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Sun 26th Mar 2023 10:48

Arriving before the party

by Tobias Shadowmane

Merely two weeks into our travel towards the festival we were attacked by a rabid pack of kobolds who saw fit to try and raid my food stores, most likely finding us an easy target as I'm not allowed to rest close to the caravan. I was happy to take their gold at first as I hoped it would help me in my travels but I failed to realize peoples attitude towards me and leonin in general would affect them so much as well. The scaled one V was the first to awaken the group to the dangers afoot, and I'm told he had nearly as much trouble as I did with those scaled rats. After I dispatched one I was quickly stabbed by another and shot by a spell slung by a bigger one, knocking me from consciousness. In my dreams I found myself in a vast grassland where the sun set on every horizon, here I found myself standing in front of the starry visage of the woman from my first vision, from her first warning. As I sat before her she asked me what I dreamed of, confused by her question I told her of how I wished to defend my cart and the travelers I left by it, which she found a bit funny and perhaps it was. She told me of a little girl who's imaginary friend is putting her in danger. I will not fail her again, I will use the powers she gave me to protect those who can not. I awoke with the fairy buzzing around my head which pounded like had been trampled by the entire caravan, though I suppose it could be worse as V got "fixed up" by bricky who used leather to sew his throat closed. He and the blue woman Luna were pretty banged up so I healed them as best I could while trying to avoid the eyes of the others but I fear I failed at that.
As we arrived in town I separated from the caravan and received payment from captain V, I may have overcharged them but that one seemed to have the money to burn as well as the dangers along the road. Upon entry to the city I was shaken down by two guards who demanded taxation for my entrance, I forgot how terrible the towns can be towards my kind. I felt poorly overcharging my passengers, that was until V decided not to heed my warnings and please and touched the sacred stone, now I'm happy I did.
Along the way i ran into an old family friend, Lincon Goldmane. I was happy to see another leonin after so long and non the less a friend, but I was heartbroken to see he's still in the business of hunting humans. I have not decided what to do yet but I don't know what I can do just yet. He informed me of a kankeu woman who might have information on my father and what befell him. I have to chase any lead I can and this is the first tangible lead I've had. Hopefully she can give me some information, I wont stop until learn what happened.