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Mon 8th May 2023 05:25

Nightmares become reality.

by Tobias Shadowmane

I ended a long day after fighting in the first round of the tournament by preparing food with Luna and she informed me that apparently bricky had lost his shadow, a curious thought. Before we could ask him any questions he and bogbean rushed away as though being chased.
When we finished our preparations we ran into an odd collection of travelers one being a hume prince, a devilscard (tieflings) and a small firemaned inventor. They were very rude and managed to get on my nerves despite my best attempt at self control. I roared loudly at them sending the small one realing and the horned wam drew her blade, I thought I had let my temper pull us all into a fight but the young prince calmed everyone down despite drexla seeming enraged at the site of a hume. The asked for food and I softened a bit and felt guilty, when I heard how long it had been since their last meal I knew I had to help even if it was so small.
As the odd collective finished there food and I packed them a bundle, bogbean flew into camp with bricky slumped across her back. She dumped him on the ground before me like a bundle of bricks and he was still as death as black ichor poured out. I did my best to stitch him up as I've seen my other means of healing don't seem to help him.
As we waited for him to stir from wherever dead men dream, bogbean spoke of a young tabaxi girl who's invisible friend attacked bricky. Finally a real lead on the mission from the maiden in my dreams and confirmation I'm doing the right things.
When bricky awoke we spoke more of what had occurred and what our plans wher for the next day. As our guests left the prince mentioned how he had seen more like bog bean and she was some how related to the inventor. I gave them food for there travels and denied there gild as they were struggling so much in our lands and thos seemed to displease v.
The next day we set out to first look for the loxidon Caravan so that I could smoth things out with Naz and deliver my sweets but I got us lost despite my impeccable sense of direction. Instead we headed to the tabaxi incampment too look for Ella's and her imaginary friend. As we looked for the child bogbean pointed out something we could not see. When we followed what she saw she said it ran at her and I herd it's claws and saw as her sword was gouged as it attacked her. It apparently ran afterwards bogbean swinging her sword through it and doing nothing. Ela came looking for the creature or Mr . Peepers as she called it and told us how it came from her dreams after she wished for a friend to protect her. She said people who were mean to her disappeared.
After the girl left drexla flew off looking for something and we all followed into an alley where bogbean froze and went a pale sickly green and she pointed forward where the creature supposedly was and drexla shot flame from her hands after reading a scroll and we saw the outline of the best. Thin and bent with long claws. I could feel it'd energy leave ad bogbean said it vanished and we all herd a horrific laugh. When we investigated where it had just been drexla found the corpse of a tobaxi woman who had her heart torn out. We decided to find the speaker, a very rude woman, and explaine what brought us here and what we found, though she found my long winded explanation annoying apparently. She seemed to believe us but was dismayed by the sight of bogbeans sword which appears to have belonged to someone she knew.
We decided to hold of on looking for the dream monster as none of us besides bogbean could see it, and instead head to the next round of the tournament. We managed nor to be in the same bracket as the others this time and they went first. The fight started slow with most either taking cover or preparing themselves. As the leonin competitors ran forward and started there attack drexla once again dropped smoke onto the field obstructing most of the area. The fight was neck and neck every blow being answered with one in kind as one leonin slung spells at my companions Luna went down after being struck down by the golden leonin. I thought it was going to be the end of our other teams run bit v and drexla broght it back from the brink knocking them down slowly and getting battered in the process. V went down to the caster barely leaving her standing as drexla finished her off with a blast from her gun.
As Luna awoke on the sidelines her and I spoke I checked her over slightly and congratulated her on how well she did. We spoke briefly on our pasts and I told her a little about my bandages and why I wear them.
I saw our next opponents a group of giant minator and I sighed deeply prayimg that my magic will be enough to keep my friends safe and my strength would last.