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Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731T

20240504 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part: the Third

by KitKat the Mentat

So, Vanya heavily toasted the hairy DNA sample the fake acolyte needed to open the sealed courier case. We were pleased. The intruder was not.
We were in a large circular hallway (around the main public research chamber), well appointed with decor for the public to see. We were not far from the docking area, if the intruder meant to escape. She needed the head librarian's DNA to open that case which she traveled so far to get.
Where was the head librarian now? He was right beside me now, discarded when the villain thought she had all the DNA she needed in the lock of his hair.
The villain gestured a claw-like motion at the Jedi and emitted a powerful sonic bolt of compressed air. The Jedi deflected it.
I stared deep into The Math. No electronics appeared to be around her hands or wrists. Odd. The way a lightsaber deflected that "Air Punch" didn't make sense to me. I mumbled my concerns to Almon D'Joy (in his disguise as Heath Toffey.)
Heath produced two holobooks from the library and tossed them at the fake initiate. She held her hands out and produced a green bubble around her. Almond shouted, "I knew it! (Get that fire extinguisher!) Eat Fire Foam, Nassha!" One of the security clones obeyed the middle part and sprayed the villain with fire retardant foam, coating her green bubble shield.
"Dathomirian!" Almon shouted as the foam blocked our views of each other.
Vanya, the Jedi, reached through the foam wall and energy bubble. I should say she punched through. There was a solid thud like a person hitting the wall of the force bubble inside there.
The clones pummeled the emerging Dathomirian with stun bolts. She dropped.
Vanya mentioned, "Cuffs!"
Almon mentioned, "Healing Mist."
One clone trooper, Rook, cuffed her feet first with special Jedi-binders which they seemed to carry every day.
A small electronic device dropped from her unconscious hand. Vanya mentioned, "Hunter Seekers!" with emphasis on the plural.
Almon and I hacked the HS's and set them to all target the hologram librarian which greets the public at the entryway.
Vanya assisted the clones taking the prisoner to the medical bay.
Meanwhile, I contacted the 2-1B medical droid and asked for a DNA identification of the prisoner to see if she had been disguised as an acolyte for long or had visited in other disguises. The droid noted that it had recently lost access to the personnel database, (which is necessary information for a medical droid to know the history of any potential patient). Chief Librarian looked up the 2-1B medical droid's mental block and removed the maintenance loop command causing it.
The access logs showed a pattern ... something strange. In my datapad I searched for the pattern. It appeared Initiate Ulid Mar was always working on docking drones (the Dathomirian) when the weekly blackout of the 2-1B droid happened. Maintenance drone bay, main data core at bottom of station, and reactor core. The Transdoshan's ship.
Librarian Crowtu said the reactor core was unusual. And she had opened that door today after the murder and theft had occurred. The Chief assigned a clone (maybe Bishop ... or Rook) to accompany us to the reactor core in the bowels of the station.
The doors opened to a darker level. The reactor chamber was right there with many consoles. There were many maintenance access doors docking bay operations, garbage, etc. The access log said the garbage disposal had been prepped to jettison the garbage. He detected traces of the metal used to make the case in the compactor. I walked in (after setting the safety) with my flashlight into the dark pit of garbage. There was something strapped to the wall.
"I think I see it. It's mag-strapped to the wall. I'll bring it out," I said aloud.
"Good. You do that," said a woman I didn't recognize. I turned my flashlight to the voice behind me. She was wearing librarian robes. Bishop the clone was unconscious on the floor behind her. And Almon was standing as still as a statue because she had a (no kidding) Gom Jabbar at this throat.
"Bring me the box," she said, not using any Bene Gesserit tricks at all.
"Of course," I said, needing no further convincing, "I'll make quick work of it." However, I was wondering whether it was just a coincidence that she arrived here at the same time we did, or was she in need of a Clone Trooper Mine Detector to set off any traps.
With all my Mentat observational training, I checked the box for anything out of the ordinary. I found something. The box scanned me as I approached, just a low level scan to detect my race, etc.
"Miss?" I asked, "Or Mrs.? Or is it Reverend?"
"You may call me Alina," she replied.
"Alina, do you think you will be in as much danger as I if I set off a trap on this?"
"I think we shall be fine over here," she said, honestly (in my opinion).
"Alrighty then."
It made sense that the scan would result in data for a Hunter Seeker Killer drone (the preferred weapon of Initiate Ulid Mar) to target me the instant I removed the case from the wall. (Actually, it would take at least a second for the HK to power up. They are more secretive than fast.)
I pulled the mag straps loose. The case fell to the flooring of the maintenance catwalk.
Thankfully, Vanya had given me the HK transmitter (disguised like a thermal detonator), which I used along with my datapad (concealed in front of me as I walked to the trap) to hack the programming and replace the target description with that of Alena behind me. It was, as we say, a righteous hack.
The Hunter Seeker leapt from a box behind the case. It stopped at my throat. It backed off slightly, not attacking Aleana, sadly. I realized I was concealing her from its sensors. I had to get out of the way without her suspecting that I had a secret weapon armed. This situation needed my Acting skills.
"Ack!" I shouted as I fell dead to the flooring, "I am killed!"
I dropped to the floor.
It zipped through the air toward Sister Alena and Almon.
she was pushing Almon ahead of her. I thrashed a moment in my death throwes tapping out the fibonacci sequence.
But he shifted ewnough, but she caught the HK in the air and jammed it into the wall, stuck.
She ordered him to hit me with the case to see if I was faking .
I shot the bolts which dropped the caltwalk sideways. Almon took the HK control from me and gripped the rail. Alina gripped the railing, a bit back from us. I fell into the garbage with the case.
All the lights came on, blinding.
V said I sense darkness in you. & began to interrogate / talk to her about why she left the BG order.
"They were giving up opportunities."
Why QH is a boy? What's uyp wit hthat?
They could control him and put him on the throne.
Jedi Quest
she falls
HK in water
v predict Alina jump out of water at V
rifle stun heavy
spray and pray
core radiation leak detected
doors closing
droids search source of radiation leak and find me
V defends
gun smokes
batt dies

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  31. 20240323 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part A
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  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. The Journal Entry’s title
  34. 20240504 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part Deux
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  35. 20240504 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part: the Third
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  36. How I Came To Be
  37. 20240713 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part 4
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  39. The Journal Entry’s title
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