book into a secure anti-grav carrier.
V mentioned to them that the creators of the book had advanced nano-tech and chemical poisons at their disposal.
V also asked them for scan of Lt. Jessup's briefcase that he submitted supposedly to protect Commissar Celestima.
Rook and Castle theorized that Celestima was nervous about being a sole survivor far from home. The Lt's briefcase contained blueprints and a repair manual for her along with some other very old artifacts.
We followed for some caf and cookies, and I showered off the garbage smell.
At the Main Hall of the Talla Library, Chief Librarian Krotu's people brought Caf and snacks. The Caf was obviously made by some one who cares about good Caf.
The security clones brought in the book for its entry into the library officially.
Davish noted that in the old entry logs, the Commander did in fact stop in earlier to the library, about 6 standard months ago, looking for something she did not find, or at least did not check-out. He said she was mostly looking up Bendu relics and history, and she browsed Choni Tech articles, and Centerpoint Station in the Correlian system. He noted that old Palpatine had an (unhealthy?) interest in the Bendu as well. Vanya mentioned So'Zen could ask Granny back on Chalcedon about tales of the Bendu origins.
He also found the Gel Tox who visited the Library was actually Nightsister Asila.
Castle did leave the console unattended. Flimsies on the inner workings of an advanced droid physical form. There awas an actuall wooden covered paper/papyrus book. Animals pictured on the cover. ( It looked like an old field journal or an ancient explorer's journal. A flowing caligraphy, almost serpentine. There may be a hand-drawn star map. It looked like it was drawn from a perspective in orbit of someone traveling from one planet to another. The star chart seemed oddly familiar.
The two scrolls were metal (which invoked strong security scans) with an elaborate ceramic and metal casing, and a cloth scroll with more diagrams. These diagrams were of exercise movements based on the movements of animals. One reptilian specie was on Chalcedon, like a furry lizard, sentient, who made famous soup. I made an appointment in calendar to return to Chalcedon and show it. I believe the Empire stole these artifacts from their home worlds for study or plain theft. I made copied of the "book" and scrolls.
The Unboxing of the Relic proceeded in the center of the room. This more normal book was a binder of flimsies. On the cover was the image of a type of bird with its wings spread with a starburst. "The Treatise of Inner Alchemy" was written by a Jedi Master and a Sith Lord, particularly, Jedi Master Esam Stanev and Dark Sith Lord Darth Krom, (one of the Renegade Sith who also studied the Light Side). Vanya explained that the Dark Side is quick and forceful and short-lasting; whereas, the Light Side is gentle and nudging with long-lasting results. (Legend states that the Jedi and Sith were both offshoots of one organization.) Both authors supposedly pooled their information to record medicine, biological engineering and bio-crystal engineering. Supposedly it predates the Choni.
Comissar Celestima then cleared her throat (as if she were biological life), and stated, "It was written during the 1st empire of the Sith just after the dark Mandalorian crusade to eliminate force users." She theorized that it might have started the Jedi - Mandalor war. Vanya noted that many basic Jedi and Mandoa values are contrary. Celestima said that book holds as much philosophy as practice. The bioengineered crystals were as unique as creating a living thing. (Does this book explain the making of the Jedi and Sith Kyber crystals?) Vanya asked vaguely if Benegesseritt and Mentat training occurred in CC's time. She said yes. She remembered the Butlerian Jihad. The Emperor at the time felt they were contained to the Tampani Sector and not a threat to his power. They heard the book contains a "blend of traditions to find the core". She mentioned something called "the other memory". Vanya asked about Sapho Juice without naming it. CC believed it so. (I must take this thought to Mentis and compare with our understanding of the origins of Sapho Juice.)
Mentats were invented by Bomar Monks, they say, to separate themselves from the Awakeen - Eborean war. The BG rewrote the story as merely human computers to replace droids. Now Alexander Vorpaderon (Sargon) is loking for this. (Mentis might know all he wants to know about eternal life.)
(Now I need to publish a journal on how Jedi and Sith are just fall-aways from the Mentat Order.)
Vanya, "I should have asked a long time ago ... why they see something different from what I see? I think it's connected to that book."
Vanya asked CC to send a copy (once it is translated) of the Treatise to myself and Master Yoda.
We discussed the DT's, Death Troopers. Vanya would like for me to free their minds and recruit them into a Sukill puppeteer-parasite removal task force.
Vanya will recruit Lt. Jessup for the Empirial Navy ambassadorial fleet.
I proceeded to contact the two troopers (out of the 2 squads, 22 units) whose acquaintence I had already made, (not the rabid one who had completed the process). I told them the plan. They told me that they could feel their humanity fall away with each step, each cybernetic replacement. All DT candidates had been possessed by the Sukill parasites. The parasites had a unique signature. Lt. Jessup discovered it. They said being possessed by a parasite was at first disturbing ,then forcefully comforting that you are never alone and joining the groioup at theexl=pense of your own dreeams and palns.
They also mentioned that the parasites have their own history. They are from a different galaxy where they used up their natural resources. They moved to other galaxies where they could use up those resources and move on again. I theorized that the Sukill entering a new galaxy where they are vastly in the minority leads them into insecurity. They would attempt to bolster their numbers at all cost.
The DT's had known the Katana fleeet as home for a long time. They didn't want to commit treason to their teammates. I mentioned that their task force and its important task to free the galaxy from the Sukill could make them direct reports to Emperor Gregor or Empress Jenna I.
The first two broke the news to a third, then a fourth, et cetera, following my plan one at a time.
Since there are 21 troopers, the parasite removal task force can be known as Blackjack Squadron.
Vanya told me her chat with Lt. Jessup resulted in him deciding to discuss it with his command staff first. Jessup returned saying, that he would have more than a skeleton crew after those who chose to stay with Katana Fleet leave.
Vanya tried to mentally check on Yeager, the Empress' Royal Consort. Then called him using a conventional datapad.

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