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Tue 30th Jan 2024 02:34

The battle of Fort Irrigan

by Tobias Shadowmane

The last week or so since leaving lady Kree and the rest of the Kenku have been a complete blur that has left me questing myself and those around me. Arriving at the fort and seeing its lush fields of crops surrounding the walled city was nothing like what I had expected of so called scarred lands that were said not to be futile, but the others speculate that may be because of these pillars which radiate odd power scattered about. Along with the pillars odd metal machines were fluttering around tending to crops and moving back and forth beyond the wall. As we neared the entrance we lined up with the rest and as were being let in they stopped Bricky for some odd reason saying they needed to ask more questions, as we argued the point an alarm was sounded, as from the tree lines ran a large group of those dog like monsters and we all sprung into action. I brought out my bubble to help the civilians and the guards near me, they took a second to convince my magic meant them no harm. we made through them with very few casualties on our side though i wish i could have done more. The Capitan there recommended, that if we were willing to help more, we go see the garrison commanders and commander general to see if they need anything.
we entered deeper into the city and it was truly a marvel, never had I seen this many Humes or Dimen and had never seen a Hellscaared before, but they were everywhere here. As always we collected plenty of stares as we made our way through the city finding a message board covered in requests from the citizens of the city, one specifically called out to me about a boy who hasent slept in days and his mother worries.