It appeared that the Outlaw Techs, who had no morals with respect to their inventions, were paying Almon D'Joy for the twisted weapon ideas and designs.
The pirates who joined us gave us some information about it.
One of them started a small business Droid Depot, or Build-A-'Bot, or, 'Bots-R-Us, to manufacture his Chibi-droids.
One of Almon's upcoming designs is a Super-Battle Droid brain into a combat cruiser with mechanical arms and tentacles.
He told us every pirate attack is setting up a secret relay network ("communication matrix") across the desert to spread D'Joy's plans and commands. We quickly found two of the relays. With General Kerplokken's approval, I poked at them a bit. I found the neural network much like a crypto-financial network, with error-checking redundancy.
The Jedi found refugees coming in from the South for a change.
Alarms sounded across Port Etmar, distress calls were answered by scrambling fighter craft. They said Port Nevermore was in ruins.
Chancellor Kanter gave the General a direct order to deal with this NOW.
Furthermore, The Dread League was chasing after our allies, the Ragnar Syndicate. General Kerplokken shone the Jedi-Bat-Signal in the sky. We answered it.
On the half-hour flight across the desert in our official transport with military escort by Captain Koleen, I worked on programming a signal to tell the enemy buzz-droids that our ship already has been successfully destroyed, trust me, and they can all return home with the pride of having fulfilled their programming.
The General counted roughly 20 "unfriendlies" (in power armor and with heavy weaponry) coming after the RS's crashed space transport. My sensor sweep detected around 20 RS bounty hunters in need of rescue and another 20 civilians in the underground ruins into which the RS ship had crash-landed. At best, we could carry 30 of them with us. We needed more.
As we approached, the unfriendlies ("Zorphax Droids") appeared to be a new design of battle droids (with shields). Capt. Koleen fired a torpedo into their midst as we passed overhead to draw their attention from their targets. I used the mental exercises, (which Vanya had pointed me into), to feel the wireless radio frequency communications network that flows around and through all of us. It was overwhelming data. These were all droids, and they all spoke with one voice on D'Joy's secret hidden network, around 500 of them, spread across this quarter of the planet.
I successfully stunned one of the Zorphax by repeating to it the sight and alarm sounds of its companions who had been hit by the torpedo, hoping some traumatic stress would be triggered. But, the others showed no reaction to the one's distress.
More erupted from the sand. One landed on Koleen's X-wing. She repelled it with her shields before it could cut through with its buzz saw, but not before I realized these are transforming droids, shifting from the form of a missile to a humanoid droid much like a soldier in powered armor and back freely as they chose. Their power armor design even included a cockpit for a wearer.
Their favorite battle cry seemed to be, "BA ZURG! ZAP ZAP!". Jedi So'Zen theorized that their language was actually transmitted in the tones of how they speak rather than what words they said.
I did a fair job of tuning our sensors to blast the frequencies of their communication, causing the four missile droids chasing us to eventually lose their sense of direction. I passed that information along to Spuk in the X-wing as well.
The Jedi on the ground (Did I mention they leaped out of a perfectly servicable vehicle?) started to make quick work of the army of droids.
I noticed (as light sabers affected the droids' shields) that their shields had a power oscillation similar to that of a capital ship. I whipped up a program to delay weapon fire a few milliseconds as necessary to always fire when the droid's shield is at its weakest. Then I transmitted that program to the transports weapons and the X-wing's. It seemed to help.
Next, I tried to commune with the crashed ship's onboard computer. It showed me the six personnel inside, the four outside, the remainder with their responsibility (20 refugees) having retreated into the caves nearby, and the two Zorphax droids who had ripped their way into the engine compartment. I connected with the intercom in the hallway to alert the bounty hunters (and their medic) to the problem with the enemy droids onboard. Then I identified the Zorphax droids's general appearance to the shipboard targeting computer and approved it to fire at will on them. Only a few outboard point defense cannons were in shape to fire, but that they did clearing a few zones from enemy droids.
I gave the larger vessel the frequencies of the droids' communication network, and it jammed the area quite well. In fact the droids soon ceased their attack and fled to regroup.
So I'll call that a win, until they learn to use different frequencies.