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Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731 T

KitKat and Vanya Restore Your Faith in Math

by KitKat the Mentat

Vanya and I followed So'zen for what I thought was two days of near intellectual ecstasy being trapped in an ancient library. (A gigantic city in hyperspace.) When we asked for library cards, we seemed to be celebrities, or persons of note of some sort. I signed my name on a blank piece of paper which transformed into my library card. I offered to hold Vanya's card for her since she had a 'thing' about attachment to material objects.
Eventually So'zen, ('the Key Master' I heard him called once), opened a strange portal to a very grey world with ancient buildings with sweeping architecture with delicate frescoes and statues. The locals had obsidian-blue skin color with smoky light grey eyes. He led us through this city (Nightwick City) to a shipyard, full of ships under repair after many battles.
We nonchalantly walked up to Captain Koleen and a technician overseeing the repair of the large hole, apparently caused by something bursting out of the Night Sparrow.
Cp. Koleen mentioned three issues. The Katana Fleet. A race of mechanical(?) creatures who dislike all life forms. And a device which may have held a Sith Lord.
The locals, she liked. They could be fine allies.
Also she said Hicks is doing much better at a medical facility. The locals know well the sort of damage the local 'bad guys' typically do.
Vanya asked if she had an astromech or an Awakeen who might have that skill.
Almon and I followed Vanya as her entourage to an Awakeen and Danar. We explained to him that we had developed a new replacement General Vance Kerplokken on the capital world of the Free Worlds Republic, and that we needed Danar Vorpadaran. He came up with the idea to fake up a 'cosmic portal generator' and walk through it. ((It looked a bit like a big blue Corellian Police Call Box.)) We passed through and rapidly disguised Vorpadaran as himself. I too switched to my KitKat persona, dropping the pretense and disguise of Stewie, the Corellian Lounge Lizard. We took time to give the impression that enough time had passed for Kerplokken to take charge and assign a representative to return to Sestia by stopping at the Library's Tea Shop.
I appraised Danar about the Death Troopers and Reavers. He made detailed notes for his clone Damien, (now acting as Vance Kerplokken) so he could perfect the act with all the necessary information. So'zen hailed a barista to provide us a comm link to deliver the message.
Then So'zen ushered us through a portal back to Sestia. So'zen briefed Danar Vorpadaran and I, KitKat, the Mentat, on the situation with refugees and hostages in need of rescue. They had escaped from the Katana Fleet's interesting device which can pull ships out of hyperspace and board them. That bears my attention.
When we returned, Vanya had a three pronged plan of attack/defense.
(1) Find the hostages
(2) SteelFlow and Hicks find compressed contents to spray and jam gears on Clocktaurs.
(3) Almon would figure out if Sphere was used to damage all the ships, and if the navagational buoys can be adjusted to throw off the katana fleet.
We went to a large conference room with a trapezoidal work table and consoles to being our studies.
The Nightwolves team had explored the underground tunnels of the Clocktaurs. Catacombs beneath us were octagons with sarcophagus-like alcoves with greenish energy glowing and flowing in circuits perhaps. They looked designed for thin Wookies. They did look a good deal like charging stations for tall protocol droids. The tracks on the floor seemed to indicate ancient age but not like the age of Sith. All the hostages taken had some cybernetic implant and were about average size for a Sestia. The entire continent (if not the world) seemed to have ship under it. All of the openings underground brought an explorer to the octagonal rooms first, which were also perfectly sized to hold Sestians, perhaps in low-berth hibernation. The Sestian civilization had legends that they came to this world fleeing a catastrophe and found it habitable. Legend does not speak of the Clocktaurs.
Almon noticed that the cities on the continent match observation arrays for a huge Station.

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  29. 20231104 Crimson Rescue, Part I
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  31. 20240323 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part A
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  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. The Journal Entry’s title
  34. 20240504 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part Deux
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  35. 20240504 Tolla Archive Library Station, Part: the Third
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  36. How I Came To Be
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  38. KitKat and Vanya Save (Clean Up) the Galaxy
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  39. The Journal Entry’s title
  40. KitKat and Vanya Restore Your Faith in Math
    Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731 T