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Thu 3rd Aug 2023 07:52

Picking up the pieces

by Tobias Shadowmane

Time...time slowed to a standstill as Vs blade plunged into Luna as she dove atop Lincoln. What is wrong with these people?! Drexla, so ruthless she'd kill an unconscious man whom we've already defeated no mater how much he'd wronged us. V, who'd follow along and try to kill a man to "speed things up" or so unaware that he'd stab a friend by mistake. Luna who has a kind soul but a rash mind and would throw herself in harms way for a dishonorable man, she has to much life left in her to die in such a way. Poor Bricky who cannot rely on the integrity of his own mind bringing ruin to himself and other, what a tragic creature he is. Bogbean is probably the most normal of the lot and has yet to hassle me. We dragged the two of them into the cart as Bricky and Bogbean took the reins. We took of in a random direction and I got to work healing Luna using the magic I had left to revive her. As she stirred awake the brief moment of relief is washed away as Lincolns body rattled along with the cart. I turned my focus onto him as he lay there staring blankly up with half closed eyes, the fucking fool, sullying the name of the tribe trading in flesh, then stealing from the clan, perhaps I'm the fool trying to save a dishonorable man but the thought of standing over a defeated man and trying to take his life makes me think of what my father would say about how a virtuous man should live, than his final words crash over my being like a tidal wave twisting my stomach into knots, "Sometimes terrible things must be done to protect those you love". I push it all aside and get to work applying pressure and try to examine the wound, the bolt was horribly deep and had torn a lot on its way in, this was gonna be very delicate work. I gently grabbed the haft of the bolt and life chuckled at my attempts at virtue rocking the cart violently causing me to pull the bult free. Red hot crimson sprayed onto my hands, splattering lightly across my face and pooling around him. Drexla was the first to speak "its not my fault....there was nothing you could have done.." her word were drowned out as the rattling of the cart grew louder and louder into a roar eventually turning into a drowning ring that pierced my ears as rage boiled to the top filling my stomach with a burning fire. My mind was coold by the soft brush of the Night Mother's presence bringing me back to reality as I realized I had just been staring at Lincolns corpse. I couldn't stand to see him any longer and grabbed him to throw him off the wagon, as I tried I was stopped by Drexla and V who wanted to loot his body, of course. When they had finished I collected him and pushed him out the back i was saddened as he tumbled away but he'd lost the right to a proper burial long ago.
I sat in silence tending to the last of Luna's wounds, Drexla and V climbed to the top of the cart chatting with sarsoon the snake man crewmate of V. The cart slowed to a crawl and eventually I walked along to the front only to find that Bricky lacks the ability to see in the dark, I touched his forehead and send a mote of the Night Mother's essence to him to help him see. Climbing into the back of the cart I slumped into a corner staring at the now cold crimson pool as it seeped into the wood. Eventually we came to a stop in order to rest, we split up the watches and I found somewhere to sleep in solitude, and prayed the Night Mother would visit me and give some sort of guidance but I was visited only by nightmares. I was awoken by Luna who woke a few others of the others and told us something was approaching camp, out from the woods came a group of tabaxi refugees all of which were injured some far worse than others. I asked for them to wait and alow me to heal there wounds they agreed and I with the help of Luna treated them for the next few hours. As I set bones and wrapped wounds I couldn't help but think about all those who were killed because of us, because of me.
The tabaxi departed into the forests as the rest of the group awoke, I cleaned the blood from my hands and started cooking a meal for our group, just doing whatever I can to help, to be of use. As the group debated back and forth on where our next destination would be I napped but found no rest from my exhaustion. Eventually they decided to return to port to grab V's ship before we go to the kenku village. We made our way sticking to the forest for the next month traveling slowly and I managed to track a large herd of elk through the forest and bring down more than I expected, this spear is great for hunting. I wish to be back with my uncle and cousins tracking game through the sacred grasslands, I wonder what they are doing under the stars tonight. Bricky also proved a great hunter which was a surprise to me give his natural smell. Some of the others didn't fair as well with V and Drexla looking especially disheartened, but perhaps they are just not as accustomed to the wilds. One thing that I noticed no one talked about what happened that night this entire month, like they are all moving on they are already forgetting, but I won't, I can't.
We found ourselves back at Port but it was now a more gaunt and ghastly place no doubt because of the recent tragedies that have come to pass. Luna spoke with a woman who asked if we had seen any other survivors along the road, she seemed disheartened that we had not but not surprised. V seems to have some odd luck, as we stepped into town he was struck by lightning but it was a completely clear day and even more strangely he didn't seem surprised. Further in and V's luck continued as he had a conversation apparently having to pay the back cost of docking his ship, something I seem to recall making mention of. After paying his dues, V lead us to his ship to regroup with his crew and figure out the logistics of moving the cart and Torvas onto the ship. We decided the ships gangplanks were not strong enough to support the weight of the cart or Torvas, as such V and Drexla decided to go haggle with the other nearby ships for their gangplanks. In the meantime I went and prepared the cart as best I can to get on the ship and brought it to the end of the dock. Drexla and V seemed to be getting on well though they seemed not to have realized how heavy the planks were as the struggled to move them, I thought about helping, but thought better of it. I was standing with the others wondering where V and Drexla were when I heard another crack of lightning, a few minutes later the pair returned dragging the final plank at a snails pace, I wonder if it was pride or ignorance that made them try and do it without any help.
After they had arranged the planks on a way that'd reinforce themselves we got to work, first easing Torvas onto the planks, halfway through they planks began to squeak and make the pore fellow skittish but I managed to calm his nerves and coax him abored. He was having trouble getting his legs underneath himself and I realized it was also the first time I'd been on a ship myself, having only been on our small river canoe and rarely that. After getting him to lay down we began the arduous task of loading the cart aboard the ship. It was quite difficult to pull it up luckily bogbean is a little power house and did much of the work on her own. We managed to get it on just as the planks gave way dropping Luna and Bricky into the bay. Before I had time to worry Luna hauled the two of them onto the dock, she's surprisingly strong.
It was finally time to be off after we strapped down the cart and put wood blocks behind its wheels, we departed and I fixed the mess in the kitchen before starting to make a meal. As we sailed along I stared out at the horizon trying to imagine what our adventures will throw at us next......I didn't have to imagine long because whatever drexla and the others were doing at the front of the ship brought a large angry red Fishman onto the deck. What now?